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Posts posted by Gungan

  1. It's Star Wars, we fans will keep it going. The MMO'ers will play w/e new Harry Potter - LOTR rip off fantasy POS is thrown at them then move on to the next "big thing". But we'll still be here, were Star Wars fanboys, as long as Lucas peddles it, we'll buy it.


    And tbh if we didnt have this game we'd be on our 500th run through of KOTOR 1 / 2 or driving by the local Trekkie nest causing trouble.


    I'm a huge Star Wars fanboy, but this game hardly has any of the good Star Wars EU lore, and they don't seem to have any interest in adding things they haven't made up themselves out of thin air. Makeb? Come on. I have emotional investment in any of their made up lore like I do for the established canon.


    Eternity Vault was just stupid. Having common enemies with the Empire just detracts from the animosity between the Reps and Imps. I might as well just read the books. They make more sense than what BioWare is doing.

  2. I might be opening a can of worms by asking, but what sort of things are you running into? I've only watched the 6 movies and read the Zahn books, so I know there's a probably lot of EU lore that I'm unfamiliar with.


    I just haven't run into something lore-related that is so jarring it throws me out of the game.


    Now there are some game mechanics that are jarring until you get used to it (like little groups of myopic baddies standing around waiting for a fight).


    The problem is that they aren't using much of the EU lore. There are dozens of planets in the EU they could have added to the game, and instead they made up their own.


    Can you imagine Yavin IV in this time period. The Massassi are a clear avenue of exploration (because they're not extinct), and I bet they haven't even thought of it.


    The Gree are just a minor footnote in EU lore and they pick them to focus on. Makeb doesn't even exist in the lore until they add it to this game.


    They could be adding the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, Witches of Dathomir, any of the homeworlds of the Quaren/Mon Cal, Twi'leks, etc. The homeworlds of most of the playable races aren't even in the game.


    They're working nothing interesting into the game.

  3. They raid, and they log off, because the game is stagnating.


    Hey BioWare. Enough with your made up lore that isn't very good. Start adding planets that already exist in the Star Wars universe.


    Makeb does not. I don't even care to see it at this point. The Gree? Come on. Who cares?

  4. I liked the open world PvP during the crate hunt so it didn't feel like a grind to me. I do like the idea of adding the context of that item into the event but I'll be honest and didn't read the mission details yesterday so maybe there was a clue in there somewhere.


    I can assure you I scoured the mission log and there are no clues of any kind in the log except for the portions you get in the mail.


    The problem persists in the quest mechanics. When you are following the bounty hunter, who would possibly think that following someone means "look for little circles on the ground" instead of "where did that mob go?" I am following a mob, not a bouncing ball, at least make the points of interest footprints or paint scrapes on the wall or any kind of marking at all that a bipedal humanoid would make.

  5. It wouldn't be a very good smuggling crate if it had a giant neon sign saying "Open Me" with an arrow pointing to it.


    And there being 2000 of them around the planet does not scream, "Hey customs guys over here! A truck load of suspicious packages has appeared in town."?


    The existence of the smuggling crate portion is the worst part of the whole event, especially since you have to find about 20 to get the 6 quest items if the rng hates you.


    At the very minimum, a satisfactory introduction to the event indicating that one or more items may have been smuggled in pieceso onto the planet would have added some much needed context.

  6. They give you a general idea. 5/9 items have a clue as to which area to search and what you might be looking for to be seen around the starports and the promenade. The 6th... is, well, everywhere and all it takes is a moment's observation and a bit of curiosity to figure it out.


    I saw zero indication of anything of the sort and I spent a couple of hours on it yesterday. Blindly stumbling across a smuggler crate is not my idea of a good clue either. Either way, bad implementation.

  7. How does one find these items? Are we supossed to just cruise around for hours hopeing to stumble across a crate that has'nt been snagged yet?


    Yes. That's exactly what you're supposed to do.

  8. No we would of just prefered an actual content patch. Not an event in place a content patch.


    Some of us aren't getting our moneys worth with this game and having to wait 3 more months for a new operation might just make us quit.


    I don't particularly care if it's a new operation or not. My problem with the event is that it is totally unimaginative, and the worst kind of base fetch quest you could possibly implement.


    A lot of the mechanics are poorly done, making several portions a frustrating experience that just force players to alt tab to find a walkthrough because it makes no sense without one.


    Instead of making a scavenger hunt for items that actually relate to each individual planet or area of a particular planet (the inhabitants of the region, or historical events of the area), thereby allowing you to work out logical steps to take to find the object, they make up random garbage that has nothing to do with anything in the game and sprinkle it blindly around Nar Shaddaa and the Capital without any clues as to how to find them without scouring those areas.

