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Posts posted by AragarVarnus

  1. I tried again yesterday with my sorcerer.


    I kept all my general and sorcerer gear in my inventory (not my cargo hold, my inventory) or equipped by my toon.

    I got 4 new pieces (3 from general sets and 1 from a sage set) and then a repeated Berserker chestguard.


    Definitely, there is something implemented; it's too much of a coincidence getting 4 new pieces from such a big pool of possible outcomes.

    The problem is we don't know how it's working to make good use of it.


    Wonderful, imagine if the devs clarified it for us.


    Also, there's absolutely not enough space in the inventory to fit not even all 12 general sets, let alone all general sets + the class sets of the class you're going for... *sigh*

  2. Just burned 10k TF, against my better judgement, in the hopes that BW would have fixed this.


    I've all general gear and trooper gear in my cargo hold, I've even transfered each set once at least, imagining that it would trigger some sort of check somewhere in the game to tell it I already have those sets, I'm only missing pants and boots for the Emergency Power.


    Instead I got:


    1. Headgear of Dying Precision
    2. The Entertainer's Headgear
    3. Squad Leader's Body Armor
    4. Avenger's Gauntlets
    5. Belt of the Final Breath
    6. Taskmater's Chestguard
    7. Avenger's Headgear
    8. Game Plan body armor
    9. Game Plan vambracers
    10. Game Plan belt


    All repeated items. I wish I could ask for the TFs back... but I know the CS person would just say nope.



  3. You know, it's actually funny. If you search the forum, you'll see that this is exactly what people whined about in 5.0 and 6.0 as well. The incessant complaining about the game "dying" and "not worth it" has been an ongoing theme for almost ten years. And yet, here we are.


    Seriously though, 5.0 and 6.0 were not nearly as bad as 7.0 is.

  4. I bought about 15 this weekend and got 5 dupes. However, after looking at the pieces in my cargo hold, the 5 pieces I had were just shells with no mods in them. For some reason it seems to not be seeing empty shells.


    So the protection is not working but the pieces are being placed in the inventory at least?

    Last time I burned some Tech Frags in vain but at least Customer Service returned them to me.

  5. I am suddenly having this issue as well, never had it before and I'm having a hard time understanding where it's coming from.


    Only different thing I did today was switching display ports on a new screen I got that has G-Sync to try and fix another issue... which apparently ended up creating a new one.


    It was working fine this morning.



    So, I was messing around with the files and found one with a similar name under this folder:


    Steam\steamapps\common\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor


    I've deleted it, it was around 1GB, booted the game and it worked, hopefully this workaround will help you, OP.

  6. To add insult to injury, I just bought another unidentified gear and it did not go to my inventory, and yes, you guessed it, it still took the 500K credits and the 1K TF.


    I had nothing equipped on this toon, might be the reason why, idk.


    EDIT: Turns out it's bugged to me no matter what, fully equipped or not, I'm just not receiving the items anymore! I still lose credits and TFs though....


  7. Are there any news on this subject?


    I'm more interested on spending my Tech Fragments on the sets I have not collected yet before they are removed from the game than spending Tech Fragments on gear that will be obsolete by the next gear upgrade (whenever it comes).


    Same here! I got the 2 implants I needed for my main but I'm holding back to gearing other toons, I also prefer getting the sets I haven't collected yet.

  8. I just got a dupe of a General set I already have, I don't think the RNG Protection is in place yet, or it doesn't count the sets in your personal Cargo Hold, which would be insane because there is simply not enough space in the player's inventory to accomodate ALL general sets + class sets if you want to get only the missing pieces.


    Pretty much, what the quote from the other post says, on the first day of the expansion I tried completing a Trooper set and I only got dupes, meaning that the RNG Protection is not working. Thanks again, for starting this thread, OP.


  9. Yeah, was hoping the not working RNG protection would be fixed… but it is not even acknowledged as a bug so far, so my hope is dwindling that I will ever complete the missing set pieces for the achievements :(


    Oh yeah! I forgot to specify it was the RNG protection bug ><

    Thank you for pointing that out! :D


    Either my searchfu isn't working, or there isn't a thread over on the bug forums for this (one in general and one in suggestions of all places!) I'm going to go start one to see if we can get an acknowledgement. Please add your experiences to it!




