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Posts posted by cassiussfett

  1. Not seeing anyone else having the same problem or any acknowledgement to my ticket. They tried telling me it was the Theron romance bug. Cinematic after you defeat Tenebrae completely crashes my game client. Have tried two different characters, restarting, leaving the area and coming back. Nothing. Can't advance the story because trying to complete the last objective causes the client to not respond.


    Hello.I have the exactly same problem with my Juggernaut.Once Tenebrae is defeated he dashes some red lights and my notebook or pc(as well) crashes and freezes itself.Not even from the Task Finalyzer it can be fixed, and makes me to re start the system.

  2. Today, I watched my face burn.


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    Very interesting short story, I have read it once and twice trying to squeeze some data about the Zakuul Empire, or the origin of the Prince´s force powers (dark light or both), but the info is narrow and does not add anything that we couldn´t learn by watching the trailer.


    Two things called my attention:


    1) Thexan describes shortly a female Knight who enters the room and bows at him, and qualifies as traditional her clothes. It means that this Zakuul Empire might be older than we can imagine today.


    2) Thexan mentions that the day after the Korriban campaign would keep going, but they are not there, they are in a safe place presumably into the Zakuul Empire if it is not Zakuul itself. Why?? Professional soldiers or warriors (in this parallelism) don´t act like this, they don´t leave the battlefield until the field is taken and assured. Why do they? A military campaign is not like job that you can go to work, then come back home, rest and go back to work the day after.

  3. Even by Outer Rim standards, the Sarlacc and Loaded cantina was considered the end of the line.


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    I think he is a Changer (like Sam Wesell in episode II) because what you mentioned about his age.


    Good story, but it didn´t explained when he has been during the war.

  4. Good short story (no better than the previous one), but it is a familiar trouble, does not matter about the galactic situation, it´d be more interesting a Shroud´s report about the galactic power balance, counting on the imminent 3.2 update incoming.




  5. Lana Beniko woke with heavy lids, her mind and body brittle against the cold stone of Tulak Hord’s tomb.


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    These short stories are really good.Until now we read about Marr'apprentice, Theron Shan, and Lana Beniko.So the next would be ....Jakarro?

  6. yeah glad to hear about but, .. that lightsaber with its hilt such as eighteen century pirate sword, is not STAR WARS,


    I know you guys tried to give RIshi this kind of look, but I actually avoided to use all this stuff, when I passed over there, insted disarmed it and used the parts to improve my Cartel market gear, because this is STAR WARS and not ASSASSIN CREED IV ( great game, but please don´t mix universe, I ´d hate to see in the future Cow boys gear on ziost or something similar:wea_01:.

  7. A really beauty story, very well written, but we still don´t know what Lord Calipho did, and, by the way, what does this story have to do with the current position of the main story (Shadow of Revan, the Ribirth of The Emperor)??
  8. Check out these fun facts and more in the latest infographic.


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    This game is the most interesting SW game I ´ve ever played, because:


    1) it is set at one of the most excitings SW time line point, where there was thousand of jedis and sith clashing in differents escenaries all across a galaxy bigger each time, and two powerful armies struggling one against each other, and the chance of living the pure blood sith empire,that we read about in the TALES FROM THE JEDI comics from 1994.

    2) 8 differents stories, with their video interactive cutscenes, each of them is like a new KOTOR.

    3) The connection between the stories in the game and the novels (especially REVAN 2011).

    4) The constant updates and improvements that BIOWARE ´s team makes.


    Living in the old republic has become since almost 3 years, part of my daylife, always while working in my notebook I am logged in the game on my PC or vice versa, keeping an eye on what I can do to achieve this or those goal, or to improve some of my characters gear or powers.


    I´ve played all of the SW games, because I am a first wave fan (almost 40 years old), but KOTOR and SWTOR has always remained as my favorites.

  9. Hmmm. don´t remenber exactly but I think Malachor V was not destroyed at the end of KOTOR2, I remenber a kind of earthquake, rocks collapsing and the Ebon Hawk emerging, that´s all,... sincerely don´t remenber the planet itself exploting after the Hawks ´s escape. and don´t see any vegetations arround "Revan" on the teaser.. the architecture arround him looks like much Malachor´s Sith Temple.
  10. Well, .. I ´ve been watching the video again and again trying to get some clue,( I ´m a f........ adict to this game and SW universe as well) .. and think this enviroment showed behind the guy with Revan´s clothes ( we still don´t have the certainty that it be him) could be the Sith Temple on Malachor V.


    According to the novel, there Revan found the clue about a planet called Metria, which its name had been changed to Natheema, following this trace he and Malak came finally to Drumond Kass ( this was during Mandalorian Wars, before the KOTOR events) and found that original Sith Empire being rebuilding.


