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Posts posted by Krazhez

  1. As long as there is a subscribed account in the guild, that account grabs GL status upon login.


    Maybe you explained this in your next response, but I got lost. I have a guild with multiple subscribers in it, that I'm holding on an f2p account. I haven't had any issues since I passed it to f2p more than a year ago. As long as I remember to log him in within 28 days to refresh the timer. Subs aren't stealing the guild from it, including my own sub account. (I'm actually holding 2 other guilds with that account, and haven't had any issues there either.)

  2. Somewhat off-topic, I know, but does this mean that I could play through FF14 from the start WITHOUT needing to group with other players for a dungeon to progress the storyline? That is the ONLY reason I cancelled my sub to FF14 - I absolutely hated being forced to group up to progress the story. Do you know when this takes effect?


    That was one of my big issues, when I first started. This will remove a large portion of needing to group. But after doing some verification digging, it looks like 8 player trials(one big boss) are still going to be group content. The plus side is those are pretty quick usually, and you shouldn't run into one for a while. They do plan to eventually add those, but not until next expansion.


    A Realm Reborn stuff, base game essentially, is in the 6.1 patch, targeted for mid April. It will be missing the last couple things of that expac. Those will be finished in 6.2. Heavensward and Stormblood are targetted for 6.3 and 6.5 The last 2 expacs already have dungeons in the trust system.


    Usually they do #.1 patches about every 4 months

  3. Sounds really good. I keep hearing more and more good stuff about that game and prolly will try it. .. snip.


    It is a really good game, but it does take some getting used to, and I will be honest, early game stuff can be a bit rough, but it gets a lot better later on. I used to think swtor was the best story mmo, until I played from the Heavensward expac on in ff14. (They do have scaling, but its different) Check out the free trial, before you decide to put any money in it, and it includes Heavensward. If you want to wait to try the solo experience for the dungeons that should be 6.1 in mid April.


    Swtor was my first mmo, July 2012, I never really leave, but I have unsubbed for some extended periods of time and play a lot less. I'll still check in and do a handful of cq. That's what I'm about to go back to. When ff14 drops 6.1, I expect that's where my sub will go again.

  4. I enjoyed the free trial but I don't want to group, which is why I came to swtor in the first place...


    Ff14 is adding the main story dungeons into the trust system, which means you can do them with npcs. It's going to take a while to get the whole game done, but the A Realm Reborn stuff should be done in mid April if i saw that correctly.


    " "We see a lot on social media and conversations that there are these fans of the series who have played every Final Fantasy game except for Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV solely because they want a single player experience. It's a little frustrating. We want to convince them to give us a chance." Yoshi P stated as his reasoning behind the decision.


    To better accommodate players who want a casual, single-player experience, the team will be expanding on the game's current Trust system. Currently, the Trust system allows you to enter a Shadowbringers or Endwalker dungeon with a party of NPCs that you have allied yourself with throughout the story. The end goal is to bring Trust compatibility to all Main Scenario dungeons, with various NPCs from your adventures able to join you. "

  5. Make a free to play character, get someone to invite it, or invite from another pc. Then make that account the gm, it will ask if you want to convert the guild into f2p status. Once the guild is f2p, your f2p character can continue to hold the guild. The only thing that matters is that it logs in within 28 days. I'm currently subbed along with others in my guild, but my f2p character is still the gm. I leave it that way so when I unsub I dont have to keep passing the guild back and forth. You lose some conveniences, but I'm not exactly sure what, I have had guild bank unlock for years, so i don't notice anything, besides guild ranks changing.
  6. I crafted the Woads arms and leg sets to finish that achievement off, since I already had the body pieces. After I opened them, it did not pop the achievement. In the list of pieces, it says I am missing the three body pieces - Head, waist, and wrists are listed in yellow 41/1.


    The bar under the icon is filled, like it's complete, but it's also doing that on sets i know I haven't completed.

  7. The biggest issue for solo players in Conquest now is players still doing the class story after level 70. Story missions don't count for the planetary objectives anymore and Missions: Story Time isn't available in the 71+ bracket. If Bioware can do something about that, I think solo players will be fine. Focus should be more on testing MP stuff now.


    I agree with this. Not sure why story time is locked away by level. I have quite a few 75s, still in chapter one and two.


    My thoughts on these changes overall, just on a very basic test and looking through objectives is, this will slow down people that do a bunch of characters, but of the characters you do get done, you will have more points. In theory guilds will still be fine, but it really depends on how conquest looks on a non event week.


    Also, 999 renown rank up is still not giving points, with the points raised to that objective and the overall nerf of solo activities, it's actually pretty significant now.

  8. Was wondering, because the last time people asked for the xp event to be extended they said it could only be done with a patch.....or did I misread, or did someone else mis quote?


    I believe they patched it in last week to go off on the timer, that's when double xp showed up on the launcher.

  9. Mounts do unlock in collections if bought with certs, I just tested it. At very least, grassland varactyl, aratech eclipse, and adno fireswap worked. I tried over-tuned derelict saber and it did not. I'm pretty sure outfits do not, as others have said, and I don't really have certs left to test, (that I'm not saving for other things anyway).
  10. Haven't seen the mount, but the deco's are different....they are gold,..... yes, gold.....aren't we sooooo lucky :rolleyes:


    At least they are there, stupid guy doesn't spawn on nar, and meksha is level 75 only


    I just want to point out there is an upscale bolster on mek-sha, but it's buggy, I had to die and go back to med center before the bolster applied.