  9. A hint as to where to go would be helpful.


    Of course, a little checking online goes a long way to to cutting down on the frustration.


    It's as if they don't bother putting that info in the game because they know there will be a walkthrough within an hour.


    Or making any effort to make certain event objectives make sense.

  10. Yeah. So, making a scavenger hunt with random items that never existed until the event started, then forcing you to blindly run around planets trying to find them without any indication about where one would go about looking for such a thing, or what it looks like is ssssssuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppperrrr lame.


    Following the bounty hunter on Nar Shaddaa was also the dumbest implementation I could have thought of. Maybe if the quest indicated you were looking for "points of interest", the circles might actually be a clear representation of an objective instead of something so innocuous you run past it 10 times without noticing trying to find the mob you're chasing.


    When you make a scavenger hunt, you're supposed to use items everyone can identify, but may be difficult to locate because they're just obscure.


    It's literally the longest and most tedious fetch quest ever made.


    Don't even get me started on the smuggler crates. I think I had to find like 20 before I got the 6 quest items.

  11. A Core i5 or i7 would run it better than an AMD. I'm not familiar with the AMD hierarchy, but I know for a fact that Intel CPUs are better for gaming unless you get the absolute top of the line AMD.


    Even the Core i3-2100 is marginally (5-10 fps) better than the FX-4100 in most cases too. That being said, unless you have a $200 vid card, you probably won't see that difference, which becomes apparent once the GPU stops being the bottleneck.


    The 7770 is the better GPU though, by a clear margin.


    Parts are all compatible, but change the hard disk. Get a 6.0 Gb/sec SATA instead of 3.0 Gb/sec. It'll reduce load times, and the motherboard supports it.


    Edited: Had to check benchmarks for GPU.


    Edited: Added more because once I start clicking links for computer parts I can't help but look at specs.

  12. I tried LOTRO after F2P. I couldn't stand that constant attempts at upselling of turbine points, or crafting stuff. It was persistent. If you can do it in the game, you can pay to do it faster in the cash shop. I tried others that were F2P to start, and every possible convenience required either days of grinding, or real money.


    That is why.

  13. Great idea except that the story sucks, all of the gear is the same stat wise as soon as you hit level cap and the only thing you could consider a raid in that game are the zergfest "dynamic" events, everything else is ether PvWD, PvP or 5 man content. Its also not free to play since you have to pay a premium price for the box and server access.


    The fact that gear is all the same stat wise is only a good thing.

  14. I'm off work today and decided to do a little research on the current state of MMO's. I Visited the message boards of Diablo III, Rift, World Of Warcraft, and Guild Wars. To my Surprise I found that their forums look...A Lot like this one. FULL of people complaining to no end, full of people upset and wanting a refund for this or that being fixed, or a broken development promise, etc. My question to the Swtor forums is simply this,


    Is there such thing as an MMO Fanbase that is overall satisfied in GENERAL??? It seems like there is no possible way to make EVERYONE happy.


    Diablo 3 Fans hate that they're dungeons are narrow, small, and short in exploration


    Warcraft players are upset they will soon have Panda's running around the world and that the game hasn't sought to innovate itself since it's 3rd expansion.


    Rift Players are complaining the game grows dull after a few months if you aren't into raiding


    Guild Wars 2 players....havent even had a release on the game yet and are ALREADY complaining lol.


    So just know as you log on to these forums and see tons of people complaining about going elsewhere to play...wherever they are goin, the grass aint much greener on that side. There are flaws in ALL MMO's. Find one with the subject/theme you dig and stick with it.


    Yes, there is. Except neither Diablo 3, nor Guild Wars 1 are MMOs.

  15. So, I read the announcement about F2P and Cartel Coins and all that Jazz... I just have one question.

    Would someone please tell me where these cartel coins are, and where do I go to spend them? Inquiring minds want to know. Lol. But seriously - are they in my inventory automatically, or do I have to redeem them separately? Anybody know the trick here? Thanks for the Help!


    They don't exist yet until the game actually goes F2P in November.

  16. If you are talking about the game you probably are then you are wrong. The shop regeneration food was worse than the food that could be crafted, the stat boosts could be found as drops and were definitely not "NEEDED" to clear any content and the in-combat-ressurection did not work in end-game content.


    EA stocks have not dropped, they have risen slightly since the announcement.


    Rising from rock bottom after falling for 8 consecutive months isn't exactly stellar.

  17. Its called saving up, so yes the allowance will/can cover anything.


    Maybe if they never release new cash shop items. They can easily add so much stuff to the cash shop that you will never be able to purchase all the currently available items simultaneously on the allowance alone before new stuff is added.


    A couple of new armor graphics a week and you're already out of cartel coins.

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