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Posts posted by Runnhurd

  1. I can get behind extra char slots from legacy. However, the rest of what you're saying sounds incredibly difficult to implement, and even more so to balance. A sentinel able to use all armor types? *shudder


    The primary difficulty with switching stories midway is the writing programming and voice acting involved. At the world's current level of technology, the task is nearly impossible. An ops every week would be awesome too, but without a humongous development staff or technological breakthroughs in the world of programming(like creating an AI) it can't be done.


    it wouldn't really, it would be a set of code files like a copy of all the story parts, with exters, like when the Jedi fall to the Emperor and you choice for his next part to start as a sith beginning there, it will have a seen showing them wiping your mind and sending you to the sith home world.

    also for the Offspring char move choice you might be able to choice the moves you want like a full free way to train your char.

    but as I said this just a idea I thought hard on, I wonder if they read it themselves

  2. I enjoy playing Star wars the old republic a lot.


    and I been wondering what would help it more as people ask and ask and the guys do listen to us so I gonna say this idea witch I hope you all like.


    a Legacy offspring slots. they be 4 char slots for chars that you get to level 50, 2 or more chars are needed to be level 50.


    it work like this, you can choice 2 of your chars to mix their skills and story's


    for one if you choice a bounty hunter class and a Jedi knight or Sith warrior.

    the char you make as a offspring will be what you choice like a bounty hunter that use the force and lightsabers.


    or even a Sith warrior or jedi knight to use DoubleBlade Lightsaber.


    as well as the offspring idea is you can choice to mix a story, like you could start off as a jedi knight story, yet at the point of act 2 ending where the Sith Emperor take control of you, you begin sith training on the Sith story.

    you keep your level and all even your armor, as well as your weapons. then at a key point you can choice to be a Jedi again or remain sith, or quit the Jedi and sith and become a bounty hunter.


    the idea of this Legacy Offspring is to be your chars children and have a lot more choices.


    also the armor settings for like a Jedi to have sith armor or Sith have jedi armor, they should let that happen.

    as well as they can use any companions that you have completed their story's and missions.


    the idea this help people live more ideas and be more Star wars.


    offspring can gain to have all armor types depend if one has heavy armor so the chars that have light can have heavy or the others.


    also your offspring chars gain clothes armor mix of your chars you use so you can choice to have that armor all the way in the story, also the armor be class as as a Red Armor grade known as offspring a armor that upgrades with the chars levels. and the weapons as well.


    the Offspring chars are to help people to gain more Credits to. also once you finish the story you can Team him up with his family as your own chars become companions for the offspring char.

    This is something i am hoping they do to so you can do a 4 group heroic with 3 AI companions

    knowing people have a hard time finding people to help even with group finder.

    also I hope they put in the Weapon Changer like in Star wars knights of the old republic for the Offspring legacy.

    for like you could use a single or duel sabers then switch to doubleBlade saber or guns or so on.


    here is 2 basic ideas to give people a idea.


    Jedi Knight Sentinel + Sith Inquisitor Assassin

    a jedi padawan who wish to train as a Jedi weapon master (a class that was in Knights of the old republic) a Jedi who use all types of Jedi saber styles, single, duel or doubleblade saber.

    you do the jedi story and when you get to level 10 to choice a class you get a combine of your family you choice for this char.

    he will get the armor types, the sabers use and all force powers.


    or you could choice the offspring to start as the Sith Inquisitor story and when get to level 10 you gain all of both you choice as the combine of this char.


    Jedi knight Sentinal + Bounty hunter Powertech


    you start as a bounty hunter in robe like armor or bounty hunter armor (cause you choice the armor look you want for your chars as said offspring choices for clothes)

    your bounty hunter can start with using lightsabers like 2 cause it a Sentinal as one of the family offspring.



    the story goes as you want. as well as the voices would be added to have a voice choice to help so your voice doesn't change when you choice a other story line to follow.


    What does everyone think?

  3. well I hate to say it but I had high hopes for the Legacy System but sadly its a big let down.


    you can only learn some skill powers and no skills on weapons or armor, as well each char must have finish act 1 so they on act 2 to gain the new skills that a other big let down.


    I had big plans for my chars but now its out the window cause the Legacy system is not really what it was thought to be, Family Tree oh please it just make you link chars together they don't learn anything unless you finish art 1 with them.


    I still like the game but the Legacy system is just a big let down sorry but that how I feel after seeing it so far.

  4. I been playing from the time the game come out and after so long my Jedi warrior is able to get 2 of the Lightsaber I wanted from the Lockbox thank to his Treasure hunting Crew Skill.


    SADLY the Lightsaber can not be equip to him cause it wants DARK side points and not light.


    I have tried hard to find the lightsaber I looking for cause I need many for my chars who on sith and jedi who the light side of the force, also there this 1 Lightsaber I hoping to get 2 of, for my Bounty hunter if the BIG update let a bounty hunter learn to use Lightsabers cause his father and mother use them.


