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Posts posted by Force-Jedi

  1. I can see both sides of the argument, on one hand there are some cool promotional items I wish I had got but I also have some promotional items that are cool and I don't want people to just get them because I subbed for them in a limited time. I think that the current way they do things is fine, if people missed a reward they missed it, tough luck there will be more.
  2. They could be safe houses. They would be in the same area / directory / category as Strongholds, but wouldn't add to your conquest bonus and would count toward their own active max-cap. I'm not sure with the increase in SHs and max active we currently have and with a new one already coming out if we would see performance issues result.


    But if used as a credit sink, it could be helpful. Seems like a lot of people like the idea so far.


    I like the idea of safe houses, Its not only an aesthetic thing but it could also have some good role playing potential!

  3. I think I huge problem is that EA doesn't see much for swtor and thus they pump more funds into games like the sims and Fifa.


    But the game is still doing ok so obviously we cant just blame it on that, I completely agree that most companions have been neglected, in the old days the companions werent just your warriors they were characters with stories and pasts. But with the shadow of Revan it seemed that this was over as I don't recall any unique companion interactions what so ever.


    They said with KOTFE it would all change, the companions would be better and we were getting new ones too, I was excited , I couldn't wait to explore what our companions did for 5 years and explore even more new companions.


    Turns out it did change! But not for the better, the companions essentially became, in HKs words "Meatbags" to use for fighting, obviously this is an mmo and thats a key component of the game but Swtor isnt like most mmos its hugely story based! I guess its just out with the old in with the new.

  4. She didn't "find balance." It was more like she rationalized her own shortcomings away, using parts of different philosophies so she could justify her emotional outbursts and still feel good inside. If she rewrote a new code, it would be:


    "Through passion and emotional outburst, I gain inner peace. Through inner peace, I grow stronger to combat the chaos. Ignorant enemies fall at my feet as I use the Force to bring the galaxy into harmony. In the end, I feel pretty okay with myself."

    The Ashara code! :sul_smile:

  5. Stupid like 350k for preferred its really dumb tbh, you can have billions in escrow and can only have 350k at a time, lol
    As someone who has played both preferred and sub I may have something to add to the discussion. I have multiple toons at max and I have payed for many a subscription, I feel like because of my loyalty and loyalty of many other people we should at least not have our credits capped at such a low ammount. Sure some people have only paid for the cheapest cartel coins to get preferred but I am not one of those people and there are definitely many in my position.
  6. To me the Idea of merging servers means bringing people together so we can all enjoy the content swtor has to offer.

    Now I play on the EU Servers so I'm not familiar with US servers as much but I can tell you there is only one server in the EU that's not literally dead The Red Eclipse. My old server (Tomb of Freedon Nadd) has literally 10 people on the fleet max, 10, 10 poor souls left on a barren world and I imagine its the same on many servers. These people deserve to be able to experience the swtor we do. The question for Europe is not "should we?" but "when will we?" :csw_tattooine::sy_darkside::csw_tattooine:

  7. I was wondering whether there is a chance we'd see more companion interactions added in future story content or retroactively into KotFE and KotET? The companion scenes namely we got in the original game is something that is heavily missed by the players, especially such dialogue scenes with our love interests. It would have been a nice thing to have inbetween chapters these short little scenes that would allow us to get to know our companions better and truly build up a relationship with them.


    Also, sidenote, will it be possible for our characters to marry the romance options from the latest two expansions such as Lana, Theron or Koth? It was a very nice story element of the original companion romances and it would be amazing if it could be continued with the new romance options that came in KotFE and KotET. Perhaps a thing to consider for future story content along with adding short companion dialogue scenes inbetween chapters?


    I really like this idea, it seemed like at 5.0 they planned on making companions more involved but it really seems like after so long they just completely stopped the idea of having 1 on 1 interactions with your companions. Its so disappointing that we don't get to learn more about the new companions and learn about what previous companions did for the 5 YEARS the outlander was in carbonite.

  8. A possible solution would be to make a head piece that is similar to the covert energy armor and just turns off the hood. That would be a really easy fix!! There are multiple head items in the game that turn off the hood, you could just make one that has no visible piece. It would just turn off the hood! There are some really cool cloaks with hoods in this game and I just wish I could see my whole character's head with them. Thank you for your time!

    Thats a great idea some of the hoods just look horrible, especially without the hair, its such a waste of good armor.

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