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Posts posted by offfspringfntc

  1. You can buy an Arkanian (162) rated main had from the CZ-198 Rep vendor (over by the entrance to the two flashpoints) with Elite comms. That is the only place other than GTN, Crafter or Drops to get a main hand over 156
  2. Recently Unsubscribed (sub expires end of September)


    For me its been the true lack of endgame content, there's been 3 new flashpoints in 12 months, and no new operations during that time (HM/NiM are not new content, just more difficult same content). I joined the game for love of KOTOR I and II, fell in love with the character stories- I have 13 lvl 55s, have played every class story at least once, a couple from both LS/DS points of view. Have really enjoyed the game for 2+ years. Even was GM of an active guild that has a Guild Flagship, but every day I logged in, I realized it had been longer and longer between log ins, and I really was just hopping on to see my online friends, not play the game, it had become stale.


    Oh and that the Ranked pvp rewards for season 2 were terribad, ashamed I even wasted the time to make a ranked pvp tank and work on getting a good rating, for horrible rewards.


    Love the game, liked my guild, but I've ran my course with the game, and the extreme lack of content over the past year left me dispassionate about playing that I'd rather do anything else but run the same daily areas/flashpoints/operations on repeat, and interior decorator has never been an job I've aspired to do, I don't really want to pay someone to have the privilege to be my own.


    Thanks for the memories SWTOR and I wish you well, but an worried about the way the "story" portion of the game has been greatly underserved for the past 16 months.

  3. Might be very similar to last season- They waited until there was maybe 1 or 2 weeks left before dropping the rewards so that most "late comers" to ranked pvp would be able to gear and get enough rating to get the really exceptional rewards. Since the season is supposed to end with patch 2.9- I wouldn't be surprised if the dropped on next Tuesday.


    Not saying I prefer this plan though, honestly I think the rewards should be known release Mid Season to reinvigorate Pvp

  4. Pointing out the obvious does not make someone a "defender".

    I feel for the OP, and I'm sure it was upsetting for them, the need to insult other posters though reflects more on your immaturity than anything else.

    Not once did the "defenders" say that the OP's feelings on the matter were invalidated, rather pointed out that there were multiple ways to avoid spoilers around that could have helped it from happening.

  5. Legacy is started after you complete Chapter 1 for the first time on any character. (lvl 32 ish)


    At which point your legacy will be available for all of your characters from lvl 1


    The lvl 25 vs lvl 10 was associated with speeder piloting. Originally you don't get speeder piloting until lvl 25 (on tat) and once you had a legacy (end of chapter 1) you could unlock speeders on your alt characters via legacy at lvl 10.


    That has all changed now, and subs get speeder piloting around lvl 15 now, so its really a non-issue any longer.

  6. Game is over 2.5 years old- there are no spoilers class story wise anymore


    Also the Makeb click is not a Mission click (i.e. its not glowing to let you know it is continuation a current quest you have to do it right now-especially if you are focusing on story content)


    Plus the send you a in game email to warn you about the Makeb quest will appear at lvl 47, and how to avoid spoilers (most people just delete the mail without really reading it)


    Your ragey post is not new- the content from Makeb is almost 18 months old, this is not a "new issue" quite frankly, if you were in a guild and told them that you are avoiding spoilers, or didn't want to see spoilers, someone would have warned you about the Makeb terminal a long time ago.

  7. summer of swtor updated

    L.A. cantina

    enmity podcast ep 40

    Q&A notes

    news announcement

    *edit: actually I think it was ootinicast ep 147 that had the juicy info on strong holds and capital ships but enmity podcast is good too


    Nice, posts that say - content is coming, content is coming (content we have no inclination to share detail with you, but hey we've never disappointed) - but really all those words quickly summed up= EA/BW :We just made current content harder, and are bringing back events you know are coming back- oh and that content we promised you early access to- is now gone and will be coming later. Oh we did add a time sink gambling game, which is contentesque, except its not true content since its has one mission- see funny adds, go gamble.


