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Posts posted by secondclaw

  1. I support the OP.

    As someone who has been subscribed for over a year, I unsubbed as well, with two days left to go on my 6 month sub, and this is probably my first and last chance to post on the forum. I unsubbed, and actually stopped playing few months ago, because I ran out of interesting things to do. I love progression raids, but cannot devote time due to work and family commitments, so I tried to find some things to do outside of raids. I tried to level an operative. Hit L65 mid way through second chapter, then gave up, as all gameplay became mundane and trivial. Might just as well watch rest of the story on YouTube.


    Ran my main toon, a healer sorc, through KotFE, and while I loved the story, I have no interest to do this with alts. Soloed a few hard mode star fortresses, action which while was very challenging, became a bit monotonous. Ran through many heroics, and got bored with repetition .... I've done those too many times throughout the year.


    I remember when I started as f2p, then as preferred, fighting for every bit of xp and credits on my first toon. I loved every moment of it, leveling and the struggle to survive mobs and bosses. I remember a random subscriber giving me credits to buy a speeder, since I could not afford my own. Then I found a great guild, and been subbed since.


    Now, credits flow like water, mobs and bosses have no fight in them, bugs do not get fixed, and outside KotFE, there isn't any new or fun thing to do. Companions lost their originality, story lost drama due to lack of challenge, and gearing lost it's meaning outside of HM / NiM ops.


    I had great time, made many friends, and hope to one day come back. I keep reading the forums for any signs of a change of direction.


    - Lianara

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