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Posts posted by iHumanist

  1. That's the thing, I'm used to space combat games that ARE a bit more realistic so I find this really counter-intuitive. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun, but it feels really arcade-y and I can't see it holding my interest.


    This is where we have to agree to disagree: there is no such thing as a "realistic" space combat game. By labeling something "realistic," you're stating that it simulates reality. At present, "realistic space combat" is launching missiles from Earth at satellites in low Earth orbit.


    Sure, applying realistic physics to space combat might be fun to some but as another poster pointed out, you'd spend the entire time screwing around with acceleration-related issues. Acceleration in a vacuum is an incredibly tricky thing, especially when one is accelerating near a massive mass or multiple massive masses. (I'm going to have to say that more often...!) Gravity sucks.

  2. Do you really want a dog-fighting game based on Newtonian physics? Really?


    Good luck decelerating to turn around before the match ends.




    I love my realism, but I don't mix my realism with my Star Wars...




    Bye bye lightsabers, bye bye force, bye bye cool laser beam effects... (I mean, you do realize that you cannot actually see a noncontinuous (burst) laser beam, right, because, you know, it kinda travels at a really high rate of speed?)


    Those just happen to be the three things without which Star Wars would be sublimely boring. Would the OP also prefer that when you throw someone 20 feet with the force that you are then thrown 20 feet in the opposite direction? Might as well throw out every single spacecraft supposedly capable of entering a planetary atmosphere as well, because 99.9% of the spacecraft used in Star Wars could not actually fly in and/or enter an atmosphere.


    The list goes on...

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with you about not PvP'ing until level 20. I don't consider myself an elitist (okay, maybe a little bit), but nothing pisses me off more than being paired with someone who hasn't even chosen their advanced class yet. People under level 20 are generally very easy to kill as well. My last match I had a 1v1 versus a level 12 scoundrel, and as a level 34 Operative, he didn't even get me under 80% health. If you're under 20 and a healer, it doesn't bother me as much, but generally most classes require the level 20 skill to be at least somewhat effective.
  4. Hi all,


    just a quick post. recently came back after quitting many months ago when 1.2 was deployed.


    after looking around and starting some new characters I must say I'm not impressed. nothing significant has been introduced game play wise. the only real new thing is the cash shop and crippled game play for non subs.


    from what I can tell pvp hasn't really changed either since my absence.


    good luck to you Bioware! once my sub runs out again in January I will not be renewing since all iI see is fluff and cash grabbing from you.


    I was expecting to see a lot more content at this point and will let my lapsed sub speak for me.




    Cool story.

  5. Hello ive always played this game on Radeon gfx cards, my current card is a 6970 with an ivy i5 3570k processor and 12gig ddr3 ram.


    But ever since i played alpha on SWTOR ive gotten bad and weird lagg when shadows are turned on, its like my camera rotation will speed up and slow down massively and in general have lagg even with high fps over 40-50 like its a game engine problem, ive heard many people have the same issue and some claim to not have this issue.


    So my question is with a gtx 670 ftw, does this game give stutter,lagg,slowdown and other annoyances like i get with a 6970? or is this just the poor unoptimized old version of hero engine they build the game with and not fixable?


    Update: On fleet my Camera turn speed changes dramatically like im turning at a set slow speed then it spins super fast for a few seconds then slows down again really annoying also.


    I run a GTX 660 Ti, and I've had zero issues with stutter, lag, or slowdowns. There may be a problem with your card, or you may need to update or reinstall your drivers.

  6. Just reading what you typed tells me you are completely clueless on how this class works. So going along with that, you are probably a terrible PvPer bc you dont know what other classes are actually using against you.


    My favorite: "have multiple stun moves" Dude, they have the least stuns and no knock backs.


    Pro tip: Do not 1v1 them they will kill you every time. That is thier specialty.




    1. They have two stuns, Force Choke and Intimidating Roar.


    2. If they will kill you 1v1 "every time," how are they not OP? :rak_02:

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