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Posts posted by Berin-Tath

  1. Thanks Hanak! That sounds like exactly the right environment for me. I'll try to connect with you in-game tomorrow, as I'll probably be off-and-on throughout the afternoon.


    I did a little GSF on Ebon Hawk today: you've got a lot of good gunship pilots over here! Honestly I'm not very good a Starfighter yet, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. My plan is to get my Star Guard equipped for taking down gunships, and attacking turreted sats.

  2. Howdy!


    Right now my main is on Begeren Colony, but I've had some alts on Ebon Hawk before. I'm thinking of rebuilding my main over here, mainly because the culture seems to be better on the Republic side and you have lots of organized GSF activity (like this guild).


    What I want to know is this: is Saberwing OK with casual players? I'm probably on for somewhere between 10-15 hours a week, mostly in the weekends. Between work and college courses, when the new semester comes up 10 hours will probably be the maximum I can offer. I'll probably level up primarily through GSF and PVP, so you could expect to see a lot of me in guild activities.


    Because of how little time I spend in game, especially on weekdays, I've been playing the game solo for the time I've been on here, but I'm really interested in finding a relaxed guild environment that will except casual (and slightly introverted) players.

  3. Technically, the purpose of debate is to persuade the observers, not the debators. The debators are supposed knowledgeable and firm in their positions. The observers are not educated or firm, and the debators are attempting to sway their opinions.


    "Debates" on the internet usually have a lot of the "firm" and "opinions" but "education" and "knowledge" are woefully absent. Generally the smart people are either not talking or are so upset they don't sound smart. When somebody does say something smart, a snarky person comes along and kills the thread before it becomes thought provoking (couldn't have that, now could we?).


    It's not that debates don't go anywhere. It's that mindless bash-fests featuring "fanboi vs. TOR-hater" goes nowhere. And when we try to convince ourselves that we're actually "debating", we're just kidding ourselves, because even if we're being legit, somebody will come along and start mud-slinging.

  4. I think I'm missing something: Do you enjoy playing the game today as it is right now? If F2P wasn't announced would you have resubbed? If yes to both of those questions then this doesn't affect you at all cause for continued subs you're basically getting the same game you have now and they're throwing you some in game freebies to boot. Sure you paid more for the game client when it came out than someone will today...but that's true of every game; 6 mos later they are always cheaper. I bought the Collectors Edition...I still have the game, the book ,the Malgus, the soundtrack and the box....I haven't lost anything. Again, what am I missing here?



    ^This is the voice of reason. Listen.

  5. Several of you said something like "now it's all about money".


    Um...what was it about before?


    This game was made to turn a profit. If you can't handle that, move to a country where making money is a bad thing. People don't make games for fun. Even WoW was made to turn a profit.

  6. If you file in an American court: after the judge is finished rolling on the floor laughing, he will ask if there were any such terms explicity stated in your contract, and when EA's lawyer points out that there aren't any, he'll tell you that in America if something isn't explictly stated then it doens't count. And EA's lawyers would eat you for lunch anyway.


    If you file in Europe: after the judge stops hyperventilating, and the reporters stop saying "it's the end of the world!", the judge will EA is an evil corporation, disolve it, and give the proceeds to you, which, after taxes, will amount to nothing, taking European inflation into account.

  7. In real life you rarely get what you pay for for anything. It doesn't make EA feel bad at all. They laugh at you for continuing to pay for something you clearly despise.




    Seriously, people who don't like the game but keep playing make me think they have no life outside of SWTOR. Makes me feel sorry for them. But not very much, because they're incredibly annoying to those of us who actually like the game.

  8. So, people spent a little money and then quit because they didn't like the game.


    Sometimes you spend money on something, and then you don't like it. Welcome to life.


    Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to like the game either. So, you thought the game was terrible. Fine. But I like it, and I'm spending my money on it, not your money. So please, build a bridge, get over it, and move on to another game.


    It's not the end of the world. Seriously.

  9. To be honest, any tank that's in Hammer Station should already have their taunts. At the BT level, no, but it's a 2 person FP. Hammer Station? Definitely need 4 and your tank should definitely already have taunts. If not, your tank probably isn't high enough level to handle that place anyway.


    See, I just assumed that, if he says he's a tank, he knows if he's a tank, and can therefore handle Hammer Station. I just won't make that mistake again.

  10. I think the IA has a lot of funny lines. Case in point:



    After freeing the carbon-frozen bounty hunter on Hutta, I return to his friend, who thanks me, I select the "your welcome" option (if I remember correctly) and my agent says, "the galaxy could use more Jedi-killing-bounty-hunters," in a totally sarcastic voice.


  11. It's really interesting reading this. I have been discouraged lately with the way some people are acting when I use group finder. I am brand new to MMO. This is my first one and I have a level 42 DPS character. Sometimes I play and no one complains and we all get along fine. Lately though, I have had a few instances where I get voted out of the group. They don't complain before hand, and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Is this normal from time to time? How do people expect newbies to learn? I had no idea what a tank was, or what DPS meant a month ago, and I love the game, but a lot a players seem to be wound so tight it takes some fun out of it.


    See, this is the sort of thing I'm talking about. Is there anything we can do about it, or do we just have to accept the fact that some people like to be randomly mean, especially to newbs?


    I just wish there was a clear tip off so you could recognize the tight-wound-know-it-alls and the can't-play-but-talk-like-they-cans before you group with them. When I join groups, I admit that I don't usually know what I'm doing. It's just to bad that people don't do the same.