    Ive subbed now for over two years, whether defenders of this game (which I am frequently) admit it or not - there has been a serious lack of actual PVE content in this game - even the New story line (two Tactical 55 fps) is a snippet of a story they have decided to not continue for a period over 6 months (that's assuming they put some content in 2.9 other than housing and guild ships- if not we'll be looking at 9 months)


    October has been the last PVE content Operation content release, since then, there have been 1 PVP warzone, GSF Twice- Early and Everyone Access- and 3 Tactical Flashpoints. I'll defend this game as being great for anyone just starting, there is an unbelievable amount of content for new players to work through- but at this point for long time subscribers- the only reason I'm still around is because I really enjoy playing with the people in my guild, but content wise there is nothing keeping me here.


    2.9 better deliver in a biiiiiiig way- if not- I will not be here for 3.0- I'll move back to single player land- buy Witcher 3 or DA3 and miss my guild-mates, but right now it feels Swtor is money poorly spent.

  8. Bolster is there for this reason, half the players in regs don't have any pvp gear what so ever. If you pvp a decent amount in un-ranked for a week, maybe two you'd make enough comms to have a full set of Pvp gear. Hell there's quite a few people in ranked that run with less than 2018 expertise. The reason there is no recruit is because of bolster, Use it, quit trying to get free useless gear. Hell people who wear Warhero or Battlemaster, Recruit armor are a detriment, bolster on normal pve gear at lvl 55 is considerably better.
  9. The new tactical flashpoints have a brief conversation before, between and after, all happen on the fleet, that's all since Oricon. Oh and ship twitch pvp/flashpoints with 3 cutscenes, once


    Yes its been that bad. :confused:


    but hey, Rakghoul event might be coming back again this summer sometime soon:eek:

  10. Agreed, the New "Alliances" tactical FP's was supposed to be kicking off another story arc for operations as well, but 2.8 has NOTHING furthering this stuff along, so your talking at least 11 months (September 2013 was DF/DP) since the last operation(s) came about if we even get 1 in August, meaning end game operations have gone wholly ignored for over a calendar year.


    ugh. but hey at least we got sandbox gambling this summer for shinny's /facepalm

  11. Sooooo..... besides random idiocy, is there any actual evidence to back up your ludicrous claims?


    From the brief bits of info I've seen, GSF is still getting support, they just decided to not add another class of warship as originally stated in the Summer Road-map, they've also mentioned that as a caveat that it would most likely return at a later date.

  12. I've been playing for almost two years now, so maybe it is time for me to move on (13 55's as well, so I pretty much made sure I covered every story from multiple angles) but the cadence for content has been UNDERWHELMING. Dread Masters were a part of 5 of the 6 operations, but there really has been zero content updates since DF/DP with story, adding a couple of flashpoints for "new story" that essentially give you next to nothing story wise, then make subs wait 3-4 months before the next snippet of story/progression is extremely sad. I'm with the OP on this one, after two years I finally have reached a point where I feel like it may be time to walk away. Re-colors of armor, Zero new Operations going on 7 months(NiM and HM modes are not NEW CONTENT for pete's sake BW), 1 new 8v8 huttball map in 2+ years, and generally now there is just a ton of SoonTM things. I'm starting to feel that they really are no-longer interested in growing the games story and progression, but instead adding to GSF (twitch pvp can be fun, but its not why I pay for this game)- even the New Exciting Story line is slow to start and full of holes, if your gonna advertise a new story line, make sure its more than a couple of conversations long IMHO.
  13. Being in an active Endgame Raiding guild is always the better way to go, our guild does 16M SM 55's (DF/DP) - though soon to be jumping up to HM, but we normally have to pug around 1-3 dps each week. That is your best option, find a guild that can support 16m ops, and a set run time (7pm on Wednesday on The Harbinger pub side for us, and 7pm Sunday's on imp side) and your QoL will greatly improve!


    FYI- no one in our guild really ever uses GF to form ops groups, not that we mind teaching, but generally speaking, you get folks who don't want to learn but are hoping someone will carry them through.

  14. That was a great read. I don't visit the forums often, but had to look up what a 'vanity pet' was, because I really didn't know. I stumbled in here random-clicking on thread titles. I think using the community, us, for creative inspirwation is a brilliant idea. I'm a Linux geek, and most distros are pretty community based, as far as testing, bug hunting (and 'killing'). I think it would work really well. It would be neat to see what 'we' could come up with as far as world/city design, story lines, etc. I'm sure there are some exceptionally talented people here. It would be inspiring to see what could come of it. It would be pretty awesome I think for players who get involved to see part of themselves in the game, something they helped create.


