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Posts posted by DoublEntendre

  1. So I will be building a new computer soon. i plan on dropping about $1,000 and will be trying to recycle components from my current comp such as the case, sound card, and hardrive. or at least i would like to. i was just wondering what kind of comp i would be able to build with a $1,000 price range. again, i am building it. not buying one from best buy or any other retail store




    Darth Setariel


    Do you want the best possible answer to your question? If so, you'll have to work for it, but if you do, I promise your result will be the best it can be. To do this, what I suggest you do is to log onto http://www.overclock.net, post your question there and have it answered by the experts.


    Best of luck to you.

  2. If and when Revan's Chest Plate (or Robe) and Mask are incorporated into the game as player gear, can we please have the hood go over the mask instead of disappearing? I truly believe that this is the more accurate and better looking portrayal (unlike Revan at the foundry, whose hood disappears upon placing his mask on).




    Please keep this thread bumped if you agree.

  3. I was finally able to obtain one...


    But I have decided I like credits more than the chest.


    So, Prophecy of Five server... I am asking for 10 million credits or BEST OFFER. I understand it's a high amount, but it's the only amount the could convince me to sell it as I really like it.


    Send me a PM if interested.

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