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Posts posted by TwoLekku

  1. Won't let any of us in - and the server status shows as "up".  Solid work, devs.  Can 7.4 just be fixing the insane number of bugs we have to fight through in order to actually play the game?  Ops members showing as dead after reviving, crashes so frequent they're actually called a "loading screen boss", etc etc...i'd be embarrassed, frankly.

  2. 2 hours ago, felleto said:

    This will be a difficult bug to replicate. Sorry this happened to you and your group. 

    I will add to the player bug-tracker so we can keep an eye out if I'm in an ops groups. What operation was this on? 

    Added to the bug tracker: https://github.com/rfelleto/SWTOR-bug-tracker/issues/23

    Thank you for adding it.  The scenario I described above happened in EV/Gharj.  Embarrassing enough that people died in EV, i know, but still.  

    If there's anything that can be recorded or attached to the bug report when it happens again (ask around in fleet/ops groups, it's [sadly] not so difficult of a bug to replicate to be unknown to the player community), please let me know and i'll attach it when it happens again.

    My hunch is that if we fix the more common bug where a player in an operation dies and can't be rezzed after combat, we'll avoid all of the nasty entanglements that can spring from the initial desync or whatever is happening in this hairball of a codebase.

  3. SM Ops today - after a boss fight, 2 people who died couldn't be revived / couldn't accept revive.  No option for them but to log out and back in, which was already a thing and Maker forbid we fix actual important bugs.  When they relogged, they couldn't see the ops frame, chat in ops, or enter the op.  Relogging several times eventually got them to see the ops frame but still couldn't enter the op.  No error message showed when they tried to enter.

    We eventually disbanded because nothing fixed the issue and I'm tired of being a better dev than the people paid to work on this game; i have my own software to work on and I'm embarrassed for every single person getting overpaid by EA to write code for this mismanaged pile of crap.

    But hey, at least the devs fixed some outfits.  $%^%ing kidding me.  

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, OwenBrooks said:

    I didn't fail to understand the 'workaround'.  It didn't work for me.  It's not working for others, too.  If it's a solution with variable and random success rates, it's not a proper solution.  Stop suggesting it - unless you fully understand the code behind why it works for some people and not others, in which case you should be offering a much more detailed explanation.  So either provide much more detail or stop offering half-baked suggestions.

  5. On 4/7/2023 at 8:33 PM, OwenBrooks said:

    try changing the language on the launcher , then switch back

    Also fails.  Also that's a terrible workaround.  Let's request solutions that don't require two 40gb(ish) downloads and not waste people's time offering solutions we haven't tested or fully understand ourselves, even especially if they are terrible.  

    • Like 1
  6. I hope this is okay for me to plug here.


    I have recently published a cross-faction written guide for Annihilation and Watchman, as well as a video counterpart. I won't say that I've "completed" it, as I'm constantly editing and adding information as it becomes apparent, and will continue to as we move through changes within 7.X!


    Written Guide: https://lithistoswtor.com/2022/03/watchman-sentinel-annihilation-marauder.html

    YouTube Counterpart:


    FYI your written guide URL isn't functional

  7. What an absolute hogwash.


    If I am ignoring a player for legitimate reasons, then their whole legacy deserves to be ignored.


    If I am ignoring a player for frivolous reasons, then my legacy deserves to be ignored by them.


    Ignore function cannot be abused the same way that report function can be. Even if I put every player on the server in my ignore list, so what? I am only cutting myself off from everyone, in which case I most likely know what I am doing. The others are not punished by my absence.


    Perotta, you're being too kind.


    OP's opinion is bad and they should feel bad. If someone is spamming or annoying enough to land on my small ignore list, why the @$#%^ would i want to see them again when i alt?


    We've been asking for this for years and we appreciate the devs getting around to it for all the reasons Perotta just said. Figure it out, OP.

  8. Setting aside the part where we received a feature that no one asked for - namely the ability to land an operation that no one asked for - sometimes groupfinder will disband all or part of the group. When this happens, things start to break further:

    -GF queue is broken for everyone tossed out

    -By this i mean that requeueing brings up the same queue you were in and the timer is still going but it's a lie; you aren't going anywhere.

    -When the timer expires, nothing happens. Requeueing at this point brings up the same matched ops group but the timer is at 0 and, again - nothing happens - unless seeing the game lie to you about being matched with the same group counts as "something". Because again, you're not going anywhere.


    Log out and back in, right? Nope. Not fixed.


