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Posts posted by MathesonWolfe

  1. Instead of having 4 different vendors for each class, how about keeping the same theme as those for the planetary vendors. One vendor sells armorings, mods, enhancements, hilts and barrels. The second vendor sells empty armor shells, implants, earpieces and relics. Then you just need 8 vendors total for classics, basics, elites and ultimate gear. It would free up space on the station. Also, allows for better customization, and easier as well, in the case of tank classes (crappy legs with their alacrity stat).


    Possible cost might be:


    Armorings = 60 comms

    Mods = 20 comms

    Enhancements = 20 comms

    Hilts / Barrels = 80 comms.


    Ears, implants and relics stay the same.


    Empty shells would vary from 40 to 80 comms maybe, depending upon the piece.

  2. Let me begin by saying I really like this game and find the vast majority of negative comments on this forum unfounded. That said, this is my first real complaint, and hopefully someone will be able to reveal it as unfounded as well.


    When gearing out most dps or healing classes, it is pretty easy to get the numbers you need in your tertiary stats (power, surge, crit, accuracy or alacrity) from the items being sold on the comm vendors. I've geared out an operative, gunslinger, AP powertech, sage and sorcerer with ease this way. My stats are where I would like them (in the case of accuracy or alacrity, easy enough to bolster with augments) and with the exception of a barrel / hilt on my mainhand, everything is attainable solely through the comm vendors.


    But for a guardian / juggernaut tank, this is not the case. Their pieces have accuracy and alacrity on them, extremely heavy on absorption and shield and very light on defense, which is what is needed. The wrist and belt piece have the necessary Elusive Mod, but other pieces have the Resilient (?) Mod, which I find to be inferior. Further, as far as I can tell, no piece of tank gear has the Immunity Mod, which I prefer as it allows for larger Defense numbers (assuming the target of having more defense than shield and more shield than absorption for a tank). Most of the Defense stat comes from earpiece and implants, which does not get you the numbers you need.


    Now, I feel that playing a tank in this game is inherently more challenging than playing a tank in other games (my comparison is Dark Age of Camelot - dated, I know, but that's my point of reference). A tank must be familiar with the encounter mechanics for flashpoints and ops; moreso than a healer or a DPS class in my opinion (for most encounters anyway). In fact, I feel that playing a healer (my sage) is easier than being a healer in other games. Moreover, it is very easy to gear a healer (my sorcerer or sage doesn't even need to switch gear if I change from dps to healing skill tree - the tertiary stats are the same).


    So, the question being, why would they make gearing the tank more difficult? Or is there something I am missing in my ramble? Is there some logic behind making guardian / jugg gear so heavy with absorption, having alacrity and accuracy? I realize that the gear that drops from ops has completely different stats (my complaint is about the comm vendor). I just don't understand the reasoning here, because it really only penalizes tank classes (I don't know anything about gearing out a tank assassin / shadow, so my argument may not apply to them).

  3. I had this thought the other day. When you're running flashpoints all day and you know the people in the group are geared as well, or better, than yourself, then everyone should be selecting Greed, except for the EEEs. However, I was thinking that everyone should select Need instead, because there is always one guy who sneaks in a Need at the end and you don't notice until the FP is over.


    I always Inspect other players at the start of a FP to get an idea of what condition the other players are in (and also to compare myself).

  4. Xalek should be absorption, shield and defense - in that order, I believe.



    However, if I remember correctly, Xalek can be put in a dps mode, in which case you could gear him differently. This might work well if you're a dps assassin or sorc yourself, since he can take your hand-me-down gear. In this case, power, surge, crit (and maybe accuracy?).

  5. When you no longer need any more elite comms for gear, except maybe to round out a companion's gear, is there anything useful to do with them? By that I mean, like Basic Comms, one can purchase Isotope-5 and either sell it or use it for mats. Is there anything similar to buy with elites?


    As a second question, I bought an elite grade implant from the vendor meaning to deconstruct it (I'm biochem obviously) and hopefully get the schematic for it. However, when I moused over the implant, it said that there was nothing to learn from deconstructing it. So I didn't do it. But do higher level things always read that way? Even though you can actually pull the schematic from it? I'm reluctant to try and waste it (even though I technically don't need it anyway).

