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Posts posted by DarthBoubis

  1. well i am clicker, so what i do is using the mouse buttons. I am playing with a naga razor that comes with 12 buttons. Add mouse wheel up, mouse wheel down and pushing down the wheel kinda gives me the possibility to use 15 at least abilities without taking my eyes away from the action.


    to be honest, practically i use 6 buttons (from the 12 buttons) and i use 3 abilities with the mouse wheel (wheel up, wheel down, pushing down the wheel). but those are the abilities i usually use. The others, are in the bars, i just click them when needed.


    As for the cooldowns, now that they added the cooldown in seconds, its far more easier (imo).

  2. guys learn to read before complaining, they do say that you ll be able to choose to play against people of our own server ? what the fuss about ? it gives more options to people, without destroying anything.
  3. well i think that one of the most characteristic things of darth veider is the fear he creates. why not give orders when everyone fears him so much to disobay ? that doesnt make him a bad guy ? well in my opinion it makes him


    not to mention that besides choking peeps, he kills jedi masters with lightsabers (obi-wan), he cuts people hands when he wants too like with luke skywalker, he traps people in death traps like he did in han solo and he kills the sith emperor and at the same time the emperor of the republic with one hand and at the same time he saves his son that fullfill his destiny as the one that will bring -temporary- balance to the force, isnt that enough ? ? ?

  4. its just 53% wins for the empire and 47% for the republic. not that much difference :). Those numbers are valid for the battle of alderan and the voidstar warzones. Hutball doesnt count towards the 53-47% because the teams might be mixed.


    when i play in a pug, i personally, try to help from the beggining, by typing simple strategies. sometimes they are followed by people and we win, sometimes people dont listen or we dont implement the strategy well so we loose.


    Simple things, like when you are in an attacker phase in voidstar, you can say :

    "all go left, besides one stealth that will go to the other side?"


    i think, empire players need to focus more in order to increase this difference :)


    Enjoy the game :)

  5. hey peeps, great guide and thanks first of all.

    I would like to ask something about the ability "Chilling Scream".

    I think that when you cast it, although it does not do any kind of damage, it creates threat.

    I tested it last night (just once though, thats why i am asking) in Athiss flashpoint and it worked (or seemed to work in my eyes and to my friends eyes that we were playing together).


    I dont know, if other juggernauts tank have tested is Chilling Scream does make threat, cause in this case, it becomes a very valuable ability for pve (besides pvp where it shines anyway :)


    Once again, thanks for the valuable information :)


    Muerte/Nightmare Lands

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