    Log out, login to a diff char, logout and now the game is REALLY broken:

    -If you logged in to the opposite faction and then back, the absolute donkey of a game thinks you're still logged in to the opposite faction. You can't talk to anyone, can't whisper anyone, your stronghold list is empty, and the whole point of the game (you know, "playing") is moot because now it just feels like any further troubleshooting is work that some other developer was paid to do and if you're going to do work, you might as well stay logged out and do actual work. Well, that last part is more opinion than fact but when the facts break the game, I'm entitled to whip out my large, thick opinion.


    Here's the game thinking i'm a Republic jugg; you can see that i'm clearly back on my jugg on the imp fleet and clearly the game thinks that the other jugg putting the ops group together isn't in my faction.




    Really a spectacular failure, all things considered, since the point of an MMO is to group for things. One day i hope for world peace, for all the children of the world to hold hands and sing in harmony, and for BW to be almost as good at facilitating group content as i am at naming my toons.



  9. The gearing guides say around 1400 alacrity for Lethality. However since this thread (
    ) says otherwise about alacrity breakpoints (and this has been discussed for mercs on their forums as well), is the only interesting breakpoint 1857 for leth ops?


    And if so, is it worth staying at the low end of the alacrity breakpoint (702) and maxing crit until gear is good enough to sustain 1857 alacrity with decent crit to back up - or should one go for 1857 alacrity in low gear (236's) even though crit will be as low as 1300?


    This is obviously a PVE-related question.


    I love my leth op at 1860 alacrity, but at 236 it doesn't really matter. IMHO it's not worth the time or creds to min/max at that gear level, just use your upgrades to slowly nudge your alacrity up until you're there.

  10. I managed to log in from the third time. I see many have problems with entering the game.


    Yep, takes 3-5 attempts now.


    First attempt, click 'play' and the launcher disappears but no game. Nothing. Task manager says "lol what swtor, there's no swtor running here".


    Second attempt hangs for a bit and then usually gets to server screen, and then tells me i've lost my connection. My fiber connection begs to differ.


    Third-fifth attempts look like the second attempt until something finally clicks at Bioware and all of a sudden i can actually play the game.


    Fun times.

  11. Plenty of times I've seen/used leave mid strategy. It's worked a treat most times. - Also caught my team on the hop roughly an equal number of times. - Maybe not quite so good against well-co-ordinated teams, but in reg pugs it's not a bad play. - especially the contest mid, then fade to the off-node tactic.


    take 2 and hold is a winning strategy. - or take 1 before the enemy and deny them the 2nd is also valid - albeit rather slower.



    No. Just...God, no. If OP is talking to non-experts, then the only helpful bit quoted above is "take 2 and hold is a winning strategy", which is sorta like pointing out how the sky is blue.


    Sending half the team to the closest side node at the beginning, unless it's a response to the other team, is literally a waste of half the team. The occasions when you need 4 node guards at the start are so rare that they're not worth discussing in a "dear new players" thread.


    So if you're sending the minimum viable guard to the near side, the rest of the team can either rush mid or rush the side node. You could come up with scenarios where rushing the other side yields better odds. None of them apply to newer players and uncoordinated teams, which is the starting assumption of the thread.


    Uncoordinated teams of questionable skill will have the best odds when someone with a pulse volunteers to guard and call if necessary and the rest of the team tries to take mid. Bonus if a single skilled stealther can draw attention to the enemy node or steal it outright. But the only way team A of questionable skill wins after sending half the team to redundant guard duty is if team B is twice as bad.

  12. I tried searching but didn't see it, this is a pretty big one. In Operations, if a group member leaves and needs to be backfilled, whoever joins the group from the group finder cannot see /ops chat, and they can't talk in it either. Ops announcements work, but not Ops chat. This makes it almost impossible to coordinate an Operation without creating a custom channel for people to speak in.


    I've confirmed this happens in the following Ops -


    Explosive Conflict

    Dread Palace

    Valley of the Machine Gods


    Most recently confirmed on 12/15 with VOTMG.


    Incredibly annoying. I've confirmed it in every GF group with a backfill in 2018.


    Groupfinder is already as buggy as a Peruvian forest; allowing this additional, obvious, and incredibly consistent bug to persist for so long frightens and confuses me. It shouldn't be this hard to do group content in an mmo.

  13. I don't exactly understand your approach to gearing. Without calculating the exact numbers you seem to have about 1800 crit and 1400 alacrity, right? What's the reason behind this? Don't you want to go for either the first (around 750) or the second (around 1860) alacrity cap? You're kind of wasting 600-700 alacrity right now.

    And the second question would be about the crit-relic you're using. I thought that the "numbers-guys" found the SA/FR combo to be the best one (especially for a high crit build), am I missing something?


    Yeah. This x 10. It'd be one thing if Mr. Guide had done the calculus (and i mean that literally - diminishing returns are literally a curve to be plotted) to show that after hitting the 1860 alacrity threshold, the resulting crit was low enough to actually benefit from the crit relic.