  6. I rather agree with this. I've often thought there is a lack of advertisement in the past year or so. I attributed it to my ignorance of television. The movie trailers for this game are simply awesome, in my opinion, and I know they were once on television, so maybe new ones might not be a bad idea. They could be cobbled together cut scenes from the operations or flashpoints.
  7. I posted this in the Agent section but have not received a response so I thought I would try here.


    As I'm gearing out my concealment operative, I've come across a question. I have 101% accuracy, and I know guides tell you to get to 110%. The problem is, the regular rotation is considered all Tech damage, which starts at a base 100% accuracy (therefore, I'm capped at 110% for Tech damage moves). Short story: I NEVER miss with a backstab, shiv or laceration. The only moves that use the normal 90% base accuracy (to my knowledge) is Overload Shot, which I use very sparingly as a filler (as I accrue 168 and 180 gear I'm finding I don't need to use it anymore).


    So, my question is: for those concealment operatives in 180 gear, how much Accuracy is really necessary? Would I benefit more from putting my points in Alacrity now? Or just more Power? (My surge is at 73% and Crit is 31%).

  8. As I'm gearing out my concealment operative, I've come across a question. I have 101% accuracy, and I know guides tell you to get to 110%. The problem is, the regular rotation is considered all Tech damage, which starts at a base 100% accuracy (therefore, I'm capped at 110% for Tech damage moves). Short story: I NEVER miss with a backstab, shiv or laceration. The only moves that use the normal 90% base accuracy (to my knowledge) is Overload Shot, which I use very sparingly as a filler (as I accrue 168 and 180 gear I'm finding I don't need to use it anymore).


    So, my question is: for those concealment operatives in 180 gear, how much Accuracy is really necessary? Would I benefit more from putting my points in Alacrity now? Or just more Power? (My surge is at 73% and Crit is 31%).

  9. I'd vote for the Togruta as well.


    Nautolans are not a bad idea. And whoever said Barabel, that would be interesting too.


    Personally, I'd like to see Duros, but I don't think that will happen. I'm not sure there is enough customization options with them to make them a playable species.


    I'd vote no for the Bothans. And I'm indifferent to the Voss.


    What about Arkanians?

  10. I don't disagree with the points you're making, but I feel you're overlooking something.


    When using moddable gear, you used to be able open your character sheet and at a glance immediately know if your gear were up-to-date (while leveling that is). That is what is missing now.


    Of course, when gear drops, you compare the stats, not the level. Of course when you reach end-game, level no longer matters. But while leveling, can you really disagree with the convenience of knowing when your gear is out of date with a quick glance at your character sheet? (This is particularly helpful if you have more that one toon your leveling, and you don't remember the last time you changed your gear.)


    Sure, we're all going to eventually get used to seeing rating in gear. It's just a shame that a number that was useful without doing any comparison has now become a number that is only meaningful when a) comparing it to other gear, b) if the number increments are "memorized", or c) if you take the time to ctrl-right-click on the mod to see the actual level of the mod.




    BINGO! This is the entire point.

  11. I don't feel there are too many.


    Dark Age of Camelot had around 30+ classes (if I recall correctly), each with a few different specs, and they did a pretty decent job of balancing all of them (and that game is PVP / RVR oriented). Granted, there were some road bumps along the way.

  12. I've done this quest quite a few times and I never look forward to it, because I find it buggy. Easier on some classes than others.


    But I see a lot comments in the previous pages about being geared up for this fight. My question is, should you have to be geared up for it? Previous to this quest there was not another that made a "gear check". If a mission in a quest line has a definite gap in the gearing requirement while being part of the leveling process, I think there is a breakdown somewhere.


    I'm not sure that my point is clear. But, if one has to stop the quest line, go back and do dailies to "gear up" (as has been stated in previous posts), then what is the point? One would be 55 easy enough without even doing Makeb.

  13. If they can give more people what they want by adding a Companion Barber Shop, at least for the characters that are playable races in the game. Other characters like Khem, Blizz, etc, would need to be limited to texture based options, ie skin/clothing/armor due to the fact that they are character models with no editable features. However there is a lot you can do with textures without being able to change any of the character geometry.




    Excellent idea!

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