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Posts posted by Stephenjdoug

  1. Darth Bane is a good place to start. Takes place during a war between the Jedi and Sith. Shows the beginning of the rule of two as well.


    If your not to big on thousand + years BBY. I would then highly recommend the NJO (New Jedi Order) but unless you already know allot of back story that happened before NJO but after ROTJ like


    Spoilers Post ROTJ



    Luke being hunted by Mara Jade then marrying her

    Jacen, Jaina, Anakin Solo children of Leia and Han

    The retirement of many notable characters such as Akbar

    The rise of Talon Karrade (Good place to start Thrawn era)

    The Yevetha Uprising (referenced and seen on a small scale in NJO)

    The whole Jedi Academy being found

    You may wonder about Han and Kyps past (Jedi Academy trilogy)


    And so much more.


    So saying all that I am not going to recommend my favorite books. But a good place to START would be

    "The Truce at Bakura". For the story behind Han and Leia; "The Courtship of Princess Leia".

    The "Thrawn Trilogy" Could be a good place considering its a great trilogy, it will introduce characters that will play major roles later on. Then after that make sure you read the "Jedi Academy" Trilogy. "Black Fleet Crisis" and so on

  2. I did not notice sound problems until Nar Shaddaa. All sound goes off except for the enemies NPCs grunting and my companions random comments.


    Very annoying. I just exit game and log back in to fix it. Very annoying happened about 4 times in a 6 hour period.

  3. Read the lord of the rings. (Movies first though) And I have to say I hate the books. It goes something like this


    Lets walk past shire onto old bride pass the statue that never falls near South Shire past the gate into Mordor! In between that it be safe to add what they had to eat along (in excellent detail) the way and the names of so many characters so many irrelevant characters.


    Saying that, I loved the movies. And Tolkien does deserve credit for pretty much starting the whole orc/elf/dwarf fantasy. But if you have to go back from day 1 Lord of the Rings and look at alllll the revisions to the books (and there's ALLOT) The author could not make up his mind about allot of stuff. And died before he could make up his mind about most of that. His son still tried to do his best. But it will always remain unfinished as far as im concerned.


    But Lord of the Rings never pulled me in like Star Wars. Lord of the Rings as a franchise will never be like Star Wars. It may be the best of the Fantasy Genre and Star Wars IMO is the best in the SciFI department. I can go back and rewatch the Star Wars movies over and over again. My vote easily goes to Star Wars

  4. Slightly off topic, but I have a question. I understand Legacy is the furthest in the timeline. And I know what retcon means. But someone said legacy is on the verge of being retconned?


    Is there an article or something official stating this? And this is all because, the main characters are "dead" (obviously cause it takes place so far in the future)


    Also lucas needs to get of his high horse. Luke, Leia, Han and all the other beloved characters need to die. You can not have a 400 year old Han walking around it be dumb. I personally don't want Han dieing from old age. I would like him to go down in a blaze of glory. Like his old pal Chewie

  5. that would never happen. If they did ever decide to make a POST ROTJ story they would never follow the books. We know Lucas doesn't follow the EU when creating new stuff.


    Lucas does follow it a bit, allot of EU made it into Episodes 1-3 and allot references in the tv series.

    (name of planets, characters, star ships, and back story dating back to the old republic, there's more but im not naming it all) Who do you think it was that named the planet Coruscant? It was given its name from a POST ROTJ book. (Timothy Zahn i believe)


    Second Lucas will never make another star wars movie again at least thats what he is saying right now.


    Eventually someone else will have the rights and they could make a EU movie


    Also one more Edit Lucas authorized quite a few things in the NJO series including chewies death

  6. SO what if there not good? 4-6 will always be classics. Remakes will not ruin them. The remakes can be for whoever wants to watch them. And personally as a life long star wars fan, I would love to see the original trilogy remade. And if it sucks, f*** it ill always have the original to go back to. And if its awesome? Well that's awesome. And for those "die hard fans" who will hate em just because their remakes then hell with em.
  7. as far as ewoks go, google the ewok appreciation line from how I met your mother (I love ewoks)


    And as far as Jar Jar goes, hes not as bad as people make him out to be. But he is a ****** character I could do without

  8. I like the fact chewie, and anakin died. (Don't get me wrong I wish it was jacen instead of anakin) I like the whole dark setting of NJO. it may be a fairy tale of "space wizards" but I want to know the writers of my all time favorite sci-fi epic are willing to ill of beloved characters. Vergere didn't bother me to much. She had some interested views of the force. She added a whole bit of mystery to it.


    If not an animated based series on NJO, I would also enjoy Legacy or Thrawns Era

  9. I love the fact that the NJO broke down Han to a human standard, killed anakin (though I do love em), took out chewie , proving that no character is untouchable and that an invasion or war with any type of empire or religious zealots, should not be casualty free. Hell their were moments where I thought they were going to Kill mara, wedge, even leia at one point. Those books had me on the edge reading them. In then end they were an explosive amount of character development, story, new star wars canon. (and yes some of this is basically agreeing with one of the above posters)


    NJO was a breath of fresh air where no other creative mind dared to go back then.

  10. Well i' going to add a small spoiler



    After he visits Freedon Nads temple on Dxun


    I would put him as Juggernaut, he becomes pretty much immune to lightsaber attacks

    he enters this rage and no one can touch him. Example the Battle of Tython.


    But then again his talent in using a variety of force powers. He was able use the force wave, force drain and several other powers that he was extremely talented in using. Although he did attempt sith sorcery, he failed at some of the more advanced ones.


    EDIT: what i meant was after he goes to Dxun he becomes one hell of a juggernaut

  11. I'm a strong supporter of the vong, next to Bane, Exar Kun, Revan and Thrawn, they are my favorite villains / enemies of the republic. After saying that a post return of the jedi animated show WOULD be awesome. I already watch the clone wars animated series. Although a bit childish at times, its still a good show and its fun see how things will play out.


    Preferably because I like the vong so much, I would like a NJO series, similar to the clone wars tv series. While it wont play the biggest roles in the war it will still highlight other major and minor events. I would also like to see Jaina be a major role in this series.


    I don't think there will be "penalties" on bounties or ganking. There WILL be a bounty system though for bounty hunters I'll say that. I can guarantee that.

    that will be awesome, that is one of the big things i want next to a 3d enhanced space system....


    also what I don't want more designs based of the movies, i want bioware to draw inspiration from their previous works and other old republic material in the EU.... (for example i don't like every bounty hunter being a boba clone)

    (or how the empire in TOR is strangely similar to Palatines)

  13. the old republic should not take to much from the movies...this game takes place over a 1000 years before...the old republic is doing all it can to be like star wars and a mmorpg....you cant really ask for more


    also it does bother me every bounty hunter is a boba fett clone, that and i agree with the poster above about the cyborg species, wish it wasn't in there.



    also please dont make this game like forced unleashed not all lightsaber fights are epic (plus kotor was a much better game and look at its combat)


    and ground combat is already amazing for a mmo so why complain

  14. i enjoyed ff13 allot actually. But I do agree with you, any game can look good in a 2m trailer hideing behind pretty graphics.


    I personally wait for gamespot / IGN to do video reviews and watch those. I know allot of people don't agree with that logic, but at least I have a good idea of what im getting into.


    Ill do the same for this new SW title whenever it does finally come out.

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