    You read a post from TWO YEARS AGO and found it to informative and topical. You thread necromancer you, congrats on reviving the dead.



  15. Mini games, there is already so much in this game, either via achievements, codex entries, seeker droid gear sets/mission, microbinoculars, GSI, 6 daily areas, crew skills, companions, recurring events, bonus mission for each planet there is an almost overwhelming amount of non-class story game play to complete, not including the up coming Space expansion and PVP in general. Mini-games sound like fun and are cute, but really there is a ton of the game out there to experience, instead of saying what is not there, make sure you've tried everything there is to find first. I wouldn't be surprised if a mini-game or two did make it into the game in the next year or so, it does seem like the time is approaching.


    Also highly debatable that the game is in need of saving, its currently quite profitable for EA and feels that it is growing in many aspects, the past year has seen quite a few improvements (year one of Cartel Market) and appears to be heading for more in the future with seemingly large content updates every quarter.

  16. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this with others, just to see if anyone feels the same way.


    Now, I tried the gree event...I wasn't going to because it contained PVP elements and I have little to no interest in PVP in this game, but I decided to give it a whirl. I have to say it wasn't what I expected. I was bored pretty early into the questing, seemed like more kill/loot/repeat so I abandoned the daily quests and left.


    That was it for me. I discovered I didn't miss much the last time I skipped it.


    I had considered trying out the HK quest line, but after talking to a few folks and discovering I would need to run an HM I was out. I have never run an HM and likely never will...I simply do not belong in that type of content. I would only hinder those that overcome the challenges presented in the game to have the best gear and the like...I do not reach that standard. I am a casual player.


    So that was that.


    Now, I am perfectly fine with that. I think that folks that put up with the boredom of the gree event (or perhaps the challenge, not everyone is going to find it boring) or the struggle to finish the HK quest line including some of the more mundane aspects of it should have the rewards, and I should not.


    I am not jealous of those players, and I am impressed when I see the gree armor, speeder or the HK companion. It means they overcame a challenge I could not overcome.


    I wondered if anyone else felt this way...ok with not having certain things in the game, or never participating in certain quests or events. I know some folks feel left out, yet I have spoken to others that are not phased by it.


    Where do you stand?


    Thanks for reading.


    OP, I've read some of your responses, but that was early on, could't read every page of responses. On you feeling for HM's, the most current HM's i can see your point, such as HM Lvl 55's or HM TFB/SV, but really all in all HM Maelstorm Prision/Foundry were geared for you to beat in Tioenese gear (51's) with some difficulty and in Columni they are a breeze (56). The reason I say this is now SM flashpoints drop Black Hole (61s) and dailies give you tons of Basic/Classic comms, which give you access to (66/61) gear respectively. S


    So in short, If you have run the SM flaspoints a couple times at lvl 50, any lvl 50 HM difficulty wise is negligible, Hardcore normally only function in the more "recent" HM/NiM content, gear and drops are such that even casual players like yourself can enjoy all of the "old" SM ops and HM content. Give it a whirl and you might be surprised, plus you get some added visuals from new mechanics in a couple of boss fights (easily explained in a group btw). PM me if you are on Harbinger and Ill grab a couple of our nicer guildies and run you through some of the HM content, you'd be surprised how fun it can be the first few times you try it.

  17. wouldn't it make more sense to let the developers know what the players want out of the game early, so they make a better game, instead of after the fact, when it's too late to change?


    how do you know what's going to be in 2.5 or 2.6, or the cost of 3.0? if you're at a loss for an answer, i can help. you're trolling.


    The way the op went about the "letting the developers know what players want" is not effective, he took 4 bullet points of something that's projected 3 months from now and tried to tear it to pieces via misplaced complaining. So just change 2.4 in his post to 2.X or 3.X and it essentially is the same thing, random nonsensical, misplaced complaints about an update that has a lot more content than we currently know considering 2.3 is still on the PTS, the time to lodge constructive criticism would be when 2.4 gets to that point.

