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Posts posted by Stevebudz

  1. In wow there are plenty of arena haters and plenty of die hard arena lovers. I expected there to be flaming against the idea by making a thread like this but It is totally worth the shot because arena is fun.


    Also, in response to some of the threads posted:

    If there were absolutely no pillars in Wow, do you think arenas would have been better? Ranged/casters never having to worry about the position except for ranging and melee constantly having to worry about their positioning because ranged have infinite kiting space. Pillars was the balance for this problem and even though nobody likes to see a "cannot see target" its healthy for the arena's competition.


    Just put it on the drawing board for review already. Arena promotes teamwork/communication, gearing up, and most importantly skill. It would be a ridiculous concept to shoot down straight out of the box. There are plenty of players I know that are asking for this and a couple of them subbing to WoW just for the PvP and playing SWTOR for the PvE.

  2. 1) Competition - not sure how you could argue against this. Having the skills to beat a team in a 4v4 / 3v3 / 2v2 etc. feels good, but having the bragging rights feels even better.

    2) Balance - I feel like the devs could get a much more healthy perspective on balancing star wars if they implemented arenas. For example, if you start seeing teams stacking juggernaut smashers and getting rank 1. You would probably conclude that maybe they're OP, and since arenas have the potential for more refined strategies on beating a specific team. You can analyze what classes fail at what and what classes can exceed too far and maybe bring them to a fair medium.

    3) Content - I feel like arena is a really huge attraction for many players. Not only is it interesting to find yourself in either a dangerous situation or a "give em hell" situation, but arena has this -play forever- aspect to it. When you think of the apex of PvP in star wars, I think of a couple of OP classes under control of a good player and great gear. Most importantly, content isn't an issue for people who like to arena because their content is dynamic (changes with class balance). You can introduce tons of titles, achievements, speeders, maybe even starship additions related to arenas. I'm not even creative and I came up with these.

    4) Growth of the game- as players become more skilled at a game, its probably true to say that they also become more committed to it as well. Well, arena promotes improving your skills.


    I want to encourage people to be a bit more open-minded when replying to this. Bioware said that they never wanted to compete with Blizzard, but it would be absurd not to. Just because you can take a concept like arena and pluck it from blizzard and place it into your game doesn't make it less valuable. The reason I played arena was for the renown you gain from being really good and having a rating to show; not to mention the pure rush of adrenaline of facing up against a player you know holds a good rating and skill set.

  3. Ok, so...


    Not sure if anyone else noticed this irony but,


    The point of void star is to access a datacore, but the datacore's data type is unknown to the players. Hence the name void *. PLEASE tell me another programmer out there thought this was a corny but rather creative joke for the name of this warzone. Hopefully I gave one of bioware's employees a chuckle or two. if you don't understand what I mean don't respond. And if nobody responds then im an idiot.

  4. Ultimately,


    we shouldn't be asking Bioware for these silly RPG elements that probably <1% of the pop. really would care about. More people would rather have them maintain stable servers and update the game engine. Create interesting armors and build more content than spend time implementing these things. By the looks of it, it seems like it would be kinda time consuming. Like I said, don't get wrapped up in the RPG because, you won't find much luck asking for more RPG elements.


    And btw, this game does the BEST job of roleplaying i've seen in any game. Skyrim is probably its competitor, but really, you don't even have a voice in skyrim soo......

  5. my character is hot, and if she started wrinkling id probably quit because all my best mods/enhancements is in this sexy bikini armor and I dont remember the last time people enjoyed the sight of grandma in a bikini.
  6. The are working on it and the fixes are coming soon. Fixing the issues are more important than the Cartel Market and they acknowledge this and how it's effecting their players.

    I think you should be a community manager for the forums LOL, Bioware needs more people like you. thats what I want to hear even if its not true

  7. Somebody tell me they are working on optimizing this game for performance rather than just cartel market items. I don't care if its a lie. I have an entire guild of people who complain about laggy servers, bad game engine, lag spikes, and glitches that have been occuring since simba became king. Inform your community that things are happening PLEASE...... Commander Shephard died so we could live and you decide to just forget about us? Think about all he did for us!!!
  8. Ayer'el, my character saved the galaxy from the emperor's kids, healed jedi around the galaxy, fights in space missions for glory! I've ventured to Denova to defeat the evil there! Watch out for Ayer'el! I am the most feared Jedi Sage out there. No hutta can buy me out, nor can any uber powertech elite war hero catch me.


    Thanks for making my experience EPIC Bioware!!!! heres a pic of me and nadia lookin' REALLY cool, cheers!



  9. So on the fire and storm tanks of the denova op. We're having multiple people miss the animation for DD, not sure the name of the attack from stormcaller but its called "Double D". No animations and even sometimes castbars aren't showing and our tank is getting ripped by the attack regardless. Please look into this, and for christ's sake reduce the lag. We're not all running on super computers.
  10. so, I feel left out in the void on this expansion. I don't know anything yet I bought it because it was 50% off for subs. All I know is there is a level cap of 55 and a new planet. Any chances that bioware will be actually changing class mechanics???? What about speeders flying on a z-axis (that would help out leveling in hoth). Could we get any confirmation that there will be class mechanic changes in the expac?
  11. advanced resolve armoring 27, best in slot, Doesnt have the set bonus.


    I place it in tionese and get the bonus regardless of the armoring... except my gear looks bad.


    thts my problem, im not going to put bad armoring in my gear to look cool. do you understand now?


    definitely not a mindless post because you don't understand what I'm talking about.

  12. I will NOT save up 40 black hole coms to get 61 gear! I only want 63 gear! so when they come out with armoring that is 63 and has the set bonus attached THEN I will consider taking that. Until then, STOP THIS TURTLE SHELL MADNESS. It seriously is sickening. No pair of gloves should be this prominent and ugly at the same time.
  13. Ok, so I want the 4 piece set bonus without looking like a complete idiot. So i'm down to the dilemma that I can either get every set piece except the gloves or get every set piece except the chest (so I can replace my chest with something that looks better). Except in each scenario I come out to look like a complete bozo. The gloves are completely doing me over with the wierd turtle shells strapped to my hand. I CANT STAND IT!!!! I am stuck wearing this horrible robe with cool gloves or.... a cool chest piece with complete GARBAGE gloves. please retex the gloves so there aren't turtle shells on them, the set would look so much better. I don't mean to sound retarded with the whole "turtle shell" thing, but honestly idk what the call them...


    HaLp! HALP

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