  11. It's a waste of credits or money, but escrow transfers, they will add to the credit cap. You buy a 600k escrow transfer you will have access to 1.6mil credits. This is assuming you have a million credits on you and at least 600k in escrow. I can't remember for sure, but believe they also stack, so if you have 1.2 mil in escrow and get two 600k escrow transfers you'll then have access to 2.2 million credits, etc. But this is only a limited increase, once you go below that you cannot get back up to it, without buying another escrow transfer.
  12. Were the Missions fun? Yes, but I did not like the bomb throwing, especially on Onderon, it's hard to control while on ramps, I also fell trying to throw one and got knocked off the swoop by an arkonak.

    Were the Missions the right length (not too long, not too short)? Seems good.

    Were the objectives for each Mission clear? Yes, but the firework throwing could be more clear, or redesigned to not have us use a targeting reticle while trying to drive.

    Which gang's Missions did you like the most? The least? Horizon's razer, because it felt like a race. Beks because of reasons above.

    Did each gang's objectives make the course feel a little different? decent enough

    Were you able to easily stay on the course? Once I understood the visuals, except on Onderon trying to throw.

    Did you understand the bike abilities? Yes, but it was a little annoying at first to read them while moving.

    Did the speed of the bike feel good? I think it could be faster, but at the same time I was recoiling on some high jumps, mostly on Dantooine.

    What did you enjoy the most? What did you dislike? I liked the look of the courses, and the feel of horizon's razer missions. The Sandstorm on Tattooine, was a bit frustrating, took me a bit to realize what was even slowing me. Didn't like the bomb throwing.


    For the most part, I liked what I saw, but I have a few concerns. I couldn't tell if when other people blow up the fireworks, it makes you not be able to.(I was on a different mission but the guy in front me detonated a firework and I saw it destroyed.) That could be problematic with so many people likely to run it on live. Also wondering about the feel of the races with lots of people running them, lag and such.

  13. Someone posted in the forums that it was more than just being able to do more bounties, you could just keep turning in the one mission you had over and over.


    Anyway, Thank you Devs, I highly appreciate the gesture of extending the dbl event. The bounty event obviously has some serious kinks that need to be worked out.

  14. That's strange, my level 15 gtn character, I log into about every 2 or 3 days sometimes more, has the 700 increase, and I definitely didn't buy it yet, the only skill he had at 600 was bio-analysis. I didn't buy the unlocks on many characters because it made it really easy to farm green mats, since you got access to moderate 11 yields without it. It seems that every character I noticed had the increase.


    Side note, in Shadow of Revan, early access had to pay for skills between 55 and 60, I believe they were about a million credits per level. When they removed it, they didn't give credits back.

  15. Every single day, you can pretty much reach your target by doing this low effort busywork. Takes 10 mins. Restrict it to 10-50 and lvl 10-50 characters become far more efficient conq farmers than max level characters are. In terms of sanity, that'd def be in line with rest of this mess. Turning this junk into weekly dings..or removing a digit from rewards would be the reasonable thing I think. Doing stuff with other people in this multiplayer game is currently less valued than selling vendor trash. lol

    Honestly, didn't even think about that.


    Sorry for causing confusion: I jumped too far ahead by using this example. I only meant by it to illustrate what I said before: that level should not matter in the conquest AT ALL, whether you are low or high level. This was an example for the low level, because I spent the rest of the post talking about high level. But high level was my starting point. Like I said, high-level people should not be limited from getting conquest points for "random nonsense", because even a level 75 character can be actually character who in practice just happened to level up really fast but in terms of gameplay, is nowhere (maybe leveled up through pvp but doesn't even yet have a personal ship or whatever). Or it can be just the 10th alt of somebody who needs to provide for a small guild and has already run out of all other objectives.


    I don't see why having an extra option is a problem. If I am a level 75 character with all the access to everything, I get 5000 extra points for selling trash once, and so what? Why not.


    I understand this perspective too, and sorry, because it was my fault, not yours, I missed the point.

    So I guess I retract the bracket idea. As I said, I like the changes, but it does feel like there needs to be some kind of balancing done still.

  16. snip

    But why shouldn't I be able to do the conquest with my level 25 character on Nar Shaddaa, if I want to?).


    I'm not saying to lock lowbies out of objectives, I'm saying, the gifting a companion and selling vendor trash, could maybe be locked to the 10-50 bracket, and not given to the level 75 bracket. Because they are more of an introductory objective.

  17. As I said in another thread, I think maybe some of the easy objectives could be locked behind the 10-50 level range. But I think overall the changes are nice, that you can do whatever you want and hit cq. You play more than an hour a day, you'll burn those really easy ones. I went and did the Belsavis bonus series yesterday, with the dailies that used to be repeatable and seem to be again? I haven't done that in years, it was fun little nostalgia.


    Also, people are still ev farming, do with that what you will. There's also people who never pay attention to conquest, people seem to think it's the all encompassing thing, but a lot of people barely touch it, including this games influencers and their chats.


    Conquest, hasn't pushed me to do group content in over 3 years, and when I did specifically for conquest, we were doing Last boss lockouts. My guild has basically died since then, but the few of us left, still like getting cq, but rarely group. It can be really taxing on me, because I'll push 20 characters through so we can hit 2 mil. This helps us get to 2mil without me feeling really burnt out and only focusing cq when I play.


    Do I think there needs to be some balancing passes, sure, but the inclusion of all the objectives is a good thing.

  18. 6 days and 19 hours and change to go....


    Already the mega guilds are at 6M -8M conquest points....So how were these latest changes helping small guilds?


    By helping them hit their targets, which has been a huge complaint on these forums for a long time. It will also give them a chance to try for higher yields. It's not all about winning the planet. (The only way I ever see small guilds winning planets is during galactic war, a tiered system that locks guild sizes to certain planets, or huge repeatable crafting like we use to have)

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