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Posts posted by Cyber_Addict_NL

  1. Me and other players I am playing with, are all not glad with the removal of the following abilities, we used them a lot and they were great to have, please reconsider your desicion and see if more players are thinking like me and my fellow players :


    •Pommel Strike has been removed from the game.

    •Savage Kick has been removed from the game.

    •Tumult has been removed from the game.

    •Headshot has been removed from the game.

    •Eviscerate has been removed from the game.


    And other simular abilities, which I might have missed, maybe some people don't use them, but a lot of us did. I'd really like to see them back, because they added a extra flair to the ingame combat.


    Best wishes and thanks for all your efforts.

  2. I also would like an option to remove those buttons, I'm often clicking on those icons, because my mouse shifted just a bit to the right. They are small, but really annoying, when you're in the middle of a fight and accidentally, click that thing.
  3. thanks Bioware for the slap in the face with the new update. you might make more money off the game now but will have unhappy customers. i worked and slaved to get the credits for my rocket boots at a price of 4.5 mil credits. now you offer them to the new and free to play customers for hardly nothing. we subs that have played this game and dealt with all the glitches and broken patches and stuck by you the whole time get the shaft. things like rocket boots and speeders are a big part of this game and gives the player something to work for, things some others dont have. used to be you could look at a player and see the items and loot they had and know that person put some time in to that toon. well no more is that the case. i think it only right to refund the credits your PAYING CUSTOMERS spent for these things you almost give away now and let them have the chance to buy them from the cartel shop. what is the point of the game now, everyone has all the stuff you had to work for. a sad day for paying customes!!!! getting the shaft again..


    So true ! Just so you know you're not the only one who feels like this (good to see likeminded reactions even), 1.5 feels like a deathblow to the game for me, but we'll see ....


    Ps. : don't care about the money spend and ingame creds, had my fun for them.

  4. For me at first it was allmost a 10, but after the lowering of legacy perk requirements, more connection issues, more graphical bugs, more crashes since 1.4, it's down to 7 atm. At least put some higher legacy perks up there and don't focus on one group of people. You're forgetting your most faithfull players here BW ?! A simple legacy perk like cheaper rocket boots perk for high legacy level, or something. I think ideas wouldn't be the problem ;)

    Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but hope they fix the bugs and are carefull with changes in the future. I would like to keep playing this game !

  5. Bioware is making a lot of changes to make it eassier for the newer players, but they totally forget about the players who have been upping their skill, level and legacy all these months. What you have worked hard for to get, now gets undermined by all these adds and the lowering of legacy perks. Like the fast travel perks (BH, Tatooine etc), they are not really usefull anymore now, since you can take a shuttle to any daily planet, why did I even have to buy those perks, if I can take a shuttle to every daily planet now ? They should at least have added extra things for the people who were far along with these things, but Bioware only looks at one side of the story it seems and doesn't think of the impact, some changes have in the game imo. They are killing the experienced community very fast that way, I hear a lot of people, who are thinking of moving on to other games, if it's gonna be like this. myself included, I'm sorry to say, cause I really like this game, but they are tweaking it to death, like ME3. I'm not saying everything is bad, the new raid is cool (allthough way too hard on SM imo) and I like the new Force mend power, which is really usefull for a sage, but the lowering of legacy, the shuttle and the server consolidation for example, are all bad ideas. And I agree, the crafting has been a lot less fun lately too, it doesn't work correctly anymore. My reverse ingeneering succesrate has dropped a lot since 1.4, it's not even worth the creds and patience anymore ! It's a real shame, how they are breaking up the game and community like this, I hope they listen to the people and will get their act together soon !
  6. I even didn't know about the bugs you're saying, but the chances of finding a schematic through reverse engineering, have also dropped a lot, since the update 1.4. I even stopped crafting for the moment and only send my comps out for compagnion gifts, cause it seems, that's the only thing they are good for still. The amount of creds, time and patience, you have to go through, for learning new schematics, that aren't even usefull anymore after level 50, makes crafting a bit useless imo, except for when you're leveling your character.

    It's sucking the fun out of crafting :mad:

  7. I like these coming updates, was allready impressed by the smooth graphics, but this is gonna make it even better.

    Also the matching gear for comps is great and the return to your original position b4 FP and the delayed binding sounds really good, thnx bioware (and others I might forget) for everything !

    And the SWTOR site is up during this maintenance :D great !!! Can't wait to login this afternoon ...

  8. Because it's still fun for my friends and I. Honestly, SWTOR has only gotten better and better since launch IMO. You may not agree, but there are hundreds of thousands of players still enjoying it. :)


    I agree, this is my first MMO and I'm having lots of fun. I also can see they are working really hard to make this game work and appreciate it very much. It's work in progress and I'm willing to see past the bugs, give this game a chance to develop a bit ! For now, I for one, am a satisfied customer, but you can't discuss taste ...

  9. Yes, my guild said so too. Apparently with a extra upgrade (above the level 5 upgrades, I have now) and a whole lot of luck, it can be done. It really needs to be fixed, or I will skip them all together. But it's frustrating, I'm putting a lot of hours in this game, to get a bit stronger and as a thank you, the enemies, get twice the boosts, that I get. It's getting really old, really fast like this. Will play some more, but not getting excited about this kind of difficulty build up, that's for sure.
  10. Really, if you do spacemissions like these, build up to that difficulty bioware and don't go from difficulty easy / normal in previous missions, to ultra hard at once with this one. It really sucks the fun out of this game, like this. Me doing my best to get best equipment and then suddenly you get crushed like an ant by a overkill difficulty degree. Do you really think that I'm looking for frustration in a game ? Get real !
  11. Just began to search for datacrons, because I wasn't running in to them, like in the first levels. In which they can be seen and won by battling some difficult enemy, which I think is a good concept. The concept of the other datacrons however, where I have to go through jumps and really hard to find routes on which you fall over and over again is really annoying and frustrating. It only shows me, how badly you can move with your character in this game and if the gamemaker is going to let you do that to get some exra stats it's only emphasizing this flaw, it's a bad thing imo !
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