    So well managed this turn in the story could be interesting, because don´t forget that the Sith emperor is still alive and waiting for his return, appart that Jakarro in some way linked the story arc with Onderon, which also means Dxun moon, and the Galactic Starfighters mission linked with Kuat ships factories, so three powers playing against eachothers and new interesting planets to explore are coming up


    The only problem I see is we had killed Revan in the Foundry mission.How do I know that? because he kept liying on the floor after the sith striking team attacked him, he should be dead already.

  11. I don´t know guys, for me Revan has had too many variations since his first appearence in KOTOR, hero, villan, hero redeemed, martyr hero tortured during 3 centuries, then freed, then believed dead, and now he seems to be the bad guy again, too much for the same character.


    The revanites mission on Drumond Kass, originally was a lesserone, the guy who gives it to you, is like hidden under a bridge, the cult itself doesn´t seem to be relevant, so is it fair enough to be the great nex turn in SWTOR history?

  12. Well, that I had said a while ago, it was before playing the flashpoint ... because you reborn REVAN!!

    How could you do that?! let me understand this,... according to the novel REVAN (2011) 300 years ago he was trapped by Darth Vicious(Tenebrae= The emperor) into a cage when there was a double telepatic conduit, The Emperor drained Revan s energy,and at the same time Revan put fear at the emperor's mind to delay as much as possible the Sith invation.After that in the game are Two flashpoints when we have freed Revan from an empirial orbital Prision and then he and HK-47 take over an Old Rakatan factory called The foundry, this is the subject of the other flashpoint, but in thisone we have Killed REVAN.( after that HK47 unexplained appeared at the Darth Malgus 's Command at the False Emperor flashpoint).So the point is If we Killed REVAN ,... how could he stay alive??!!


    Was he Cloned by the Revanites?

    Guys in the SW universe when someone is dead is dead, you can show it between the incorporial state of the force such as obi wan kenobi in the original trilogy but nothing else,.. What did you do?

  13. They don´t have to be done all at the same time, eg: they could prepare an special Cinematic trailer to showcase the

    " Return of the Sith Emperor" and then engaging it with a new world to explore or a new Strategic Flash point, and its respective story arc, later engage those links with may be a new "Galaxy State"from the Shroud, give us time enough to play them and then the story final is set at an upcoming new online comic (available first for subscriptors, later for prefered status, and finally for free players, or maybe using cartel coins by credit card). and /or a book. etc, the possible integration combinations are infinite.(don´t forget that being side products, the comic and the book would have their own cash flow return from the sales of the book, and the subcriptions or cartel coins added, appart from the game itself improvements.


    These are just ideas, basic marketing and integrated chain of worth.

  14. Ja.but by suggestion box we only have access to developing team and not to the full project team whose 'd be required to make the full matter.that's why I talked about integrated product and I agree with you that following the

    actual course of the game and the franchise at all,l we won't see such of things, thought I am asking for them.

  15. If you read all the thread should know that I am already wared about the spending of resources such of things demands.but all of us love them and the answer to the final product is highly positive and massive.It 'll be for the developing and finantial team to judge the factibility and profitability about these suggestions.
  16. Hi developing team.Appart from the new updatings coming(galactic strongholds,starfighters updates,and forged alliances story arc) I think that this game 'd need:

    1)More new planets to explore.

    2)New cinematic trailers (such a quality of Deceive, Return,and Hope)or why not an online serie?

    3)A new online comic (high quality like Blood of the Empire).

    4)New novels to expand the story beyond Anihilation.


    But most importantly all of these 4 subjetcs should be connected between eachothers so they engage as part of the

    Puzzle of the story arc.I know that these ideas would need a strong investment of resources and before to do anything you 'd need a positive and possible cash flow return.But just consider this: nothing keeps the players online than "to have something to wait" I remember before releasing the game how much expectative and enthusyam generated to read the next issue of blood of the empire or to watch the new Master Gnost Dural Cronoc

    les or the advances of the new cinematic trailer.That 's why the servers exploted in the beta.Well I think you should keep doing such of things periodically to keep alive the bussiness.Don't get me wrong we all appreciate the effort and constant improvement you give us.But in my opinion this kind of things are neccessaries time to time.

  17. In that case, I think that the history of this game would lead up (between the years it be online) to the creation of the New Sith Empire seen in the Darth Bane trilogy, because, there is an empty space in the time line of about 2000 years (SWTOR 3500 BBY, and Darth Ruin founded New Sith Empire 1500 BBY).


    About the much close future, would be great to see the return of the Darth Vitiate (SW Sith Emperor), announced but other of those amazings movie trailers, such (Hope, Return, Deceive), followed for the inclusion of new planets to explore, such as you did with Makeb and Oricon.A selection to count on may be, Onderon/Dxun(to connect the sotry with Exar Kun/mandalorian wars) , Ziost, ( to expand the empires seat in the story), Yavin IV( to connect the naga Sadow Linage with the actual Sith Emperor's), Nafema( the born place fo the Sith emperor that appears in Revan's novel).

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