    Thank you for doing this, hopefully the devs will reply to it.

  10. So, any news on this bug?


    Only thing I read in tomorrow's patch notes related to Kai Zykken is:



    • Kai Zykken is no longer selling Tacticals that have been removed from the game.


    I'm not paying a 1000 TFs for nothing, especially since the Legendary implants are overpriced and we still have a limit of 11k, which honestly, should be removed.

  11. Hello.


    I am not sure if any of the developers or community managers will read this, I do hope they will. This is how I see things; it is just my humble opinion. Ultimately, I wanted to add my 2 cents and be vocal, I think it's important for customers to voice their discontent.


    TL; DR:

    • To the players: Value your money, do not settle for little and few. EA Games is filthy rich, if they really wanted SWTOR to STRIVE they would have invested in their developers.

    • We should not settle for a few crumbs of update here and there.

    • We should not believe in false promises.

    • We should demand better communication (which I see people doing, that’s great).

    • We should not fall for the illusion that is this patch (or “expansion”).

    • Bring back the real “play the way you want” in SWTOR.

    • Developers/Producers: Do not ignore the people that are calling you names, read through the words of anger. There is disappointment and frustration, do not turn your back on it and face the responsibility of your actions. Communicate with us. Listen to us.


    Full version:

    Let me start with something positive:

    For 10 years, you’ve managed to keep this game alive and relatively speaking, kicking. Which, given how much the SWTOR team has shrunk over the years, is impressive.

    I don’t like blaming only the developers like people usually do, I believe that they are doing what they are told even if they don’t agree with it. Sadly, however, I feel like these same devs are lacking love when it comes to this game, the passion died and heck, I understand. I’ve worked on the same project at my job for years and it takes its toll. But ultimately, it IS our job to push for QUALITY and CONTENT.


    Now to the people that keep shilling the developers:

    Value your money. I’ve been like you, cheering and hoping that the game will never die and that more people will join. Open your eyes. You ARE the customer, you PAY for a service that is CLEARLY not being delivered as it should be, I admire those of you who still hope though, after all these years, I feel like my hope died.


    To the very upset people (like me):

    Threatening and calling names won’t help anything other than making ourselves feel better. Be concise, I understand your frustration, I understand your disappointment, after all you are all subscribers, paying for content and quality, expecting nothing less from the developers, and we keep being deceived year after year, given crumbs and they expect us to just enjoy it.


    To the Developers and especially the directors of EA Games:

    Please, respect your players/investors’ opinions and feedback. If the point is making this game better, so far, it is not working, the higher ups need to know this. I’m not jumping ship until the servers are shutdown, I made this mistake back in SWG and I stopped playing before it died, and I couldn’t experience its last days, so I’m sticking to SWTOR until death do us part. But again, please respect your players (whom, I repeat, are also your investors).


    A note about MMOs and GAAS:

    I’m not particularly fond of how subscription fees work, be it on an MMO or a “Game as a Service” genre. I strongly suggest watching “Game as a service” is fraud video on the Accursed Farms channel on YouTube. You’ll understand what I am trying to say.


    Basically, all the money we - players that have been around since day 0 of SWTOR or newcomers - invested, is just never coming back to us. And even if you bought the Collector’s Edition back in the day, it doesn’t give enough return for 10 years of subscription.


    For comparison: I’ve been a subscriber since day 0 and never stopped paying. That’s 120 months x 20 dollars-ish. That’s around 2,400.00 dollars “invested” or spent. And this is not counting on all items bought on the Cartel Market. An investment usually gives the investor a return. When SWTOR shuts their servers down, neither BioWare nor EA Games will ever give us back this money.


    This is something, that I believe people know (I’m being hopeful), but don’t take into consideration when they play the game, we the players should not be content with a few crumbs thrown at us here and there, false promises and illusions.


    Lastly, I see people here demanding better communication and I completely agree. Communication is K-E-Y.


    If EA Games’ plans are to shutdown SWTOR by blaming it on the players, you’re doing it right, continue this path and you’ll shoo the veterans, potential newcomers and returning players.


    Bring us back the real “play the way you want” in SWTOR.

