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Posts posted by Majno

  1. If you guys haven't solved it yet Lord of the Rings Online has an Outfitter very similar to Swtor and they have weapons in theirs.

    So if you guys (the devs) have any friends over at Turbine, Standing Stone Games, Daybreak Game Company, Codemasters, Midway Games, Warner Bros Games, or whoever it was that developed that, now might be the time to call them.

  2. Hi all,


    I wanted to jump in and try and clarify some of the potential confusion in this thread.


    [*]As we previously stated, the ability to have a second Combat Style and the additional Loadouts that come with it are features for active subscribers. Related to this topic, we did see a question being asked of “what happens to my second Combat Style if my subscription lapses?”. In short, your “second” Combat Style will become unusable including its Loadouts. Note the quotations around the word second. If your subscription lapses, your useable Combat Style will be the one you last logged out on when the cancellation hits your account. This means that if you log out on your primary Combat Style, you will continue to be able to play with that one and its Loadouts. If you log out on your secondary Combat Style, you will continue to be able to play with that one and its Loadouts. Essentially, whichever Combat Style is active when your sub lapses is the one you will continue to use when you log back in.






    Thanks for answering my question Chris. Happy holidays to you and the Dev team.

  3. A follow-up question to the Devs on that.

    So I have a Inquisitor Madness Sorcerer that I really want to change the combat style of.

    Upon 7.0 launch I will be a subscriber and choose a 2nd combat syle that I really want that character to have.

    My question is this: when my subscription time runs out, I reckon only one combat style will be available to me as a preferred player at that point., will it revert to my 1st combat style or lock on the one I'm using or let me choose which one to use, how does that work?

  4. Hello.


    I didn't want to write this letter, but now it seems I have to.

    Quick rundown of myself to let you know where I'm coming from.


    Born in the late 70's, saw old trilogy first of course, loved it, big fan of the franchise ever since. Started playing video/computer games in my early 20's.

    Played most of your stuff, loved it, kotor,dragonage,mass effect,swtor.

    So I think I represent a very large chuck of your audience.

    That being said, here is the point.


    Looks of characters, armor, availabillity, top level modable (now known as modable with augment slot item.)


    Why is this important you might think, oh wait, this is a roleplay game/mmo/ story based very immersive cinematic experience.

    So how things look is important I think. Yes, this is true. I can't believe it is not. My opinion of course.


    So what is the problem, well it seems you've taken an odd turn and made these things kind of hard to get to.

    If this is wrong, and getting a (complete) set of say ordinary looking clothing/robe/armor/ mix of all of the above, is easy, then by all means, do not continue reading.


    Now, I know you are still reading because this is not true.

    Even the opening modable (complete) set for all characters is very hard to come by, battle expulsor, saber marshal, imperator, panther, and so on.


    And now it seems you're going some odd way with reverse engineering, but even then it'll be hard to get a complete modable set with augment slot, for us to run around looking like we want to look.


    And the armor looks have taken a turn for the worse you know that too I'm sure, things are starting to come out looking like haloween costumes.

    With extensions and satelite dishes sticking off of heads and shoulders, what is that?


    You don't want the top end gear in this game looking like a sci-fi haloween spacesuits.

    You want it looking like a classic piece of gear for example Darth Maul's robes, simple elegant. Emperor Sidious's robes simple elegant, Han Solo's cptn outfit, simple elegant, with long sleveed jacket or vest. Boba Fett's armor, to the point, practical.

    Luke's gear in any of the three, simple, practical.


    OK, so what is the constructive simple easy soloution to this.


    Advanced class gear vendor, one for each by trainer at fleet's.


    He/she/it sells atleast 10 different (complete) sets of modable gear with augment slot.

    For a reasonable price, 100k a piece is not reasonable, you don't want to spend 1m credits to change outfit if you have to, that is not right, prices should be easy accessable.

    10-50k per piece max.

    That said, pull down on top level mod extraction prices, they are silly!


    So, for an example of outfits to be sold, now this can be mirrored to any advanced class by looks and example of clothing/robe/armor and location.


    The Jedi Temple on Tython is filled with Jedi in different versions of the battle expulsor set.

    Some with metal detail some without any metal just the plain robes.

    You take that outfit, colour it in tan, light brown, brown, dark brown, very dark brown, black, grey, dark grey, very dark grey, white, and a few other colours for fun, nothing too haloween!

    Even stick the metal on in differenet verisons and you got even more outfits.


    And voila, you got the guardian advanced class robe collection.


    (In Cptn Lazard voice) Many many many people would stand and cheer if you did this, I am sure of it, and not to assume too much, but I think I speak for atleast 80% of the people wanting to enjoy this game. And are doing it in some respect currently as is, but not really.


    Yours sincerely.


    P.s. would be sweet if a dev would post and say this has been read by the directors of the game, because it needs to be.


    Rock on 2012 SWTOR! :)


    P.p.s. also add the hood and glove toggle of course, easy win!

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