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Posts posted by WhoDaresWins

  1. Funny thing is, things were removed from the CE more than what was ever added lol. I just want more than a "Yes" answer from these guys. Quite unprofessional of them to respond with such a vague and childish answer.


    You must be new to how BioWare damage control works.

  2. Shut up and get out. This is the Expanded Universe, take George Lucas' ***** and leave.


    Considering just about everything else was deliberately in the style of the films with minor tweaks (Imperial Troopers look like black armoured Storm Troopers, Troopers are Clones, Agents can almost perfectly match Imperial Officers, Smugglers can dress near exactly like Han Solo) I don't think that argument really works here.


    But yes, the end game armours are awful, especially Agent and Knight.

  3. For all the penny pinching EAWare seem to be pulling with the Market it utterly baffles me that two of the most basic (for this day and age) MMO services are not available to buy: paid server transfers, character rennames and re customisation.


    Race and gender changes I left out due to the whole dialogue specific trouble that causes, but really why not? They've done server transfers for free in the past and now I ended up stuck on a EU server with zero role play on it. I don't want to remake my launch character just to get in on that. It took me fifty levels to notice how deformed my Agent looks, why not give us the option to change that? Its things people would take advantage of. Even WARHAMMER has paid name changes and we all know how behind the times that game is.


    Of all the useless things on the Store why not put these in?

  4. The fun thing is:



    NOBODY outside of Bioware knows how big Rise of the Hutt-Cartel will be in content except that it brings the lvl-cap-increase and Makeb as planet, yet pretty much EVERYBODY seems to know it won't be worth 15 $.....


    So....uh...do you guys have a magic glass-ball or a pimped Maya-calendar that tells you the future or something?



    What happened to the good old "we wait till we have ALL the infos, then think about it, then praise / complain" ?



    Oh, right, it's alot easier to directly say "i have no idea how many hours of playtime i'll get for those 15$, but in no way it'll be worth 15$, gotta grab my torch and pitchfork"


    Except common sense would dictate that they WANT players to purchase it, right? Surely, if you don't want scepticism and doomsaying from already annoyed subscribers you would want to reassure them that yes, this is worthy DLC content and not just a glorified patch they've trying to nickle and dime us for. This is why other games usually release ALL their 'expansion pack' (and lets be honest, this isn't an expansion pack) information on the major bullet points and updates in the patch during the first announcement.


    Its like going into a restaurant, paying the chef £12 and having no clue what you're getting except a three course meal. After all the crap EAWare has been pulling recently people have more than a right to be sceptical.

  5. You must not have paid much attention to the dialogue on Voss. There's actually clues in the story. There's nothing "quick" about it.



    And the final aspect of the story is the former Imperial Intelligence becoming the new leadership of the Star Cabal.



    Actually, I thought the revelation Hunter was gay/bi ("send Hunter my love") was a better surprise than "He's a girl" (which hasn't been a surprise since Metroid Prime) because how many times is your antagonist a homosexual without them being OTT and borderline offensively flamboyant?


    Also, SIth Intelligence finishes off the Star Cabal, since Cipher Nine goes around serving exclusively the Empire anyway, unless you pick the SIS ending rather than just taking over the Star Cabal.


  6. I thought the ending was a big let down to the honest. It felt rushed to a conclusion. The whole "Hunter is a girl" thing wasn't clever, it just felt contrived, like one of the writer's went "Oh crap! We need to put a twist in the ending! Quick guys!". Even Hunter herself said the Star Cabal didn't give a toss if she was a chick.


    Again, the Star Cabal were just sort of... there, y'know? We're only informed about how much of a threat they are. We never really get a 'face' to the organisation bar Hunter who is just a sort of glorified hitman. I never got the same satisfaction of beating the villain as I did with Jadus.

  7. Keeping the Black Codex for himself (Refusing to give it to the Dark Council's goons). Keepe- err, the Minister of Intelligence will erase all of your Agent's history and he can go around being Imperial Batman.
  8. From what I read, there is some dialogue available if you don't do any romances up to Chapter 3 where you basically ask her "Well what about us?" and they talk through making it work into a proper thing. I can't remember the specifics though.
  9. I think you're reading into it too much.


    I do however think it would have been a bigger surprise to me if Hunter was gay and they did away with the whole "She was a girl all along!" thing. It just seemed like they felt obliged to have some sort of twist at the end and it was the only thing they could think of to contrive. It felt weak and forced.

  10. I thought it was a bigger plot twist that Hunter may have...



    been gay, what with the whole "Send Hunter my love" line and the hoe-yay flirting banter between the Male Agent and him- her. The "Samus is a Girl" thing really felt contrived and tacked on for the sake of having a twist in the last five minutes.


  11. FYI You dont need to be Mandolorian to be a BH ...

    Also being a BH does not make you a Mandolorian..


    In fact some Republic (hired) Bounty hunters were enlisted to assassinate key Mandolorians .



    Mandolorians are not a Race/faction of bounty hunters. It just so happens most of them are good at it as Kaminos are good a cloning, but clones are not called Kaminos.


    I'm aware, but looking at it from the way it's designed it is pretty obvious BioWare intended it to be "The Mandalorian" class.

  12. The Exile was always a better character than Revan. People just love him because he was meant to be a self-insert avatar of themselves and getting told 'you' were the most powerful Darth in the galaxy (in that period) tends to give people an even harder fanboy crush on him. Revan was a pretty bland character by most fictional standards. The Exile was written as an actual character rather than a blank slate (lolamnesia) which is why people found it harder to connect with her than dropping themselves into being Revan.


    Revan is as dead as a doornail unless BioWare decide they suddenly want to bring him back for whatever reason. Honestly? All the fanboys crying about him likely just encouraged them to put him in there and get rid of him to shut them up because I don't think BioWare ever wanted to bring them back with a personal presence. "There's your Revan and now he's dead. Sucks to be him. Now you can shut up about it".

  13. If the Orbital Stations/Hangers were each unique to a degree I could stand it, but frankly running through the same copy/pasted hallway and loading screen for who knows what time gets old very quickly. This is not good game design, it is a pointless timesink.


    The BioWare Defence Force would justify a nest of aggressive wasps flying out of your computer and stinging you every time you played if they were a feature exclusive to TOR.

  14. Lol just got out of a match with a Pube doing it. He said something along the lines of "I'm not cheating! I'm just using a feature!" haha good stuff seriously at this point BW has ignored this issue for so long we should all just use it as part of the match


    This is what happens when your company becomes a part of EA. The same rubbish happened with WAR because their EA overlords demanded they rush it out before a certain date (WAR to beat WotLK, TOR for Christmas).

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