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Posts posted by Shendrak

  1. I'm not hopeful of playing my inquisitor any time soon if what was posted not long ago is true.

    The update was supposed to fix this bug, yet cs aren't responding in even a remotely acceptable timeframe then fobbing people off that a future update is the only thing to fix it, wth the last one was meant to deal with this.


    I'll resub yet again when it's fixed & not before,

  2. After taking a closer look at my Inquisitor & to a lesser degree my Sage, There is some companion wierdness.

    Initially I thought they had been completely removed, but it's stranger than that.




    Sorry about the hatchet job with ms paint, but basicly my class companions (the ones I did alerts for) are listed twice.

    At the bottom as unavailable (dropped out of contact)

    AND: the ones i've interacted with are listed a second time further up the companion list with their choices reflected, such as the Andronikos romance being resumed.


    My dead theron can also be summoned & is standing in my command centre as well, his character info reflects that I left him behind too which makes it even wierder.

  3. I'm having the same problem on my Inquisitor, no Ossus mission after speaking to moff pyron & returning to Lana

    In addition to that my class companions are now once again unavailable on basicly all of my post kotet characters.


    My inquisitor also has theron standing there in her command centre, quite the feat since he died on Nathema.


    For the time being i'm playing a newer character that hasn't touched any expansion content while I continue waiting on a ticket to be looked at & my account be either rolled back or unscrewed.


    Clarification to the companion thing above:

    Mayanne (darth malgus)

    Talos Drellik - I completed his alliance alert & mission on Yavin.

    Ashara Zavros - Reunited with her on Odessen

    Andronikos Revel - Reunited with him in his alliance alert & resumed romancing him.

    Xalek - Completed his alliance alert, allowing him to take revenge on the miners & took him back on


    Shinesta (darth malgus)

    Qyzen fess - Completed his alliance alert & collected points for the scorekeeper.

    Felix Irreso - Met back up with him on Odessan but didn't resume his romance.


    There are others but i'm typing this from memory and I can be sure you get the picture, I didn't even dare logging in other characters that have completed kotet onwards.


    Further Edit:

    The companion thing looks even wierder.


    Basicly now my companion window has two of my class companions

    One with its choices intact, the second at the bottom but unavailable & out of contact.

  4. I have to admit, I love being able to claim entire armour sets that I have collected on my main for other characters or for my companions.


    however Finding the sets from the current menu driven bar based on which pack it comes from is awfully clunky.


    What I personally suggest is a "collected items" tab that shows only the stuff you have, so clicking armour there will show the full sets, speeders for speeders and so on.


    instead of having to hunt through the current catagories and trawl through pages of not-yet-completed sets to find the ones you have.

  5. I recently started a pureblood jedi consular, i didn't expect many differences but found the actual quest dialogue results a bit Jarring.


    "Finally a Human that isn't in an imperial uniform"

    "Good thing i'm Human"


    Odd, guess the spines ridges and red skin really don't stand out :(

    It would have been a nice touch just to get it right for all the races.

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