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Posts posted by SnkByte

  1. ... It looks good, but there is nothing whatsoever to make it feel like a living world. ...

    • ...
    • Metrics are lying: I'm doing 10+ WZ a day not because I like that but because there's no such thing as world
    • ...

    More and more ppl are realizing what's fundamentally broken in the very early stages of this game's design. And this i suspect is one of the main reasons why a lot of ppl left (some of them probably even non consciously knowing what they don't like). I remember a post in January where a player explained how he just "feels" different (read: better) just by traveling on his mount in that other game. He then finished his post that he can't explain whats his problem is, and that "the sun just shines differently and more lively" in the game that shall not be named.


    The "world" is the reason why ppl often say that this game is not mmo. On the "technical" side swtor is exact mmo but in reality the game world have one single purpose - leveling. Then we hit 50 and the world practically ceases to exist.

    And again the "world" is why ppl say they have nothing to do ingame, and this have nothing to do with the speed they chew content.

    The problem is that Bioware copied the wrong wow (late wow) that lost 2mil subs and not the early one that had some world and gained 12mil subs.

  2. yeah not many are complaining. Maybe 100 out of 1 million. Are you also saying that everyone who quit did so because they couldn't play the game?


    Ofc not, most of them probably left for many different reasons. And one of the more mentioned ones is that the game can't support crowded environments with more then 30-40 ppl. God forbid if they start casting - no one will now believe you that you haven't seen 20+ vs 20+ ilum (1-10 FPS) slideshow.


    BTW they are not 100 of 1mil but instead 28,4 of 103. Ohh and where you saw this million :p

  3. I dont think its essential to add fluff for a sucessful mmo, even though i think the title of the thread is very missleading btw if fluff and immersion made a great game and the a number one STO would be world number one mmo but its not so you have to look why.


    Could swtor do with day and night cycles, maybe even weather. For immersion yes it could but its not required for roleplaying, being able to sit in seats in cantinas would be nice and also being able to play minigames like pazzak but its not like they arnt ever coming.


    So whilst fluff is nice its not essential for a successful mmo.


    You care to share with us whats essential to MMO after saying its not fluff? 'Cos otherwise i could tell you "No, it is!"

  4. This issue was part of the huge "ability delay" thread (shortly after game gone live). I remember some fanboys screaming loud recently how Bioware completely and fully solved all "manifestations" of non-responsiveness/ability delay that players reported back then. The reality is that BW only posted on the forums long ago that they remedied responsiveness by devoting more program resources to reading keyboard input (it was combined with few ability animation changes) . I don't know why now those same ppl don't come and tell how after everything was fixed its still here when sever populations were raised? Maybe just 'cos it never was fixed and simply the better responsiveness was consequence of low server populations. The fact is that the last mention from BW about responsiveness was shortly after 1.1, then servers got empty and it got more responsive on its own. Then BW shrug it all under the carpet and thats what some players call "fixed".
  5. We pre-ordered the game hoping that my husband and I could play together on our two household computers- each logining in on our own accounts, but sharing the product key and subscription. We have done so in other MMPOGs. But it seems like that may not be the case here. Do we have to have seperate copies of the game, seperate subscriptions, or both for each household member? That would be really dissapointing- unreasonably expensive for families under the same roof that game together.


    No subscription based game would allow this ever. It even sounds completely illogical. So you basically propose that 50 ppl buy one copy and pay few cents per month and play on the same account simultaneously? If 2 can play what prevents 50 or 150, or even thousands? No way - monthly subscriptions are personal (allow 1 single person to be logged at a time). You can buy one copy of some single/multiplayer games and install it on two computers to play it both but this doesn't mean its not illegal - they just can't detect you, but with mmos they can prevent it easy.

  6. Did we really have a question asking if Expertise helped in any way in PVE? Really? I usually don't gripe, but are we going to have a question next week answering whether or not Agents/Smugglers/Commandos/Bounty Hunters can use lightsabers? /Facepalm


    Yeah this question was a killer :p Actually the answer. We all didn't knew the basics MMO mechanics at some point but to waste an answer on this.

  7. Would rather have queues than a dead server.


    The main problem for the English servers is you only get one PVP server, so TOFN has very long queues (which will die down very soon anyway).


    If you check the server list at peak times, there is 2 PVE English servers with heavy/very heavy load, meaning PVE servers got more choice.


    They should of gave us more choice with transferring.


    I would also like to know the server cap, as I don't think it is much more than 3000 (which is a terribly low number).


    Fanboys will jump on you soon to tell you that servers are as big, even far bigger then wow's battlegroups :p Personally I would be surprised if they are above 4500.

  8. It was 1.1, 1.2 now 1.3 that were supposed to make game ok. But the months are rolling and ppl spending more and more to sponsor the catch up - when they are not supposed to. I don't think that there are many ppl willing to pay 15$ for 1 -1/2 year waiting for things to become ok. And subs show this.
  9. Why can you skip the tionese/part of the columi progression by just purchasing a recruit set?


