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Posts posted by aziamtd

  1. Hey,


    Sorry you got such a crap response...and it should be expected. Go to their site, they don't even speak English nor do they seem to have empathy or care for those who have been on the front lines during Covid 19 & for what your job was...keeping us safe. Thank you for that!


    To answer your question, I have played a bit of Arsenal and I like it. I can't say 100% it is the best choice due to others opinions, but I do like the class and being out of it for years playing other games, coming back to it I do see what you are saying - it does not do as much as a bang up job in dps as it had, but still can be mitigated quite well. Many changes were made since I last played. Definitely check some guides out, but most of all, have fun with what you like. This community has always been toxic and entitled wanna-be players. Unfortunately, there really is no decent community anymore, imo, except for a small few. But keep at it and try to enjoy the game and ignore the drama ;)


    Hang in there and happy gaming!

  2. Hey,


    Sorry you got such a crap response...and it should be expected. Go to their site, they don't even speak English nor do they seem to have empathy or care for those who have been on the front lines during Covid 19 & for what your job was...keeping us safe. Thank you for that!


    To answer your question, I have played a bit of Arsenal and I like it. I can't say 100% it is the best choice due to others opinions, but I do like the class and being out of it for years playing other games, coming back to it I do see what you are saying - it does not do as much as a bang up job in dps as it had, but still can be mitigated quite well. Many changes were made since I last played. Definitely check some guides out, but most of all, have fun with what you like. This community has always been toxic and entitled wanna-be players. Unfortunately, there really is no decent community anymore, imo, except for a small few. But keep at it and try to enjoy the game and ignore the drama ;)


    Hang in there and happy gaming!

  3. Where to start?! First off, (as many have asked in other forums I have been reading), will there be another Revan's set or re release of it in pack or packs to come???? Between websites forums and while playing SWTOR itself, there are so many buzzing about this amongst many other comments and questions about Revan, Revan, Revan!!!!

    Gear seems to be the main key here. Which apparently was supposed to be fixed but in my opinion was a wash out excuse as to how to keep the old, while blending options players want into the new. There are some visual igc observations plain as day. The lower robe does NOT blend well at all with the top! Honestly, it looks washed out and dirty compared to the top. I did mention the word "blend" for a reason. This could have had some better results so that when in certain colors (now dyable), it is not such an eye sore. Ok, enough about the color for now. Aside from this, there is the problem of getting a hold of the entire collection/outfit. Everyone is scrounging around on the markets/GTN, general chat, website forums, etc... looking for Sashes and gloves (which seem to be the hardest to get) if you can get them at all...considering the gloves are about anywhere from $5-$9 million on the GTN and the sash is about $10-$15 million. It's pathetic!!!

    Aside from the color, supposed bug fixes and items hard to obtain...I'm curious as to why there was never boots or bracer's to complete the set???? And in actuality, imo it really is not a "complete set" unless it has bracer's and boots!!!!

    How about this, here goes a suggestion...why don't you A: Make some Revan and other hard to find or discontinued content available? Like a "daily exclusive" on the Cartel Market that gives the customer/player the option to buy the sash, gloves, etc....???? Or B: Read some of the Forums, In-game comments, etc... that sooo many other PAYING and non-paying customer's have been really annoyed by this (and other EA/Bio issues,bugs,patches,etc...) that has actually made them stop playing the game and/or closed their account because they feel passionate about this, and overall dissatisfied. :eek:

    Please keep new content and packs coming out! And what's so hard about bringing back older content if even for a day?! If you keep your players happy, you would be more inclined not to lose them to other games that are on the market, doing amazing! Regardless of how much work and effort you put into this game Bio/EA.... (which was a great launch and should be applauded) at the end of the day, remember that it is "us" the player's that help make you successful. ;)


    Thanks for letting me rant about this...

    A Subscriber/player, wife and friends of those who are really ticked off about all I have mentioned above!!

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