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Posts posted by lobstah_rofls

  1. Shouldn't these bonus days be scheduled to make sure the weekend is always a bonus for some kind of group content? Last weekend had solo content get the bonus on both Friday and Saturday. Now it's Friday and the bonus is once again Planetary Missions.


    Bonus day is a big deal for all the que based group content. It pulls a lot of people into the que. The game benefits a lot from incentivizing the que based content whereas it's questionable that solo content should be incentivized at all. Solo is already the default play mode people are stuck with when the group content isn't popping, it doesn't need to be incentivized, especially not on a Friday.

  2. Microsoft has announced that they will be blocking updates for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 for users of the new Ryzen CPU, although in fairness to AMD, they will do the same thing for the new Intel chips (Kaby Lake) as well. This makes Windows 10 all but mandatory for Windows users who want to use these new chips.




    Still interested in them?

  3. $8.95 "Mazer" which I took to be a Razer knockoff.


    I bought it when my previous mouse finally died expecting to eventually get around to doing a little market research and maybe go to a Microcenter to buy a better/pricier mouse, but it's surprisingly no worse than normal more expensive mice and has held up well for like a year so far, and so I haven't bothered with paying more.

  4. I reached GC rank 300 two days ago without having received any 242 armor piece.


    Did you equip the best non set bonus gear as you went? I'm checking on a hypothesis...


    I admit it's only just my intuitive read on how GC works, but it seems to me that it gives you gear at least somewhat based on the gear you currently have equipped. So if this is correct, to maximize your chance for 242 set pieces, you'd want to be in at least full 240 crafted asap at the start of tier 3.


    For my alts now, I'm putting them in full 230 crafted right from the start of GC and they seem to be getting more 230 set pieces because of that. Whereas at first, as I was leveling them with GSF so I had them in weak leveling gear from around level 30-50ish and it felt like I was getting a lot of 228 gear from the crates to start with. I mean like I said, I'm aware it's just my intuitive read here and it's rng so who knows.

  5. Personal conquest rewards are very profitable.


    Sort of. If you were going to do the same stuff anyway(pvp, flashpoints etc), then sure. If not, then behold opportunity cost i.e. you can do much better for your time (gathering).


    And really, not sure how a few missed hours of conquest might matter to anyone other than a guild.

  6. Thought this was a bug at first and totals seemed low, but then I thought...math...:confused: so I thought I'd ask here before reporting it. So if you use a command boost, what are the correct amounts for various things one should currently be getting?


    With a boost on, I'm currently getting 77 for mission completes and 8 for elites. Command from GSF seems about the same as without it. I'll try to find some other stuff in the mean time while waiting for replies.

  7. The more I think about it, the more my idea makes sense: content is content. It's all the same. All of it should have solo mode and group mode.


    They take time to make solo chapters but those should also have group mode because 90%+ of the work for that is already done. Same deal the other way around. They take time to make group raids but those should also have solo mode because 90%+ of the work to do that has already been done.


    They're always crying poverty about how much content they can make. It seems obviously smart then to have every chapter also have a group mode, and all the group-only content to also have solo modes. This would maximize what ability they have to produce content.


    Forum users are always fighting over what kind of content should be made. They all want the kind of content they like to be made and know that it competes with the kind of content other people like. This idea eliminates that entirely. Everyone gets to play all the content in the way they prefer to play it.


    They've already taken baby steps in this direction with the whole story/vet/master mode chapters. Next it'd just be story/vet/master/group.

  8. Since they can't/won't/just aren't going to do cross servers OR megaservers, they should do this. Just let people play through the stories at their own pace before this game is dead.


    There's no plans for fixing this game's main problems. Mostly they're just going to crank out another of their Hollywood wannabe playable movies. That's what's coming next. They're fiddling while Rome is burning so the game is going to die sooner rather than later.


    Although hilariously enough, this gives me an idea:


    How about they make solo versions of all the previous raids, and make raid versions of all the KoTFE and KoTET chapters?

  9. The largest servers are the buggiest servers. I doubt they can make mega servers work.


    Worse, megaservers will kill their cartel market sales. Everything will be dirt cheap on the GTN for in-game credits. The biggest servers like Harbinger are already kind of like that. They'd have to re-think their business model, so they absolutely can't do it.

