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Posts posted by gabrielcab

  1. I still have 2 days left of subscription and was about to uninstall the game, but now I won't uninstall and wait till they convert the game to F2P to came back and play again. Some people prefer to pay a monthly fee and hope for "new" content or keep the game interesting, I prefer to simply enjoy the game i bought and when/if new content is available i just purchase it. In the end it could be the same, maybe pay a bit more or a little less but with so many good game out there it is impossible for a mere mortal with limited budget to pay a monthly fee for each one I could possible enjoy. Anyway at a $15.00 rate fee we are literally paying a new game fee "$60.00" every 4 months.
  2. Go debate this in the myriad of posts that pop up outside this. You are yet to prove past personal opinion how F2P can improve this game.


    All i know is that this this game is not worth a subscription fee, why? because from 1-49 there is simply no incentive to even group with any other person, in fact while i was leveling my character i tend to invite anyone close and very few people wanted to group. These MMO companies make big millions charging us a monthly fee to play their game and the doesn't invest much in improvement and new content, they doesn't even invest in a communication department to talk and maintain their customers informed of what is happening and how they are fixing it. Why would you pay a monthly fee to play a single player like game to just level alts and play with 4-8 people for end game in a "Massive Multplayer" game?

  3. This thread remember me back in the time when the few fanboys where so vocal about how a LFF tool would destroy the community, BW hear them and look where is the game now, a virtual ghost town. Now is the same thing, a few vocal fanboys telling NO to change the subscription model because it will destroy the game.
  4. Like most people I was a fan boy that could easily tear apart the eyes of anyone that say anything bad against this game, but sadly i'm not an altaholic, in fact i detest grinding so this game is unfortunatly not for me. I loved the combat animations and the PvP of this game, but the PvP options are too short. I just hope some day this game became F2P so I can came back.
  5. I don't know if it is too late. I started with Diablo 3 and i'm having a blast with it that i don't know I will revive my SWTOR account after the free month expires, but if GW2 comes before the 1.4 "big" path i think it would be game over for SWTOR as i wont came back, "maybe if BW gives a week resurrection to test the new content?" Ya I know, you don't care if I log or not, but i'm not the only one thinking like this.
  6. To be fair, they've talked many times about how from concept to design and implementation is a rather long process. We're not on their staff. They don't need to include us in discussions of the nuances of the project at every stage along the way. Transfers are coming. We've known they were coming for a long time. Wanting an update every couple of days isn't going to change a thing. And there are a ton of people doing this constantly. It's the exact same thing with the SGRA. They've said it was coming. They said it will be here when new story content gets here. They've said they're expecting it at the end of the year. And people still constantly ask about it, demanding that it's fixed "in 30 days" or they'll unsub. Granted, I understand why you're upset. I'm not trying to downplay that at all. But this is akin to a child asking, "are we there yet?" over and over in the car. Grilling them on why we don't have the feature you want is pointless and a waste of time. In fact it would just waste more time if the developers decided to answer each and every post every time that same question is asked by every angry customer.


    Only a child is OK with their dads telling that they are arriving soon.

  7. Hey folks,


    I just wanted to clear up some things and let you know that we are listening and that more information regarding Game Update 1.3 will be coming soon. We’re in internal testing on the major features right now, and we’re getting closer every day to deploying Game Update 1.3 to the Public Test Server – but we can’t guarantee there won’t still be hurdles. We’re also working on several new developer blogs about Game Update 1.3 that we know you want to hear more about (including one about character transfer details). We know that you’re looking for specific details, but we want to avoid releasing any information that is incomplete. Rest assured that we are absolutely listening and are working to bring you the information you want.


    We appreciate your discussions here on the forums and we’ll try our best to step in wherever we can (and we’re always here reading, gathering your concerns, and passing them on internally), but there will be times when we really can’t say anything. As a result, you’re going to be hearing a lot of “soon” and “we’re working on it” because that’s as specific as we can get right now. When we can get more specific, we will. If we’re quiet, it doesn’t mean we’re not listening and it certainly doesn’t mean we’re not working to bring you more information – our goal is to always bring you accurate information as soon as we can.


    Thanks for your patience as our developers continue to work diligently on maintaining the quality of Game Update 1.3 and releasing it to you soon.


    We know you are listening and we know that you are worried about the low population problem in the game but we need a concrete answer or explanation of why haven't the server transfer/merge haven't been implemented months ago when you where warned into view at your statistic charts "what is the word that BW use for their internal statistical data?" to see that players weren't logging anymore or migrating to others servers in a disproportional way .


