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Posts posted by TommyDe

  1. I apologize if this is a feature that we already have, but I think it would be pretty cool to see what your stats would be like bolstered without having to be in a WZ. That way you can see what effect different gear has or if you have something on that is screwing it up before you queue up for WZ's. Maybe it could be some type of toggle to go back and forth on the character sheet.


    I know there is always a lot of debate in the forums of bolster theory (is matrix cube the BIS for example) and maybe seeing this information outside of the WZ's could help theorycrafters. It could also help lowbies to see what kind of stats they would have while in PVP

  2. I also wish they would keep re-specs in until the start of warzones only. Just having 1 or 2 people re-speccing at the start to something your team lacks can make a big difference between a stomping and an even game, especially with a random queue. Anything afterwards is manipulating the system. The only way I could see this working is if the queue could guarantee balanced teams in WZs. Otherwise, if you are matched up against any kind of a balanced team its game over.


    I'd hate to say it but this reeks of taking the first quickest solution that someone came up with, without looking at any others. Its feels the same way as the resetting of the stun breakers. You hear it and think "hmm doesn't seem like they even considered any alternatives".

  3. Yeah I heard they were only used to dump items while questing and then people would just leave the wz. That seems like a real jerky/convenient thing to do so I could see how that would become popular/annoying.


    I can see your point though. A vendor to just pick up the daily would keep people from having to ask and camp the fleet all the time. Plus you could buy things with wz comms if you forget that you're maxed out. I would be for this this only if you can't vendor regular items.

  4. As a corporate tax accountant in real life I can tell you that charging sales taxes and not remitting it to the state is against the law and would be completely stupid. No company would ever do this. Reading this post has actually made me angry.


    Every CC purchase (assuming the state would treat the CC's as a taxable item) is subject to taxes. Technically everyone should be self reporting the taxes on CCs (called use tax) if they are taxable. Everyone should also be self reporting use tax on Amazon purchases, however, since no one does/would do this, the states are starting to lean on the companies to self collect the tax. Thus, Amazon is starting to collect taxes in a number of states even though they do not have nexus there.


    TLDR - OP is completely wrong about this. There's no way Bioware or any company would do this.

  5. I've seen multiple posts that say it has to do with how long the warzones last. So matches that last for the normal amount of time (I would guess 12-15 min) get 100% xp and for matches that are shorter result in less xp.


    For example a 6-0 blow out in huttball, that ends early will result in less xp than a 1-0 match that goes the distance.

  6. Doesn't matter, in Counter-Strike there was a lot more then 50k people playing it and Dust was the map on almost all the servers.... I guarantee you that if they allow people to choose their WZ we will be stuck playing just 1 or 2 maps forever... PvP guilds will stack the decks (Class wise) for the popular maps since they can choose the warzone and make face rolling an even bigger problem...


    It's a bad idea... If you don't like a map just quit and re-que again...


    I second this. A part of me would like to pick, but it wouldn't be worth the cost.


    I could easily see something like Mass Effect 3's multiplayer happen where entire strategies are built around 1 map and 1 map only (white/geth/gold anyone?) to the point where only that map is popular.


    Plus if some classes are having trouble getting into ranked game before when you can't plan around 1 map, imagine what it would be after.


    If I really want/don't want to play one map on a certain night I'll have a rule where I can leave at the beginning of a WZ as long as its there's at least 1:30 till it starts. I don't mind doing it this way.

  7. You don't take fall damage at the start in huttball because the drop isn't far enough.


    You also won't take it in Voidstar if you hit the ledge right under the spawn point, or the box if going off the right side on offense.


    You also won't take it in Novarre if you hit the little elevator thing under the doors (but then most people run off at an angle).


    Not sure if you can avoid it in hybergates to be honest.


    I agree it's stupid you take fall damage at all though, at least from the spawn point. Dunno why they're that high.


    I've been able to avoid it in hypergates. I think the trick is to not run or jump directly off the platform (think of just having a walk off the start platform) .


    I've found its easier to practice this as a shadow since if your cloaked your not running full speed off of it anyways.

  8. I was a shadow in Huttball with the time ticking down and both sides on our half of the field in a tie game. I noticed two of them heading to mid and realized they were going to spike and turtle. I force sped over to the middle and as they headed over to their catwalk I pushed the ball carrier on their fire, stunned him and got the ball with less than 10 sec left.


    I bet they thought they had the easy tiebreaker win. Easily my favorite so far.

  9. Both my first two run-throughs were tank (assassin and guardian) and have to say that the problem with getting tanks in the game more than anything else is the divide between what they do while leveling and anything else is wider than any other member of the holy trinity. Until the very end, healers can use almost exactly the same equipment with no real difference for group or solo and just need as mentioned a quick 20 second re-spec. Tanks on the other hand in order to function properly need to be carrying two entirely different sets of gear around in addition to the re-spec.


