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Posts posted by MajorWoodrow

  1. The people that have commented about the CM not creating NEW in game credits are correct.


    What they did do with the CM is basically make themselves the Chinese gold farmers of yesteryear, only difference is legit players are farming the gold for them, not a bunch of people in a sweatshop in china. If you can buy CM packs legit with your visa from EA and sell them on the GTN for In game credits why would anyone go through the risk and hassle of using an unauthorized method. The player base has now become its own Chinese sweatshop, it's why the game feels a lot more "Grindy", because it is, by design. Whether this is good for the game or how it will all shake out remains to be seen.

  2. And as for TOR making money, I would like to point out something that is a fact, and not speculation.


    The Old Republic is not even mentionned in the two last investors reports of EA.


    And I would like to point out that you are completely full of $hit, I've read them, even searched the PDF for Star Wars specifically, SWTOR. Is all over their quarterlies, so which are you, stupid or liar?

  3. They do report cash flow and that's the point.


    Alot of responses seem to think I'm whining because they're behaving as a business should.

    My real gripe is as an mmo they should both be managing it as a business and a miniature society to keep the population healthy and happy to give this game the longevity they and many players desire.


    And really I was curious if others had noticed the same financial tactics I was seeing, a few more enlightened posters have. I fear that rothc will be underwhelming and ea/bio ware will continue to treat their customers as like the government treats taxpayers.

  4. Last quater it was pre-order the 'expansion'. As you can't throw out an expansion every quarter watch to see these new assignments every 3 months just to top up the quarterly figures.


    Yay conspiracy theorists unite :)


    That's exactly what I was thinking with the expansion: cash flow.


    And to the poster about revenue not being reported until you see the benefit, technically you're right with regards to the matching principle of accounting, but often a more important and telling indicator of a business' financial health is the cash flow statement. there is alot of hanky pinky that can occur on the balance sheet and income statement, and the cash flow stmt can help illuminate that.

  5. Anybody else work in finance and find it a bit suspicious this is coming at quarter end?


    EA seems to be trying to boost subscribership right at the end of a quarter to make the long term viability of this portion of their business look more attractive to investors. It doesn't really seem like they're out to do any players favors. Also explains the recent CM faction rep cash grab.


    Just my thoughts from an outside business finance perspective.

  6. Read the dulfy guides, follow them to the second, soon you'll wonder why you even needed a guide. I too once thought these were impossible, and now I breeze through them with ease. It's not about using all the abilities, it's when to use the abilities, EMP , EWP, blaster 1 or 2 or just missles, all come into play.
  7. I'm not a tax law expert, but you can't be taxed on currency that is given to you from a retailer that's only spendable at that retailer. For example if I buy two boxes of diapers at Target and get a $10 gift card back. It's not technically income, more like a coupon hence why it's not taxable.


    But when you buy something with that gift card you are charged tax.

  8. The state I live in has no state taxes, we only pay federal, so there won't be anything that I file that I could claim any of it on...


    Does your state have a sales/use tax on purchases? You don't most likely file a "return" but you are required to report out of state purchases(usually on large transactions like cars) but if there is a sales tax there is a use tax(use tax is the same just out of state) google your state and use tax and you ll find the reporting requirements. I don't think there is a single state that doesn't have either sales/use or income tax, some have one or the other some have both(California, ny)


    Edit just saw your reply you live in WA, me too, now be sure to go back and report all your purchases on that use tax form :) my guess is EA did something to create nexus here recently.

  9. unfortunately I know way more about state sales taxes than any sane person would like to. The reason you are sometimes charged and sometimes not charged local taxes on out of state transactions is a concept called nexus, if a certain company has done something, to create nexus in a particular state, they must collect sales taxes. Nexus laws vary from state to state, sometimes just sending a sales or repair tech to a state for one day will create nexus, other states are more lax. Since states have been making cash grabs through audits and putting the burden of proof on the corporations alot of large corporations have just taken the stance of f'it if we sell there we collect there regardless of nexus. Eliminates the need to keep track of 35+ states tricky laws. Alot of smaller companies either are unaware of nexus, not created it or are playing the audit lottery.


    Sales tax nexus in a nutshell...

  10. Thank you Bioware for ruining PVE, Ops are dead.


    Is the only way of getting my money back for Makeb expansion reporting to my CC "not satisfied with merchandise/service". I know EA real needed a Q4 cash injection to make you're 10k look good to investors, and in a way I was sort of investing in what I knought was a going to be a worthwhile product, but I'm sick of bioware's silence on the repair and multitude of other game issues, and I've change my mind on that investment.


    But hey thanks for the whole ability to silence people in general chat by popular vote, too bad we already had a feature to cover that calle /ignore. What a waste of valuable dev time.

  11. Thank you again for your updates and feedback in this thread. We have confirmed that the following is the current schedule for Heroic Space Combat missions:



    • Tuesday - Far Cradle Strike (Imp) / Regnant Station (Rep)
    • Wednesday - Kabal Station Defense (Imp) / Ardis Outpost Fortification (Rep)
    • Thursday - Kanz Minefield (Imp) / New Covar Ice Field (Rep)
    • Friday - Duma Strike (Imp) / Baros Ambush (Rep)
    • Saturday - Lorta Escort (Imp) / Hypori Escort (Rep)
    • Sunday - Cha Raaba Assault (Imp) / Thanium Disruption (Rep)
    • Sunday - Operation Foe Smasher (Imp) / Operation Clean Sweep (Rep)


    For balance, we have decided to move one of the Sunday unlocks to Monday in a future patch.


    Additionally, we have confirmed that there is a bug with the Republic mission Regnant Station, and it does reward too few credits. This has been added to the Known Issues list and will also be addressed in an upcoming patch.


    Soooo Ms. Green, this fix does absolutely nothing but to continue to punish the casual player that can't log in everyday to at least get the mission. you people spend too much time worrying about people farming and not enough time allowing players equal access to content regardless of what day they can log in. Great example was the guy who posted he can only play on thursdays, so he gets to play new cov ice field, and thats it. If I were him and I enjoyed the space missions (which I do) I could hardly justify subscribing just to play 1/6th of the content thats available. make them weeklies that reset once a week, like every other weekly, if people don't have enough room in their mission log, they don't have to take every mission at once.


    The Thank you for your feedback line with no action and no responsses to related to relevant issues are the heart of what makes people leave this game. You need to address peoples issues and communicate why they can't be solved or when they can or cannot be implemented. after awhile the "Thank you for your feedback" is really just "F' you for your feedback"

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