    Because Bioware doesn't have the first clue when it comes to designing a progression based gearing system. Much like they don't have any clue of how to design a MMO that is more than a credit treadmill.


    Initially i thought that i just don't get it what "great" design EAware are envisioning as their gear progression in this game. But it was long ago i realized that what i quoted is instead the only truth. Especially on PVE side the gear progression is one big BEEEEEEEEP!!! And (literally) every single mmo player you ask in general chat can make better one.

  10. Oh look, another thread saying the same thing. Um, try the facebook page or the swtor twitter, or darth hater, even the swtor section on reddit. There's numerous information outlets.


    Oh look another of this responses that suggest ppl look all around the Internet and not where its supposed to be. Because it's very hard to make the shutdown message of swtor.com to be current maintenance post.

  11. The problem is very simple and its far from being "community is impossible to please". Not true, community is very easy to please. How? Simply by having server caps far more then the minimum amount of ppl necessary for decent community. But EAware don't have that tech. And the moment server reaches minimal amount necessary for decent community size and BAM! queue.
  12. Some of the problems i found with gathering/crafting/economy are:


    1. Its passive. The material nodes around the world are just too few, this prevent them spawn on random enough locations (you learn where they are pretty fast = boring). Gathering in its big part as i said is passively done by companions. This prevent gathering being different mini-game like venue that you do when you bored of fighting. Remove aspects of the MMO game = bad.


    2. PVE gear progression is one big mess. Obtaining gear different ways sounds good in theory, in themepark reality - bad. Why? Ppl don't follow and skip progression parts.


    How to make crafting worthwhile? Make crafted gear to be an unavoidable step in very well structured gear progression. New patch ->crafted gear is the best(actually fastest/easiest to get, not strongest from the new tier; and still better than previous Op) ->later in the patch boss loot takes place ->new patch -> rinse and repeat. In the end you have happy raiders and happy crafters. But for this to work new patches must define very strict tier progression - something that did not exist here. And make every profession give unique item upgrades for unique item slots - unremovable ofc so ppl buy them over and over again for every new item they have.


    You say "We don't need another gear treadmill" - you sure you want to play themepark?



    Cool story, bro. That, in no way whatsoever, was an attempt to invalidate anything anyway.


    Yeah cool bro. I never said you tried.

    You see what i did?



    On to my actual point: You see how pointless and stupid this kind of responses are? Its not the first time you respond like this (you are predictable :p). I just started this to show you that when you imply something its not very smart(and even less convincing) to tell later that you didn't meant it :p Patch day are often riddled with problem (1.1 emergency shutdown same week, 1.2 same) its just without question.

  14. Extremely Limited. You cannot whisper to those with active subs or mail anything even. I mean..you cannot even get a mount. In Rift's free trial I can atleast buy a mount with game gold. What you are getting in games such as LOTRO and STO which are FTP, is very few limitations. I can mail stuff to other chars in LOTRO , get mounts,etc and in STO there is no level limit. In LOTRO, you can only go to level 65 I think. But it contains a lot more content which is free. Comparing a free trial to a FTP model is really....no comparison. :p


    Its not so at all. It all depend how the developer decides to implement F2P. AoC is free to play but it very closely resembles what you describe as "free trial". And BTW looking at EA's way of implementing Free4Play with NFS and Battlefield if this games goes F2P it will be disastrous implementation where you will have to go naked until you give money to EA :p. NFS and Battlefield are the closest thing to pure Pay2Win. I can very easy see EA want money to allow you to wear more then green items - i swear i even see it right now :p

  15. The real benefit is to getting all of the perks and enjoying the whole game. 30% from space plus 30% from class quests +30% from Flashpoints and WZs, that adds up. I didn't ever get the impression that you would be able to level up by doing one small aspect of the game.


    If you just want to class quest and PVP, grab those perks and go. They add up.


    Bioware said EXACTLY the opposite, they said they designed perks so ppl take only the ones they like and play the game participating the content they like.

  16. OFF topic


    There is a difference between CS tickets and bug reports. Submit a bug report to CS and that's the response you get. Be glad, they are submitting the bug report you were obviously not capable of doing yourself and letting you know they forwarded it on. They could just forward it, delete your ticket and be done with it like most other MMOs.


    You sure that you submitted more bug reports than me and you know better how to do it? When you reach close to 3 digit ingame bug reports call me again and i will reactivate my main account especially for you to show you that i still have more.

  17. I thought greedy are called corps that make millions with poorly halfway done games? And not the ppl GIVING money. I thought greedy is not giving discount despite problems are discovered in your software.
  18. He's trying to help you out, smart guy. You'll get a more detailed reponse that way.


    Yeah we ALL know the level of detail there - "Im droid XXX-YYY, thanks for your report its forwarded. I don't care if you want to continue and ask/say something else. So im going to close this ticket. Go away now!"