    I know I have to accept these people as a fact of life, so I'm not complaining about them. I was just trying to figure out if the long time players knew how to get wise to the bad people before they actually do something.

  12. Ok, Simply a missunderstanding on your part. Black Talon FP is the first fp in the game players can join it at level 10 and up. You didn't realize a "tank" has no aggro ability until higher level, i think its around 14 or so don't remember. IF the healer was healing which isnt normally needed on that fp than yes he will get aggro and the only way to pull from him is to kill it. Aggro will go everywhere, once they get higher level they get abilities to hold aggro better but for the most part, aggro control is a learned talent. Takes Time. Hope this helps.


    Yes, that makes sense.


    But really, I still don't want to run into people who are going to quit, even though we're doing fine, just because we were all playing that the low-levels that we are.


    He was lv17, anyway, and actually seemed to have some tanking ability. And he wasn't getting targetted by AOE at all, while I, for one example, was playing sniper, and therefore much less mobile, which meant I was getting hurt by ranged AOE a lot, which naturally made the healer more concerned about me.


    And healing is a little helpful when dealing with the final boss, since you have to deal with his AOEs and the extra guys he keeps bringing in, which forces advanced classes like the sniper to go mobile, which means less damage occurs to the boss, which means he has a longer time to deal damage out to everyone else.


    @alifaraaz: that's what I thought. Kind of a change for me, because in the last MMO I was on, you could pretty much instantly recognize people who didn't know how to play, based on their equipment and weapons.

  13. OK, so, even with so few responses so far, basically what I'm seeing is this:


    1. Leveling is a pretty good barrier to keep these people away.


    2. Don't be shy with the ignore button.


    3. It's best to go with people you know, or at least recognize, when you can.


    4. Beyond that, there's precious little that can be done other than avoiding people with a lower level than you, which is not always something to go by.


    Is that pretty resonable?

  14. All these observations are valid. And I'm not really complaining about them, becasue they are pretty much a fact of life, what I'm really asking is, in your experience having played a lot longer than me, are there some signs or something that help you know when a group is mature and worth your time, and when it isn't.


    Basically, the guy was tanking, but not drawing agression, and because he was tanking the healer focused more on those of us who actually were drawing agression. He complained if his health wasn't 100% all the time, and he always waited for others to attack first even though he clearly stated he was playing tank. He left his keyboard in the middle of fights a lot without giving us a heads up. But he complained when other people did things the right way. And quiting because your upset that people are doing this the right way is really not cool.


    Again, this isn't an attempt to bash these people, I'm just asking the experienced people if they've found ways to recognize the un-helpful before getting stuck with them.

  15. No third faction. Instead, create internal factions with complex relationships.




    A. Internal factions pretty much implied anyway: the Republic is full of different factions vying for control, and the Empire is all about all about infighting, divisiveness, and office-alliances.


    B. Internal factions increase game diversity without forcing the addition of tons of new content and servers.


    C. Internal factions add variety to sites/planets where you cannot encounter people from the other primary faction.




    1. Expands on end-game: internal factions don't come into play until your class story ends. Then, at level fifty, and post-end-game, new stories open as you are given the option to join different factions within your alliegience. These factions would have stories and would also increase the leveling cap, say to 60 or 70.


    2. Each faction comes adds a new game-mechanic factor, expanding on, or enhancing, your advanced class abilities. It wouldn't add or change advanced classes, just enhance them. Possibly by extension of your skill tree, or maybe by adding something completely new to the game-mechanics, like a tree per cunning/armor/endurence/etc. that lets you customize your application of these things and adds some abilities related to them.


    3. Adds new gear, new fps/ops, and new regions to planets. This allows you to recycle planets without recycle missions, and without doing extreme amounts of new development, but still adds fresh, interesting content, and expands on all our favorite places and events.


    4. Expands the techniques/tactics of warzones without compromising the basic gameplay. This system would create more specialized roles, without compromising the basic empire vs. republic concept. However, one option could be to also create new warzones where internal factions fight with each other (this is also nice because finally, you could have the feeling of real in-fighting in the empire).


    5. Make the story-development of the faction more socially driven. You can do this by creating a relationship matrix for your character in a faction. In the matrix, you could specify for example that your are a member of faction X, but truly sympathize with faction Y and are therefore a double agent, working to thwart your factions goals. Somehow, the designers could make your choices have implications for the faction as a whole, somehow effecting everybodies story progression.



    Ideally, something like this would solve a lot of compliants about pvp and pve/endgame, allow further leveling which keeps people who don't like pvp playing longer, and an new lore-driven content. The idea of your decisions effecting a social group as a whole in a quantifiable way would also be interesting, and since this would drive story development could keep people playing pve way more interested post-endgame.

  16. So, I'm new to TOR, and the whole concept of flashpoints/operations is a little new to me. I've only gone on two (I'm still pretty low-level) fps, and the first time (Black Talon) I go with somebody really nice. Next time around I join a full size group, but it turns out he's a major whiner, doesn't understand how to play bosses and the differences between damage, healing, and tanking, and ends up quiting in the middle of the boss-fight on Hammer Station, which messed everybody else up.


    I've got a bad feeling that whinners and people who don't understand how to play are common problem. So, how can you tell who these people are before grouping with them?

  17. That makes sense.


    Here's a related question for ya'll:


    I'm a sniper, which makes me pure damage, for any group activities (and even just running around with a companion) I usually just hang out at the back of the group and focus on the highest level enemy in a mob. Which is more different from damage-tanking or healing?

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