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Posts posted by Criiiiket

  1. Prophecy of the five has a higher population now.


    @ OP


    around here Fatman has been the biggest server for months so people are kind've stuck in their ways about it being big. But if you watch population densities Prophecy of the Five is now bigger.


    Go look at the server statuses now.


    Prophecy of the Five is "Heavy"


    Fatman is "Standard"

  2. 1. Are you still on an origin server? I have seen people in here on origin servers complaining about the tool not working >.>.


    2. What level are you? Games like this are geared torward the max level mostly, It's going to be a lot harder to find groups for content below lvl 50 because:


    A. Many people who already have gone through the process of leveling one toon don't care to do all the flashpoints on the way anymore, and would rather just quest as fast as possible to lvl.


    B. The percentage of people at the same level you are is going to be much lower if you aren't level 50. There will be a much smaller pool of people to pull you from.


    3. What are you queueing for?





    If none of those things apply to you, you must be using the tool wrong, or you are queueing for specific content noone wants to run. I am strictly DPS (Jedi Knight Sentinel), and I have already done ~10 HM FPs with the LFG, and my queues have all been <30 mins. usually more like ~15.

  3. Four pages of people QQing about a problem that doesn't exist.


    This thread is a microcosm of this entire forum.


    I LOVE this game.


    I LOVE the people i meet in-game.


    I HATE you doom-sayers on the forums.


    The only reason I come here is because the devs seem to pay a lot of attention to the suggestions of the playerbase so far IMO, and I don't want the vocal minority to be the only voices heard.

  4. The patch notes state CLEARLY that you don't gain social points from BOSSES who are too far below your level.


    It says nothing about CONVERSATIONS.


    If you don't think it works, SPEND TWENTY MINUTES AND FIND OUT ..


    You don't gain social points until the end of a flashpoint. It still works just fine.


    Alternately, if you're level 50, just go run EV normal mode and farm mind traps. Each mind trap is worth 32 social points. One EV run can get you 320 social points for an average run.


    I can't believe it took three pages for someone to point this out


    EDIT: I can't believe you were the only person in this entire thread to say that, and nobody read your post. There are still people complaining on this thread after you told them the problem doesn't exist.

  5. Have you? I just queued a dps slot last night at 5 am and had a 7 minute wait time. In wow that is.


    And i got about the same queue time here at ~1am for Battle of Illum HM as a DPS with no other role selected. I don't think wow is any faster than SWTOR's LFG, and it's cross server.

  6. I have had great experiences running LFR. For example in my run the other night.Though there were people quitting in the middle of things and a little bit of whinning on the boss with the colored slimes the LFR ran smoothly.

    The raging, qqing, and lack of common knowledge are always going to happen in raids especially when the raids are

    first being run. So in general it reminded me of a normal raid runs in WoW. I think the 2 parts of the DS raid took under 1.5 hours to complete in LFR. Anyway the LFR run was a fun easy going thing to do for the night.


    Sometimes it's okay, but you gotta admit that if on a good night theres still whining and quitting, it's not usually such a pleasant thing to do.

  7. Rift's queue times for dps dropped drastically after they went cross server. WoW's wait times for dps are damn near non existent.


    Don't try to make stuff up. Drawing from a larger pool always gives advantages, and both of those games have proven this.


    Are you kidding me? You're joking right? Have you ever played this game? You know what WoW stands for, right?


    You're going to try to tell me there are "near non existent" wait times for DPS in WoW?


    You have clearly not played that game seriously at all.

  8. Sounds like a personal hatred for the system. Blizzard apparently feels a lot different about it. And is expanding and improving it more the next expansion. They are doing that based on thier own internal tracking data and not hate threads on thier forums.


    No, Dr Feud, I don't have a personal hatred for the CS system. I don't think it would be beneficial in SWTOR. In WoW the server populations are spread out evenly for the most part. Servers here on SWTOR are much larger. Not to mention the Tank:Healer: Dps ratio here on SWTOR is infinitely better.


    From my experience in WoW, which was endgame normal dragon sould (not just LFR), queue times here on SWTOR are much better, LFG tool is helping build the community, and cross server is not only unnecessary/would not help in any way- but would actually be harmful.


    And as for Blizzard "feeling differently about it", yes they love their current LFG tool, thats why theyre completely redoing it form the ground up next expansion... and yes, the players love it too, thats why the new one is the one of the most anticipated features of the next expansion.