  10. Everytime it comes around, people ask for this, but consider why Bioware is doing it this time.


    They're desperately trying to make people play more characters to boost cartel market sales. When people only play one character, they mostly only buy packs/gtn stuff to trick out that one character. They need people to play more characters so that overall they spend more on the cartel market or at least funnel credits to crate buyers selling stuff on the GTN (as it helps to keep them happy about their crate purchases).


    I don't expect the leadership of this game to have much time for anything that doesn't involve trying to save their jobs for a while.

  11. It's mostly damage overcharge in TDM. It can do 3x+ damage. There are a bunch of old threads on it. Thus, when you are playing a TDM against vets, they make getting those powerups a very very high priority. Vet Scouts live off of them. They have the engine power to get all around the map to find it, know all the spawn points, and they become superstars when they have it.


    This game has no dev team and is full of bugs in general. Some of them have been in the game the entire time it has existed, but all of them are old as the last patch was over 2 years ago now.

  12. Humbrag thread, lol


    Post gear ratings, mastery total, and companion levels.


    If you want more challenge, you'd have to calibrate it yourself by wearing weaker gear. I think that's the only way because there's nothing you can do about already having leveled up a companion to 50 or having all the datacrons.

  13. its stupid to simply make it a little harder for those who want challenge?


    Well, if you want that sort of thing from the Star Fortresses, take a companion but skip the alliance bolster terminal at the beginning, as there is an achievement for that. Or maybe achievements, I forget and I don't have them myself.

  14. Voss and Nar Shadaa bosses are the most challenging. They are similar and a notch above the others. I had some issues with a 50 companion pulling hate and not being able to get it back before they went down till I geared up a bit more.


    Also, since you're only in 208/216 (and so, iirc, bolstered to 230) I'm curious, how much mastery/endurance/presence do you get from datacrons? Mainly mastery. I've been trying to convince myself to get them.


    I hear what you're saying about the challenge overall, but the Star Fortress trash fights make everything take so long just to get to three fights...the double knight ambush, (although I just CC one on my sorc), the 3rd reactor room, and the Exarch.


    Have you tried vet chapters? They are similar in how they keep you on your toes more than other stuff, but the pacing is much better. Although before you start, be sure to have the chapter companion leveled to at least ~20-25 or so or it probably will just be frustrating.

  15. Expecting everyone to play on the same few servers is a bad idea. Harbinger's issues have already demonstrated that you can't do this; it's already near the breaking point


    Cross-server is the industry standard answer because it's the smart answer in a lot of ways. Balanced, populated servers with cross-server play are ideal. Saying that it's unaffordable or wouldn't work is either lying or incompetence. Why do they keep refusing to do the smart thing?


    Mega servers are also extremely bad for their business model. They expect people to pay $60+ for hypercrates, yet the bigger/more populated a server is, the cheaper the price of everything you can get from hypercrates will be on the GTN in in-game credits. Lots of people buying the same hypercrates and selling the things they don't want means driving prices for those things way down. That's really bad for their crate sales.

  16. Eh that was the worst thing about it for me, how KoTFE/KoTET were very non-Bioware with basically just two predetermined outcomes rather than choices that mattered like in the older Bioware games.


    The ending was just funny and not in a good way, I just wanted to get it over with. Vitiate went from planet devourer to just kind of an *****#### (bad) dad.


    Also, I played through it on my Sith Inquisitor female the first time, which overall worked really well, except suddenly at the end, it's revealed that Valkorian wants to be a girl and it was just ridiculous.

  17. Still, getting gear is important and the 250 Bolster made getting any gear virtually unneeded for PvP progression.


    Why is gearing important for PVP? Why should gear give anybody an edge? Haven't other games gone in the direction of cosmetic rather than advantage based incentives?

  18. So to recap, the people who like this are fixated on the 'clean look' of the circle and haven't yet encountered all the ways in which it's broken. To make one insignificant little style change in the AOE indicators, they broke them in a bunch of ways.


    Think of anything else you might have wanted fixed with this game. Was this really a good use of their time? Now they have to fix it. Maybe they'll get to it in a few years? Their people will no doubt want to avoid fixing it because actual bugs can be tricky to fix. This is the kind of thing they do to avoid trying to fix those bugs in the first place.

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