    And there exist specs who actually do better in the 1400-ish alacrity range (cough IO Merc cough) because of the effect on resource management and rotation precision. But in no case is someone running 1800 crit and getting more out of the crit relic than the two standard power/mastery relics. That math has already been done and there's no point in further debate unless someone has a shiny new equation to show off.


    But since warriors don't have a time-based resource regen and aren't channeling, they tend to be poster children for the 1.3sec GCD gear setup...which means that second best is the 1.4 sec GCD setup and the worst place is literally where this gear appears to take us. Alacrity that isn't (a) increasing APM, (b) improving resource availability, or © permitting a superior rotation = wasted stat points better spent in crit. 1400 alacrity on a warrior is like a 2nd tank in EV. Both make me a little sad.


    TLDR: back your gear choices up with hard math or delete your gear section. Better off leaving it blank than giving out crap advice.

  14. No, it gets better. Additional issue: sometimes all of the overflow shows up in your mail. For instance, in the mailbox of a character you've nearly finished clearing out and prepared for deletion. Click on legacy storage to put one or two things in, notice I'm one of the ppl missing some legacy storage visibility, and then realize that this char's personal inventory just filled up and I got 50 new mail arrivals. So now I can't delete this character, right, because the FIFTY new mail items stuffed full of overflow would also be deleted.


    You don't need to empty your storage, they said. It won't be like other transfers, they said. fml


    Oh good, now it's 17 new mail. So it's just disappearing in front of my eyes. Lovely.

  15. Hey folks,


    The team has worked out what is going on. For starters, you do not need to panic, all of your items are actually there, you just can't see them currently. The issue was if a player had a Legacy Cargo Hold on more than one server, one of them could now appear missing. This only happened in rare instances, which is why not everyone was experiencing it. We will have a fix for this in a patch next week.


    We apologize for any frustration this has caused, we’ll get you fixed as soon as possible. More updates to come.




    No, it gets better. Additional issue: sometimes all of the overflow shows up in your mail. For instance, in the mailbox of a character you've nearly finished clearing out and prepared for deletion. Click on legacy storage to put one or two things in, notice I'm one of the ppl missing some legacy storage visibility, and then realize that this char's personal inventory just filled up and I got 50 new mail arrivals. So now I can't delete this character, right, because the FIFTY new mail items stuffed full of overflow would also be deleted.


    You don't need to empty your storage, they said. It won't be like other transfers, they said. fml

  16. I welcome the nerf bat. If it gets rid of mercs using both heal utilities and clears out the bads benefiting from an over tuning of the class I am all for it.


    I liked it when running merc required skill and there were less people willing to play it knowing how hard it was to stay alive.


    If it means ruining it for the bads benefiting from an over tuning of the class I say hurry up with the nerf.


    Hard to feel special running a class where they tuned it in such a way that any bad can do it.


    This. Some of us were just fine before the overtuning and we'll be just fine after. Everyone else deserves their impending destruction.

  17. It's a good idea, but I think the servers would just explode. The game engine is buggy enough as it is.


    This, all day, every day. It's not like the existing ability bugs receive quick attention (wounding shot bug, electronet ticking through undying/GBTF, etc).

  18. Some of my very best matches where I contributed the most to helping win were very low damage for me.


    Some of my very best matches where I contributed the most to helping us win were top damage for me.


    It all depends on the situation. One thing is certain though: having high damage output *never* hurts.


    Mostly this. Lost a close VS once and had a rager who did half my dps. His answer was "it's about more than dps". My answer was "gj clicking on the doors after I mowed everyone down", because it was true.


    And then we've all won AHG's coming from behind because someone skillfully capped a node. There are objectives you reap through intelligence and objectives you reap through the other teams' souls.


    That having been said, Icy is going too far. At no point in the existence of the universe does the team with notably higher dps lose 60% of their matches over anything resembling a significant sample.

  19. May want to skim the subforum for that: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=426


    Considering one of the most recent threads is titled "Sins pretty much useless in ranked", maybe not too good.




    Kids: no one posting in the "new player help" section with a question as basic as picking a class needs current (perceived) ranked pvp performance as a factor in making their decision. Because, as i would have thought obvious, such a person is in the running for "least likely to participate in ranked pvp anytime soon". Not that there's anything wrong with that.


    Duh and/or hello.

  20. I recently return to the game and subbed 2 weeks ago. Since then I've not managed to get a single PVP game played at any level up to and including 70


    Is this the norm?


    Million-credit question: which server?


    Populated servers pop 70's. High-population servers pop all brackets. Desolate servers do neither.

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