    The only ways I could think of to help with this is to either A: give tank players free instant re-specs or B: make tank class gear the same but each stance will give a percentage based boost to either main stat or endurance with the possibility of power/surge/absorb/etc. Neither may work but just from experience trying to level up a guardian with tank gear is just painful.


    I totally agree with this. I have absolutely no problem respecing my merc DPS or scoundrel into heals for either flashpoints or warzones, but I do not feel confident at all respecing my jugg or shadow for tanking. The gear is the same for DPS/heal, but I feel completely gimped either tanking FP's in DPS gear or WZ DPSing in tank gear.


    I would love to spec as tanking in FP to help queues but since you need two sets of gear it's not practical.

  10. I can't remember: is the tactics pulse cannon/flame burst an autocrit with 4 stacks? or is it just % dmg increase?


    Are you thinking about combat tactics - damage from shock-strike and gut have a 25% chance of making your next high impact bolt a critical hit? According to TORhead this is only a 1 point talent.


    As someone with a smasher, I wouldn't be opposed to a 25% chance of auto crit down from 100% for the sake of balance. However, I thought the whole outcry over this spec was the min/maxers stacking power that would get 7k crits. If we leave power alone you're still going to see the 7k crits, just at 1/4 of the time. I think people would still be outraged (even if it was balanced) from the number shock.


    I do see your point that it would affect other specs though. Maybe changing the talents would be a more reasonable fix.

  11. Isn't smash the only spec that basically exclusively stacks power (over crit, etc.)? If they made it so that it would only kick in when you reach an insane amount of power then I don't see the problem.


    Unless I'm missing something they could make it so that it only messes with smashers and no one else for PVE/PVP purposes as no other spec would stack that much power anyways (since they need to reach 30% crit, etc.)

  12. /stuck has been changed and can no longer be exploited.


    Every once in a while inbetween all the stuff they break... something good happens.


    Negative, I just tested it last night in Huttball and its still exploitable. It sent me right back to spawn from their goal-line.

  13. I had a problem over the weekend where my game crashed (error 4001 cannot get server list) and had to restart every hour at 18 minutes after on the dot. It seemed like it had something to do with my firewall because after I put the swtor .exe and patcher.exe on the safe list it seemed to work fine. I've never had that problem before.
  14. Exactly.


    But, I solo the majority of the time, and I've definitely not noticed a dramatic increase in either the number of times I'm cc'd or the duration for which I'm cc'd. Maybe because my main is a melee class, so I just get cc'd frequently to begin with.


    Regardless, I haven't noticed much of a change.


    Yeah I'd hate to get flamed for this but I haven't noticed a large increase at all in CC (all solo queue and all under 50). The only time it becomes crazy is when carrying the Huttball at the goal line. I thought one of the ways that they balanced this out is by decreasing the range of some of the stuns.


    Maybe I'm a "bad" but I don't feel like I'm stunned anymore/less than the other team. Isn't that what it's all about anyways: a level playing field from PUG to premade?

  15. "oooh... i have the ball. Sweet, i'm almost to the end but there is some big ugly that is blocking the end. Let me just sneak past him and ... err... where did the ball go???"


    Yeah, I'm not going to lie, I did this in my first Huttball match. /sadface

  16. What you've got is how every MMO on the market that has Qs for PVE and PVP do it. I know it seems to make your arguement more valid (even tho it really doesn't) to make it seem like they were simply to lazy to come up with the Q but not really in the Q idea of stacking. Under this solution you'd still take forever to get a FP Q to pop cause PVP pops are dime a dozen and you'd have a cloud of perpetually stuck people in the limbo in-between the two. Dan is #19 and gets out of his PVP Q and gets another 30 seconds later, so he has a whole 30 seconds for the PVE Q to pop before he's back in limbo again.


    How is this in anyway a workable solution? How much of the games resources are going to be tied up keeping track of the massive cloud of people in the Q but not really because the are in a PVP match at the same time? Yes eventually they would get lucky and get a pop inbetween the two but in the meantime the only reliable way to get in a PVE grp is too...not Q up for another WZ...just like they are asking you to do now.


    Well I can only speak for myself, but under the old system when a FP popped for me and was declined by someone else, I completely stopped queuing for WZ's knowing I was at the top of the list. For the times when I had to decline because I was in a WZ I would again stop queuing for anything but FP's afterward because I could see they were popping. For me the solution would work.


    I can't imagine it would take more resources then keeping track of all the people that queue now anyways. It's the same population size, and the way they have it now is flagging people that are in WZ's so they can't be queued for FP. I can't imagine its that much more to keep everyone in it (like it was before) but just adding a bypass.


    I'd be fine with this new way, as long as I could see where I was in the queue. Not knowing if I could spend entire gaming sessions waiting for a FP is enough for me (and I'm sure a good amount of people) to stay out of it completely, which sucks. I like the FP's, but they are not worth spending hours waiting to pop.


