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Posts posted by Kirihuna

  1. Will this ever happen?

    Currently, rolling with a Guardian, Sentinel, Commando, Vanguard, Gunslinger, Sage, Sniper, and Marauder, I used all my slots.


    I don't know how many slots World of Warcraft has, but I feel like 8 is limiting. Maybe 10, 12, or 16 slots? I mean, it couldn't hamper the server that much.


    Also, cross faction guilds would be nice. Where both factions are in one guild, but cannot PVE / PVP together. Just talk, etc. Easier to see who's online, plan raids. Myself, I hate leveling Imp toons cause I can't interact with my guild.

  2. Ding ding ding! We have a winner. Honest, they were boasting their little hearts out that a NEW and EXCITING event would happen in SWTOR and this is what we got - a mess of an 'event' that, in its current state, shows that they have learned NOTHING from the previous event.


    Catering to only 3 Classes in the game, BoP Adaptive gear (sigh. Could've been Legacy, like we wanted with the Containment Officer set) that looks very out of place - as a friend of mine stated "It gives us something to do, but not something we want to do." and I agree. No crystals, no pistols, no vibroswords or techstaves. Poor.


    PS. To the people yapping that that Legacy stuff will help you transfer barrels to alts; big deal. It's clearly not intended and if it is, that shouldn't be the main reason to get one of those bloody things. Remove head from rectum immediately.

    The gear is bind on legacy after an update, Allison stated that.


    and take your own advice.

  3. I know it sound stupid since this is an MMO, but having an offline mode wouldn't seem that bad.

    I solo'd every quest except FPs, Ops, and Heroics (for obvious reasons.)


    I mean, the Jedi Knight storyline is pretty much KOTOR 3.


    I would just like to see an offline component implemented for those who travel or say internet goes out, or servers go offline. You continue your quests and you automatically reconnect to your server.



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