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Posts posted by michaelcshow

  1. I feel that design over-reveals architecture to the end user, who sees two different numbers on the screen at the same time.


    Perhaps update all conquest numbers as one scheduled job, so all data sources update at once (or just have 1 number tracked per char), rather than the guild window data updates, and then the mission log window data updates.


    I see mission log window stuff change in real time as I complete things, and I see guild window stuff change in real time such as when people log in and out. Conquest point updates are scheduled tasks? I understand what it's doing, don't understand why.

  2. I'll add that the new giant character model, while imo oversized, should show the currently selected outfit at least.


    If it's going to be so prominent as a design choice - why did they have it show the mismatched ugly gear instead of the outfit that was meticulously built and worn?


    Opening the character sheet shows a giant view of some random horrendous equip every time instead of the outfit my character is wearing.



  3. Please make this collapsible and even collapsed by default. Once amplifiers are finalized this half screen taking monstrosity is quite useless and quite in the way.


    Not to put too fine a point on it but - usability testing is typically part of QA, how does something like this get passed?

  4. 5.10.4a's notes are not on http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes.


    Hey folks,


    Here are the patch notes for tomorrow's patch:

    • Restored Conquest information to the Current Conqueror’s interface.
    • The Conquest Leaderboard is no longer displaying random characters and blank spaces.
    • The Credit Chit item which was generated from Quick Travel Passes can now be sold to vendors as intended.
    • Preferred status players now have unlimited Medical Probes as intended.
    • The Flair “Opulent Aristocrat” will no longer display as blank text in the Flair dropdown menu.
    • The Medical Droid Stronghold Decoration is once again a vendor.
    • Players who have the Phrojo or Quick Companions will no longer lose them when starting Knights of the Fallen Empire. Players who have already lost them from this issue have had them restored.
    • The Steam Distributor Stronghold Decoration now appears for all characters on a player’s Legacy once unlocked.
    • Removed an “interact” highlight area from the Steam Distributor Stronghold Decoration as it served no purpose.
    • Corrected an issue where new players would be unable to create a Legacy in rare circumstances.
    • Adjusted a number of visual issues when wearing the Intelligent Agent’s armor set.
    • The Obsidian Squad Recon Walker can now be unlocked in Collections as intended.



  5. My experience: I had left the guild that won Dantooine on our server so I didn't get the retroactive achievements automatically, I filed a ticket.


    Within 24 hours CS responded and granted the Conqueror of Dantooine achievement.


    They did not however grant the Pirate Incursion achievement, which should have been. I went to update the ticket (as per their emailed ticket response) and got the 'ticket cannot be updated at this time' nonsense, so I filed a new one. Said that the event was active while Dantooine was invadeable so it stands to reason that if I earned Conqueror, I should get that one.


    Within 24 hours of the 2nd ticket I was granted Pirate Incursion.


    An unnecessary hassle but at least I got them. PS Bioware - fix your cannot update ticket bs that's a bad customer service experience.

  6. A question about the retroactive granting of the achievements:


    I was in a guild that got #1 the first time Dantooine came out and so earned the achievement (or should have), however I've since left that guild. Will I retroactively get the title even though I am not currently in the guild, but was at the time?

  7. I dont think the OP is just worried about the gearing, I think they want to improve participation in GSF.


    OP suggested changing it to matches played though - people will just queue and idle the whole time to get the matches played for the crystal. That doesn't really improve participation, OP may get more pops, but lower quality pops of just there for the crystal idlers.

  8. From the Reddit AMA Summary thread. Hope this helps:


    Question - “With Galactic Command becoming Galactic Renown, what will happen to the "Commanding Legacy" Legacy-Wide Unlock, and the Improved Command Experience I-V Character Perks? I know that the various Command Rank 300 achievements are being moved to Feats of Strength, but I didn't hear anything about that Legacy/Character Unlocks. Also, if we have a lot of the Command Boosts saved up, what will happen to those when Onslaught is released? Will they be converted to credits, or changed to a new boost?”


    Answer -

    Good call out here, here's where we are at:

    • Character Command Perks are converted into Renown Perks

    • Commanding Legacy: This is being converted to a permanent 25% boost to Renown Point for ALL ranks. It's losing it's stacking effect but now applies to every rank instead of stopping at the most valuable one (300).

    • Any Command Boost Consumables will be converted to apply to Renown.

  9. bump - the Guild Window's UI is still broken. (Since November 2018)


    The "open mission log->conquest/guild invasion tab to make the guild window populate" workaround, fills in only the current leaders (last week never fills in, even doing this clunky workaround), and then also only until the guild window is closed and reopened then it's all zeroes again.


    The workaround is incomplete and bad, the brand new guild window UI has yet to actually function.

  10. Part of player frustration - besides the game constantly breaking in new and imaginative ways - is the lack of communication during non-US business hours.


    A simple 'the team is aware and are actively working on it' acknowledgement would help mitigate that.


    It's a communication issue that should probably be addressed.

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