    You mean this kind of copy/paste detailed?

  19. I don't want to burst any bubbles, but they've been using the hutts as neutral enemy that both the republic and empire can fight in things like Karagga's Palace, and as a lore reason that they're making GTNs cross-faction. I'm pretty sure it's not to set up a third faction. If they made a Hutt faction, what would they do when those characters went to do things like KP?


    I think the Hutts are a convenient group that can be adversaries for both factions. That being said, there's plenty of lore reason to make Empire enemies for both factions (which they certainly do in the flashpoints, and I think soon will in the next Operation). So I guess it's a possibility. But I don't think that's what they're setting up.


    Neither I want to burst their bubble but you are completely and utterly right. The reason other powerful factions are introduced in MMOs is VERY simple and ONLY to make things on developers easier. The reason is only to justify same Op/Flashpoint/dungeon/raid or whatever PVE content to work for both factions. Otherwise they need to create double content for every side. How ONE SINGLE OP/flashpoint will work for both factions if they don't have same enemy? Some ppl are really naive.

  20. Seriously, where are you getting this from? And please don't re-link that blog. That's not evidence. I want to know where you get the "it's what the industry does" and "what most MMORPGs have done for more than a decade now" from.


    I'm going to try this one more time. In this time of less than stable economic conditions, where everyone and their dog are giving large corporations the hairy eyeball over their past conduct, where a great deal of people are already willing to believe every horror story and "fact" about EA and their operating practises, do you really think EA would do anything that would increase financial risk and/or losses? Do you really think that someone, somewhere, wouldn't try to take them to task for "misleading investors" should EA try to claim that free trials and free-to-play accounts are "active subscribers?"


    EA would probably win any suit brought against them by activist investors, sure. But it would take time, and more importantly, money. And in a time when their stock has lost a great deal of value over the last few months, why would they do anything to risk pushing it even lower? And why would they waste the money they don't need to by defending themselves in any kind of suit when they could save that money by not putting themselves in that kind of situation in the first place?


    The thing is that they (not only EA) are very very inexplicit (not sure if this is the right english word but i hope you get it) in their statements. To put it simply - they don't out right lie to get in trouble they just tell half the truth.

  21. I doubt it would go up. There isn't much of the 'second chance' factor, especially when a monthly fee is involved. The game has some fundamental game design and technical issues, that are bottleneck-ing its potential. I expect it would become just a niche MMO, played by a couple of hundreds of thousands die-hard SW fans. Pretty much similar to LOTRO, or (most probably) bit worse.


    I'd love to see the game overcoming its major problems and expanding. I really like some aspects of it. But I'll probably leave as soon as I spot a real MMO alternative. You know, stuff like open world without too much instancing, world PvP, exploration, faction-based drama, less e-peen-controlled immature brains, ....


    The exact truth in just few sentences (especially the first part).


    Even if technical problems are solved (i don't count on it considering nothing except very few workarounds are done by now), then the design flaws are made in game's early fundamental design stages where its impossible to ever change almost anything.

  22. And that's your opinion about it. Mine differs. To me, especially if the want to label the game an MMORPG, the journey is where the game is at and the ending is just the bonus. Like I said earlier, layers want the fast leveling instead of the journey and what they get is repeated dailies, nothing.g more until content can be released. If the game lasted longer there would be no one complaining about lack of content and repeated dailies


    Ppl only get dailies and small 4/8/16 man maps not \cos the leveling is fast but 'cos its the way the game is designed. I would like longer leveling too but it is simply beyond impossible to make all ppl level slow like me and to not have a TON of ppl that will run as fast as possible through leveling and ask for more content. So this is the reason why the repeatable endgame content is so hugely important. And this repeatable maps no matter how great start to become boring relatively fast 'cos nothing changes. Its always the exact same repeatable content that doesn't differ even a tiny bit than before. And thats why subsequently this persistent world of mine is so important - first its what MMOs are all about and then second imagine that there were fights over every single zone/planet for its control and the right to gather unique resources that are only there to be found. It could be the relatively same type of combat all over and over again but there is now context and you feel you change the world even its the same battles over and over and over. Plus you benefit (beyond tokens) from it cos crafter can go there and gather recourse while specific planet are under factions control. And there are countless other things that could have been made to make the world exist (it now doesn't exist IMHO).


    Why you thinks ppl want ranked so much - ranks too give kind of context(something beyond and in the long run to justify why the battle is happening) in the form of competition.

  23. This used to exist until players complained they don't have enough time to play and it takes to long to hit level cap. Yet they will hit level cap in a coupe of weeks and just do dailies instead of doing the journey to cap. Go figure.


    Im the world slowest leveler and still the amount of time i spend leveling is joke compared to the endgame time. leveling DOES NOT pay subscriptions(atleast for longer then few months) - ENDGAME DO THAT.

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