  18. Doesn't


    EA/BW are exactly how Disney plans on using the marketing rights in the future, to sell the licensing to a Game Developer and letting them handle all the costs for development, the projects that were all shut down were LucasArts financially supported developments, not what Disney wants to do. This is not that way, also this was covered at the time of the sale in multiple threads. Plus EA and Disney have signed and exclusive right agreement for Star Wars games. Use the search bar above before posting redundant threads that were covered months ago.



  19. 5/24/2013:







    LOL So let me get this straight. By your own admission, your "PvP patch" contains a new PvE planet story arc, and not one, but two new operations. Which IRONICALLY we all had to pay for a planet/level increase/op patch at 2.0, but are now getting a planet and two operations for free in 2.4. So first off, what the heck was my $10 going toward at 2.0?


    So by comparison you're releasing a massive amount more content for PvE'ers AGAIN in a patch you referred to as a PvP patch and then your tossing some gear and a few 4x4 arenas at PvP'ers?


    So let's just all take a look at this... Since Ancient Hyper Gates going forward to 2.4, you will have managed to release 4 revamped level 55 HM Flashpoints, 2 brand new level 55 HM/SM Flashpoints, and 3 new operations in comparison to 1 new tier of PvP gear and some 4v4 arenas?


    Do you think it's time to maybe get your sole PvP developer some help? It blows my mind that your own devs and community staff have been referring to this as the "pvp patch" for two months now, and the damn thing is going to have more PvE content in it than PvP content. What a blatant slap in the face. Just axe PvP. It's clear you won't and can't have any decent Open World content, and it's clear you have no interest in supporting Warzones in a dedicated manner. Just get rid of it so you move your lone PvP dev onto fixing bugs...


    Hey look its a complain about something we know very little about post, months before it happens!


    Troll lol lol lol la la la


    Seriously, dude just needed to complain for complaining sake, just to jump the gun for you, 2.5 is gonna have something your going to complain about. so is 2.6 and hell the 10$ you spend for 3.0 - bet you are ready to complain about how it's "not worth it"


    Nothing to see here, move along

  20. Over the 2XP weekend, I seen a DPS consistently queuing for a Flashpoint that is recommended to have max level of 43. Yet, here she was at level 47 queuing up for it. Once I seen the level 47, I dropped queue and refused the invitation. I waited about 15 minutes to give her a chance to move on with another team, re-queued. Sure enough, there she still was. So I gave up on the queue and switched to the Imp side for awhile. Ran a few missions, then switched back to my Guardian. Queued up again, and wow...there she still was. Apparently no other Tank wanted their XP nerfed by running the Flashpoint with her either. I eventually just gave up all together.


    This is what the XP nerf promotes. Nobody gets anywhere because people are catching on to the XP nerf with higher levels and they refuse to team with people who are trying to queue up Flashpoints they have basically out leveled. If the Devs fixed this, the amount of people leaving the queue due to higher levels being queued up would drop drastically.


    On a double xp weekend by running the Flashpoint you would have still got incredible XP from the missions for the Flashpoint itself along with great XP if you hadn't done the daily mission either (mission completion and bonus completion XP not nerfed-BTW these normally give considerably more XP than all the killing in the Flashpoint), the only "nerfed" would be the killing baddies xp, which still would have been doubled, what this thread continually shows is that you're a queue refusing player who negatively affects the QoL for the rest of the community, that dps had to wait in queue for hours, and instead of getting good xp and drops from running a FP you kept refusing and come here to complain. If anyone in all this is offensive, it is you.


    Also the level ranges for FPs go almost up to 7 levels above the class range in some cases, that's why flashpoint XP is automatically 35% because of the "grouped" aspect making it more than no group forms, to compensate for this. If your gonna be super selective in the group you are going to go in, make a pre-made on the fleet and queue that way, but don't throw your hat into faction wide group-finder and THEN decide you want to be choosy, either use the GF the way the game currently intends and quit getting other players hopes up, just to back out because you get a slightly diminished amount of XP (statistically speaking I would gander its no more than 15% in total once Mission XP is calcualted in, all in all waaaaaaay more than you could get just running around on a planet if you know how to get through the FP in a timely manner). Let me know what server (Plz if there are SWTOR gods you are not on Harbinger) that you are on, and your toon names, that way I can put you on every ignore list if have across 10 alts on both factions to ensure I never come across someone so petty about XP that they try to ruin the social and group aspects over a tiny amount of xp.

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