    I know alot of you have been looking for the lightsabers you like to, here a link to a image I believe SWTOR guys let as a image to show off all the Lightsabers of single saber types



    Top 3ed one is the one I want for my Bounty hunter if it can learn saber use, I hoping they do have that cause they did say there gonna be alot more mods for armor and weapons.


    like a Saber Hilt with +AIM that be cool.

    BUT the main Lightsaber I looking for in Orange Grade for editing is the 7 one from the top left to right.


    the black handle with silver top and below, it kind of look like Obi-ben's master's Lightsaber from Star wars Ep 1 movie.


    also this give me thoughts why does the shops sell the BIG cannons when only Troopers on the Republic can use them I haven't seen any Sith side char able to use them.


    my only thought is they are planning chars to be able to learn other weapons.


    but my point is I been looking for months on end for the Lightsaber in orange grade for editing. I going mad looking for it somone HELP me or Bioware PLEASE give us a shop so we can buy the Lightsabers we want, all Orange Grade for editing like level 10, so we can start our chars with the Ideal Lightsaber we want them to have from begin to end of the game Please.

  5. For anyone wanting to know the full details on the 1.2 legacy system, check out this article here! I collaborated with some folks at sithwarrior.com and they provided all the info/screenshots I needed :)




    so only powers and skills they can learn, not like like armor change or weapons change to?


    I was hoping for my jedi/sith force user to have middem or havey armor.


    or a bounty hunter able to learn Lightsaber skills, or a warrior to learn doubleBlade lightsaber, or so on. its just powers.

  6. What they mean is that when you hit 50, or you buy the race, you unlock the race for every class if you make a new toon in that legacy. Meaning on that server.


    I know what they mean I just want to start a char story at the beginning as they should be and not delete a char I do not want just to unlock that race for the story I want for a char I want to make.

  7. First I not sure if this the right place to put this, I am not really good with forum pages cause I don't really like them, yet I did some here on Star wars cause the group that made the game have put it they listen to us all, witch is why I like this they listen to what we want and feel that make the game be better for all.


    now the Title is "your own Star wars story's" is the main reason for this thread and I will explain now.



    people who have start playing who just play to be the best, or people who play for fun or even to Really make their own story, they all mix if you think.


    so let me explain it with the 8 Slots of Star wars chars, with my own and witch what I hoping will be able in the future with the update coming.



    Republic side

    jedi Warrior: Runnhurd.

    my first Char i started and what i want is him to be in like black robes, his hood down and his Lightsabers are Green and red, he a duelist jedi.

    yet his on the light side fully.


    so far the Crystals for colors are now unlock for all and in the future of the update saw on the video clip you can edit the colors and designs of your clothes, in hope that true and they keep it.


    if I can get his robes to be black then he story look will be complete how I want him to be.



    jedi consular: Runnhurd-Force

    so far I only started this one he is my force user of light who use a double LightSaber blade, yet there is 1 part on this I wish they did like the Knights of the old republic game, to change your weapons, like I could be using a double saber blade and then change it into duel sabers.

    so far the only thing I want for this one is his robes to be black even thought his light side.



    Jedi warrior: Wishing to be, Race Sith,

    on the Testing for the update they set it for level 50 to unlock witch I do not like, yet that not this is about.

    its about the chars story's everyone wish they could do.

    now I want to know all the choice of the dark side as a jedi warrior YET I can not come to make myself a char who would choice evil, yet if I had to choice one I would choice Sith race.

    a race to show what if my char was born Sith and his sith blood made him be evil and not good.


    That is the part of the story the legacy is meant to be from what they said a family tree.



    Sith Side.

    Sith Warrior: runnhurd-Dark

    now this is my char if he was took in by the Sith, so far his class is not what i wanted cause I thought the Legacy would help out, YET I planning to restart him to the fight Class I want him to be a duelist and not a tank.



    Sith Warrior: Wishing to be, Race Twi'lek name talon [the name Talon I can not get ><]

    This char I wanted to make her look seem alot like Talon from the Star wars comics "Star Wars legacy" a Sith Tank single saber who take down anyone in her way.

    a heartless sith who could fall for my Light Side jedi warrior.

    witch bring in a story idea for Legacy again.


    Sith Inquistor: Runnhurd-Light

    like my light side a what if I was taken by the sith yet this story is where I was took-en young as a slave, hisa trusting one kind un-sith like yet that is his story, as he will soon follow a road much like Skywalker in the clone wars with his jedi Padawan companion.

    for those who know what I talking about the first planet after you complete act 1



    Bounty Hunter: a Wishing with Legacy to happen.

    so far my Bounty hunter is a test in waiting for legacy, to see if we can get the other class's to learn more like LightSaber's

    I want to make my Bounty hunter like the former Sith in the CGI cartoon of Star wars the clone wars, Ventruis who is now a Bounty hunter yet she learn to the light.

    that is what I want to make my bounty hunter.

    a force user that hid who learn in the past her family was a jedi and sith that marred and she related to them, so she find some lightsabers and begin her life as a bounty hunter using the force to help her in the Great hunt.