    I'm just having a hard time seeing the value added with this feature to stop a small fraction of people leaving WZ's

  17. This is, quite frankly, a silly argument. You are proposing that Stacking Queues are bad. They are not, and here's why:


    Option A - No stacking queue: Players choose either PVP or PVE, but cannot do both. If they choose to PVE, then they will generally have to wait a long time if they are a DPS, and will not experience any PVP.


    Option B - Stack queues... BUT... The player in the warzone will continue to rise in the queue until they are next in line. They are then skipped by players below them any time a Flashpoint group is able to form until they are done their Warzone, unless all the players below them in the queue are likewise in a warzone, in which case the queue doesn't move at all and the flashpoint group isn't formed until someone not in a Warzone becomes available. Upon reaching the highest spot in the queue they receive a notification that they will remain at the top of the queue.


    If for some reason they abandon their warzone, they also lose their Flashpoint queue. When they finish the PVP match they are then at the top of the Flashpoint queue, and were never tempted to leave the Warzone in order to participate in a Flashpoint.


    Now... reverse everything I said and also apply it to players in Flashpoints queueing for warzones.


    This is the ideal method of stacking queues. Players get to participate in ALL content, and it inconveniences no one. If you don't believe that players should be allowed to queue for both, then you believe in limiting game play options over allowing players to enjoy all content equally. If that's the case, then no reason or logic will persuade you to see differently, and I won't even bother with debate.


    Boom. I don't see a thing wrong with this idea. Doesn't seem like a difficult thing to implement either. I cannot see how having to give up a huge part of the game to queue for FP for hours is preferred.


    What we have now was probably the first/quickest solution that popped.

  18. Interesting, I've never seen that, but since I stick to the lvl 49-50 missions once I'm leveled, my sample size is probably on the small side.


    Yeah I've actually critted on a level 1 moderate diplomacy mission. Very cool to make one of my first biochem items reusable :D

  19. I've gotten some pretty nice things out of this as well.


    I think the key that makes them worth it is if you PVP/Flashpoint/Space mission a lot. If you enjoy these more than planet questing you will probably get to a point where you severely out-level/gear the planet (accidently or otherwise) and have nothing else worth the comms on the planet. Then you either sell it or send to an alt.

  20. To be honest, the change feels much more natural than the old version. Now I feel like I'm actually aiming the wave instead of crossing my fingers that it goes as planned. Once you see a sniper in cover by an edge in Voidstar and blast them over it, the old way kinda looses its appeal.


    You know what else I've noticed, the wave didn't need to be 360 degrees in the first place. It's not difficult to position yourself in such a way that it hits every enemy on an Alderan side platform that you need to hit. When running away I just hit the wave first before I start to run and I'm good to go.


    In fact I'd go far as to say I'm probably hitting more enemies effectively than the old wave because (1) the range increase, and (2) timing. I would be very disappointed to go back to the old wave.

  21. I've only ever noticed this as a legit tactic (throw to low-health opposing player when you are low on health so when they die it switches to a teammate of higher health), but I would think the counter to this would be to spike it and send the ball to the middle (assuming you are near your goal/pit and no teammates are around).


    Either they (1) intercept the ball (they would get it anyway if they killed you), or (2) kill you but loose the ball. For the most part I don't think I would see it as point farming though.

  22. Not a bug. It's working correctly.


    Team 1 starts with a full clock (I think it's 8 minutes but could be off). You reach the bridge with 1:30 left. When team 2 starts they should of started with only 6:30 on the clock so all they have to do is get as far before the clock ends. Now it's completely possible that there is a bug and team 2 is not getting a shortened clock. I haven't PvP'd since 1.4 so bugs are possible but since the last PvP changes months ago it always has been as long as team 2 go to the same point before their clock ran out, they won.


    You could be on to something with this one. If the 2nd team didn't get the shortened clock, and it started at 8 min, the game would end with them loosing at 1:29 left. So even though it could look like they had 1:29 left to get further, they really lost.


    It looks like we're all going to have to track the clock a little more for the foreseeable future to see if this is a bug.

  23. I read your pre-edit thoughts and they made sense as an explanation. I hadn't seen it go exactly like this pre-1.4, where whoever got the farthest won, not whoever got through some earlier point fastest wins. Although I'm sure it makes sense with some time mechanic consideration.


    Yeah, I've never seen the pre 1.4 mechanics let the match get cut short while they could still get further than team #1. I was thinking the match ended with them winning. That does seem like a bug.


    Although, with them shortening Huttball maybe they are adding additional ways to cut a match short.

  24. I had to read the scenario a few times to understand that its not the normal time mechanics. They still could have made it further than you, but the match was cut short. That is strange.
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