  12. I just got a dupe of a General set I already have, I don't think the RNG Protection is in place yet, or it doesn't count the sets in your personal Cargo Hold, which would be insane because there is simply not enough space in the player's inventory to accomodate ALL general sets + class sets if you want to get only the missing pieces.
  13. Hello, I would like to leave my two cents about this PTS public test event, mostly the rewards.


    You see, I participated in the open beta, and also in the first big PTS like this one when the titles 'The First Line of Defense', 'The Cutting Edge', 'Strike Team Specialist' and 'Strike Team Commander' were introduced. I was a lot younger back then and much more enthusiastic, the game was new, I was bent on not missing ANYTHING in this game, get all achievements and all that.


    I still am a completionist, I still aim to get 100% achievements, I still want to have every little stupid thing you guys throw at us. However, this time I have a little more experience in the field of Quality Assurance, and I understand that this is part of the process. However, you should know (not you Jackie, nor Eric, but the ones asking us to reach these goals to receive these rewards, which are subpar) that the game has become massive after so long, as you know, it has been 10 years almost, there's a lot of story to cover and it's a lot of time and effort.


    Sure there will be people who will do it for free (I am one of them, sadly) but it would be fair to include something a LOT nicer in this deal. If I were your QA Specialist, I'd gladly do it. But as a player, who has already done the class stories + all expansion content MANY times (more than I want to admit), I feel like the rewards are just not appealing. At all.


    My suggestion is:


      GIve away lifetime subscriptions, like to 50 random players who get to complete all the goals in the PTS.


    This way more people will feel like joining, at least to get a chance on something that's actually worthwhile.


    Having to alternate between real life, PTS and live servers is simply not fun.

  14. If you cut the essential abilities from classes, I guarantee you will cut a significant percentage of existing player base as well. This is not an update, it’s a downgrade in all possible variations to PvE and PvP. By doing this you will not attract new players, you will only alienate the veterans and the game will eventually die. You advertised this new update as more variable gameplay for classes and more class story possibilities with various Base Class + Advanced Class combinations. What you have shown in PTS is just straight up trimming down of ESSENTIAL Guardian abilities which are necessary and can not be erased/limited in any way, and it will be absolutely detrimental for the game and for your "business model" per se if you will actually proceed with this changes on live servers. Listen to our feedback while it’s still not too late, because we know these characters inside and out, we didn’t have anything to do except for mastering them all these 10 years, so don’t take away the only thing that keeps veterans subbed, which is variability in skills.

    What you try to do is straight up commercial suicide and no you won’t be a second WoW or ESO, SWTOR will simply cease to function.


    This, right here. ^

  15. Give it a rest. Coming from someone who does minor crafting, the crafting inventor is fine as it is.


    As for these so called Archived schematics your complaining about. They already fixed it in the last patch 6.1.3 where certain Biochem archived schematics are no longer available to craft.


    This. Give it a rest indeed.

  16. I'm having the same problem, I hover the mouse over any object, anything, and the cursor never changes to the "clickable-hand", you know? I have to search for it very hard. Doors, objects, GTN, important objects in Operations, you name it, all have the same issue.
  17. UPDATE - did some more testing on this BUG and checked the Renown bar as well:


    A Special Snowflake:

    supposed Renown: 5.408

    given Renown: 2.080

    difference: 3.328 (!)

    and yes, that was really the amount that was given, so the floating text and chat notification are correct unfortunately! :(:mad:


    tested some more missions:

    Personal Conquest Reward:

    supposed Renown: 135.751

    given Renown: 69.191

    difference: 66.560 (!!) again, here a huge chunk of RP is missing :(


    Tharan reunion Reward:

    supposed Renown: 10.970

    given Renown: 10.394

    difference: 576 - here the difference is much smaller


    [Heroic] Republic's most wanted:

    supposed Renown: 14.042

    given Renown: 12.314

    difference: 1.728 - here the difference is smaller as well but still not the correct amount


    Switched toons and the bug remained :(:mad: so I made a ticket as well


    So BioWare, a yellow statement would be appriciated and a fix is necessary asap! I mean 6.0 is a grind fest already but at least the right amount of Renown points should be given don't you think!?


    Thanks for confirming a fourth time. :D

    It is a BUG.

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