    You could do a serious talk about the technical difficulties of doing such a task so we can feel that we are treated with respect and not with template answers with the word "soon" in it or simply ignoring that is the most disrespectful thing you can do to a customer "person". Entertaining your investors with ambiguous information about the game wont make us keep paying a monthly fee indefinitely and ignoring a problem wont make it go away.

  8. Why didn't you team up with people on the way? Maybe, then, you'd have people to play with when you hit 50. You're not playing WoW. There is no 1-49 grind, 1-49 is the game and 50 is the ENDGAME.


    Of course i grouped with people while leveling, but that 1-49 where almost a single player experience with some cooperative campaigns from time to time but nothing wow, "the expresion, no the world of wacraft". This game have great potential for ENDGAME content for its graphics and combat animation, but they utilized all their resources into making it more like a monthly paid single player experience for altaholics than a game where you have to group in a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER manner to make high end bosses and massive PVP.

  9. I grind my character out of the SOLO grinding part 1-49 just to start my MMO experience, but what i got? a ghost fleet and a 10 players guild out from 300. I don't understand why people enjoy to pay a monthly fee just to grind a character over and over, MMO should be about MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER end game content and large scale PVP, not as a massive grind fest.
  10. They don't seem to care.

    That's the biggest issue.


    I don't believe that, i think BW really do care about the server population catastrophe that is currently hitting hard the game and its killing the game, but i think they just don't know how to deal with it, anything they do will get a lot of people angry no matter what they do and they are trying figuring out what is the least terrible thing to do to enrage the least amount of people.




    For any kind of situation there is a lot of professionals that spent years of studying of how to communicate problems, and that is what BW is lacking seriously now, they simply fail in the art of communication and we are seeing the results; dying servers and people"aka. customers" angry with no answers.

  11. What i like?


    • Graphics, combat animation, PVP and everything else.


    What i don't like?


    • Being in the fleet with 80 ppls and long WZ queue time.


    What i would like?


    • Play all different classes but without the need to repeat the side quests. and the return of a Illum alike instanced WZ with lots of players.


    Why i'm still here?

    • Waiting to my free month to expire and with big hopes of a server transfer/merge before GW2 is released.

  12. OP, i think what you need is to lower your daily caffeine dose a little bit and enjoy the game. There is no hack in this game that make you immune or god mode in this game, there is only a speed thingy that is in every single game out there that only an idiot or someone who like to be banned would use in lvl 50 PVP. Anything else you see on the internet that claims to be a hack is a either a keylogger, trojan or an old hack that where used back in the beta days. Show me a 1.2 video, combat log or any evidence, but while you try to find please, remember, the fact that you are a baddie doens't imply that they where using hacks.
  13. Paranoia is getting out of control, so many times baddies tells "oh! you killed me, you used hacks!" Kids, grow up, there is no hacks in this game, there is only lag and baddies that doesn't get why they get owned.
  14. After playing TERA and GW2 beta I got so used to the press one time the number and keep it pressed to use the action bars that now I cannot stand the clickicty of this game or any other. I'm using a Razr mouse and my thumb gets tired of too many clicks, not to mention that the mouse will decay faster with so many clicking. Wonder if BW can implement that system in this game in the immediate future.
  15. So you base a dead server on the number of people on fleet? Is that all there is to do now is stand on fleet and hope? a truely dead server is a server that has a population of one.


    Being blind or don't want to see doesn't eliminate the low population problem. People from Fatman doesn't know about it, but all the mortals from other servers knows exactly what it feels to play in a "agonizing" server, sure there are people around, but it defenietly doesn't feel like a Massively Multiplayer Online anymore.

  16. And now they admit openly that you can buy the gem currency with real money, and sell them in game to other players for in game currency. Which is basically game supported gold selling, which is very much a pay to win system.



    You GWII fanbois really are in denial.


    Are you kidding? aren't you aware that currently gold selling is in place for SWTOR? haven't you read the news that goldfarmers are currently the most happy working class in the world thanks to the BigSink of BW?

  17. Too many rakghouls that somehow love to pay to do the same thing over and over mindlessly, that's what this kind of company lives from. I really don't mind paying a monthly fee, but if i'm paying a "expansion game" fee every month i expect to have better things to do and not the same boring dailies that you keep doing every day as if this where a single player game.
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