    8th char slot: I do not know yet what i really want for my last char yet it will be on the Republic side, so its 4 on each side. maybe a Trooper or Smuggler I not sure depends on legacy I guess.



    Now you all see what this thread about, it for your Ideal Star wars chars you want, I explain mine, so please feel free to explain how you wish your char's story's to go

    what race you wish them to be and what they can do.


    is the Star wars group listen to everything we say then in hopes this is what will be coming soon.


    so have fun with your story's and explaining them ^^

  8. when I saw this Public Test for the update to come I was happy, I click on the Testing and downloaded it.


    I know I would have to unlock Legacy on the test but I didn't feel that bad about that.


    I was happy to try it, YET! there was a downer when I saw about the Race's I can not play them Unless I get a char of that Race to level 50...


    unlike others I try to have fun I can not level up fast to level 50 cause I have other things to do, yet I try to make alot of time to play the Star wars the old republic game.


    the race are close unless you got level 50 char of them THAT really made me mad, I spent over 3 hours waiting for the download and installing, THEN I find out I can't have a Twi'lek Sith warrior to start with. or a jedi Sith race as a start I have to get a char to level 50 to unlock them.


    WHAT the POINT? to make get a char to there only to delete them just so I can make the race on the char I want, I know other games did the level 50 thing but Star wars the Old Republic is more than a game its like making a Life a story of your own in Star wars.


    SO WHY the LOCKS, a choice of a char race and choice of light and dark I see that is what the game is aim for, as well a choice of the Design and colors of your outfit and weapons as well.


    I was happy when I haired of the update I was more happy seeing I was right about the powers you can learn with Legacy's family tree from the clip they shown.


    BUT if I can not start at the beginning with the race of who I want for a story, then I feel the game fails to be full to what it meant to be, as they said its about choice your own Story to full out your own as a Star wars char to be in the story.


    I been trying to figure out the rolls I like and want.


    so far I got some set, yet there 2 races I want for 2 chars story's so I can feel it better.


    I know alot of people love the game so I do, yet I have to say this unless on the big day I can choice the races at the start and do not need level 50 chars, I do not want to delete the chars I want to keep I do not want to Delete the chars I work so hard to get to that level. yet if I have to get a char to level 50 to unlock that race, then I feel I can not play the game anymore.


    I enjoy playing it working on the right things for me to say my choices having fun making my char as he should be how I see him in look actions and all, so this is my thoughts so far.


    I hope alot of you out there understand what I getting at, what the point if you can't enjoy the char's you want, why work so hard on a char story you don't want just to unlock the race for the story you do want.

  9. it took me forever to find these LightSaber's and 2 of it cause my jedi warrior use 2 Lightsaber's


    but I can't use them cause his all light side and they need 1 dark part witch can not get even if I get 1000 dark points that won't count as long as I have alot more light.


    get the picture? my the Lightsabers I like the most on the game and I can't use them cause I mainly a light person good side.

  10. First of all I want to thank the makers of the game for removing the forbidden on the Color Crystals I am so happy I can have my char as he is meant to be.


    as I am sure alot of people are happy with that to.


    now on the the main point of this one.


    Why does the LightSaber's have request 1 light/dark or above why?


    I have just finally found the LightSaber for my char orange Grade editable fully.


    BUT! it request 1 Dark or above, my jedi is all Light side so that the trouble.


    the LightSaber is [stygian Battlemind's Lightsaber] the simple one that mainly on alot of the Sith chars I saw in the sith story.


    that is the Ideal LightSaber for my char its alot like Obi wan's master's Lightsaber from Star wars ep 1 movie.


    I am happy with what I seen for the up coming update, also I have noted many things that is being done so people can be the Star wars char they always wanted to be.


    so I ask if you could remove the Request 1 Light/Dark or above from the LightSabers.


    I am in hope that you do so the 2 I now hold in my bank I can put them on to battle with and find more of it for my other chars to. its the 1 Lightsaber Design I LOVE the most.


    and I am sure alot of people have their own fav sabers they found but the Request 1 light/dark or above is stopping them from their Ideal char.


    once again I thank you for removing the Color Crystals Forbidden.


    now all who read this do you feel the same as I do about the Lightsaber's you want the most yet having trouble cause of the Request 1 light/dark or above.

  11. I so wish this was like the "Knights of the Old Republic" cause even on light side I could have a Red Crystal.


    my Jedi is meant to have a Green and Red crystal as he use 2 lightsabers, yet I do not want to be even or bad he is good.


    and my sith I want him to be good but still use Red Crystals.


    its unfair to everyone with the Forbidden to light/dark or need a light/dark bar to use


    BUT the good thing is the group that make this game want to hear us, so if alot of us ASK them to change the Crystals thing so Light can use Red and Dark can use others to, then they will.



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