  9. Your suspicions about it not helping in end game content is wrong. One reason Blizzard came out with the cross server LFR ( looking for raid ) was so more players could experence end game content. And sence this had happend...they have dramaticaly increased the numbers of players being able to experence end game content. One reason they are expanding it to all 3 new raids in thier next expansion. :cool:



    Cross Server LFG has been out for years, and they JUST last patch came out with cross server or lfg end game.


    The person you are replying to is mostly correct, until LAST patch you could NOT LFG end game content in WoW. Or any raid for that matter.


    And it's nerfed to the ground, and all of the difficult (or moderately challenging) mechanics are taken out.


    Oh and BTW if you were wondering... it is a TOTAL mess. Constant rage quitting, QQing, Whining, NINJA ALL OVER THE PLACE, and a total lack of common gamer knowledge. LFR in WoW is a traumatic experience I still receive counseling for.


    LFR was implemented so that baddies could play the end game content too, but the gear drops there made it a necessary stepping stone for progression raiders as well.

  10. Yes theyre working on it. They just didnt have the "time" to implement an obvious feature in the 2 whole weeks they tested the patch.


    I mean they already have it for queuing in pvp but im sure the technology is so incredibly different between the two that they just couldnt do it in time.


    QQ MOAR, bro


    Would you rather have waited two more weeks for the patch to come out just because it didn't teleport you back to where you were?


    They felt this LFG tool was super duper needed in this game and wanted to get it out quick as possible, if that meant leaving out parts of it some scrubs would think were life changing that actually weren't

  11. I think we are all forgetting what kind of "bad behavior" cross server creates.


    It's not just people who are mean, or ninja loot.


    9/10 times it usually means a /quit group after the first wipe. I cannot tell you how often this happens in WoW. The frequency is large.


    So then imagine spending all that time in queue, ( And trust me, even with CS the queue time will still be there...) and then everyone quits.

  12. And as far as building community goes, I can't tell you how many times i've ALREADY after only two days seen someone say "OH HAAAIII didn't i run *insert content here* with you yesterday???"


    or "I ran *insert* with bob last night, don't invite him, he is a rage quitter"


    THAT is how you build a community folks. People who actually KNOW each others names. Doesn't happen in cross server games, the only ways you know someone there is if you regularly do content that can't be done in the LFG, or if they constantly troll the chat channels.

  13. IMHO the queues here are NO longer than they are in WoW. In fact, for a DPS they are QUICKER. Class balance here in SWTOR is MUCH better than it is in WoW, so much so that CS LFG is not needed.


    Those of you QQing about Queue times, this must be your first MMO.


    Someone said earlier about how same server queueing wasn't preventing ninja looting because they saw a ton of people talking about it in general chat. That means it IS working. In these first stages of the LFG finder the Ninja Looters get their reputations, in a week or more, they will all be blacklisted.


    It does not take long to figure out who all the baddies are, on Jung Ma they are all very well known.


    I've already done around 10 HM Fps with the group finder. My role is solely DPS. Queue times are SHORTER than the ones in WoW, (My main char in WoW was a raid tank, so if even I am not complaining about queue times... noone should be) and the groups I've gotten with have been more willing to cooperate.


    not a SINGLE person has left before the instance was finished.


    People who stay the whole instance are super duper rare in CS Queues.

  14. Does anyone know how exactly the "kill" counter works? Or why it functions this way?


    From the huuge numbers you see, I'm assuming anything you bump up against too hard that eventually dies counts as a kill.


    Why does it work this way? I'm assuming there's a specific reason for this.


    Also- what does "Protection" mean?

  15. Oh boy I hope not. I can imagine the backlash from returning players who come back and find that their character has just been deleted. Would be horrible for Bioware.


    I don't think that's very realistic. If they were going to start deleting these servers in the immediate future they would've probably just done mergers rather than transfers. They're keeping these servers for, most people have guess around another six months. How many people do you really think will be inactive for six months, not check the site every once in a while to see whats going on, and then just one day decide to come back?


    Chances are, someone like that who is somewhat interested in coming back in the future, is probably waiting for more content that interests them, and would be checking the site occasionally to see if any new content has been released to interest them.


    Thats what i do when i leave an mmo that i liked but got bored of.


    Anyways if you've left this game for six months and never look back at the site/ talk to other people about whats going on/read about stuff on gaming sites, you probably didn't have a lot of time invested into your characters.

  16. If someones dense enough to bypass the full / heavy / standard servers at the server selection screen and head straight to the ones that are dead, im going to say they arent long for the genre to begin with.



    Its pretty obvious which ones have lots of people, if someone picks a "light" server on purpose opposed to one that is "standard", for me to state it's what they wanted would be redundant. they picked it on purpose.

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