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Posts posted by Marcosgreger

  1. We now are recruiting active players to join our second HM Operations group. This one will run from 4:30pm to 6:45pm Pacific Wednesdays, Fridays, and Mondays. With Weekly SMs in between the days to help get some that need be geared up.


    We are specially looking for 3 or so awesome DPS that like the challenge of doing slow but sure Progression, and a backup healer and possibly a tank. If your gear is there do not worry, we will help you get there and hook you up with some stuff to at least do the SMs.


    Whisper Kevmeup, kevgent, Xipe, Llave, Sinfatal, Tireck or anyone in the guild. We always have an officer on.


    TL:DR: HM Ops 4:30pm-6:45pm Wed, Fri, and Mondays. Vent and Mic required.


    For more info: Facebook Post

  2. <Show Me Your Crits> Imperial Side Guild is recruiting!


    We are a casual guild that is has Ops and PvP going most nights during prime time and around the day. We are easy going and not for the weak of heart.

    The hardcore raider or PvPer would feel disappointed with us, but for those that want just to chill with a group people that wants to enjoy this game to the fullest without too much commitment to running schedules too much ahead of time.

    With that out of the way we are currently looking to fill our semi-official PvP Ranked team and Progression groups (ye, ye, some us still want to pretend to make progression)


    PvP Ranked:


    - One full time tank

    - Two to three outstanding dpsers

    - A backup healer


    - Full optimized Partisan and at least some pieces of Conqueror gear.

    - Vent with a mic

    - A thick skin.

    Ranked PvP Schedule:

    - Still working on setting up a time where most our team can be on. But our goal is to at least practice ranked once per night or every other.


    Progression Ops Group:


    - 2 full time healers

    - Two to three amazing DPSers

    - 1 backup tank


    - Full 69 gear at least

    - Vent with a working mic

    - Availability

    Semi -Official Schedule:

    - Wednesdays from 7-10pm PACIFIC

    - Mondays from 7-10pm PACIFIC


    Note about gear:

    Gear on SWTOR is easy to get, but if you are having trouble we are always running Story Modes operations for weekly or full runs for ultimate coms, what matters the most to us is the person behind the keyboard. Same goes for PvP just grab some of us and we will PvP with you to make getting the gear you need a more fun experience.


    Concluding Thoughts:

    While we want to get some top end game stuff going, we still a casual guild that sometimes prides itself for doing some extraordinary stuff like having just one person kill the impossible Boss at the last minute or just sharing fun real life experiences through our little virtual world.


    ALTs are welcomed if you want to give us a try to see what we are about.



    - Ops around the week 7-10pm

    - PvP all day long

    - Layback all the time.

    Check our Facebook page:

    https://www.facebook.com/smycs for tentative schedules and just fun starwars talk.

    You can whisper any of our members they will put you in contact with an officer, or leave a message on our FB page, we will contact you soon ingame!


    P.S. Whisper kevMeUp for a good time.

  3. <Show Me Your Crits>

    We are an Imperial guild and we are recruiting fresh blood into our ranks. We are a laid back guild; we are in between hardcore and casual. What it means that if you are not in the progression group you, you are free to attend to attend or not attend our raid nights.



    We raid from Monday to Friday, and working on setting up a weekend group of there is interest. We begin them around 7pm Pacific time, and end them around 10pm. We have it setup like that in order to be flexible with people’s life styles and for those that want to do as many operations as possible.


    All classes are welcomed to apply but, we really could use some more healers and tanks. Gear is mostly not an issue since we can get you at least Rakata geared in a few nights, and we run story mode operations from the group finder to get you those blackhole coms and get your weekly done.


    So, if you want to give us a try send us message in game or just send me a PM here.

    Most of our members have invite powers, just whisper them but here are a few of our more active members that would love to give you an invite:



    Prosin, Proxin

    Legaci, Tireck




    - All levels and classes welcomed to apply.

    - Operations times, 7-10pm Pacific time (Monday – Friday)

    - We dance naked, when we progress in an operation.:cool:

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