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Posts posted by ILOVEELO

  1. This thread was made for me...there were so many noobish things I did when I first started playing this game, which is my first MMO.

    My husband got me into Star Wars and when he introduced me to this game, he told me to create a toon and have fun. I did, but not without making many, many terrifying mistakes...


    My main is a sentinel. She's my favorite toon and the first one I ever made. When I died for the first time fighting some Flesh Raiders on Tython, I freaked out because I thought I would have to start all over again. Like create a new toon and arrive on Tython all over again.

    When I leveled up, I thought I would have to go back to the Jedi Temple every time I dinged. I did not know there were trainers on every planet and the fleet.

    I put everything on my toon. It didn't matter if it was Willpower, Aim, Strength, or Cunning, if it showed a stat boost compared to whatever I was wearing, I equipped it. I also put every kind of stat on my companions. They needed "good gear" too!

    When I got to the fleet and saw the chat, I thought that because everyone's chat statement began with [General] it literally meant they were a General in the Republic military.

    At first I did not understand the concept of crowd control. I was specced in Focus (now Concentration, still am) and used my Force Sweep as part of my rotation no matter what. I didn't know why that was "breaking the CC." From then on, my husband called it my "special skill" and told me not to use my "special skill" near CC'd enemies.

    Additionally, I used Disable Droid and Force Kick as part of my rotation even when they weren't necessary because I figured that they were on my quickbar for a good reason.

    On my Smuggler I came across the Ancient Knowledge object on Voss and clicked on it because I thought it was a lore object. I love lore objects! The devs must have forgotten to label it as such...*click* OH MY GOODNESS I AM DEAD WHAT HAPPENED?? The Nightmare Pilgrim one-shot me. Super!

    Of course, I am more seasoned now and love to help nooby players because I was one once!

    So who can beat me in the Noob Arena...I am accepting challengers. :rak_01:

  2. Yesterday my lvl 36 Sniper was doing the class quest on Taris, and was just about to make a call on her Holocom, when suddenly...










    IR-77, the lvl 53 champ droid from the Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars quest (can't remember which) appeared and started to fight me! I died, of course.




    Has this happened to anyone else?

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