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Posts posted by JaedenSyn

  1. So in the new patch they made it so that if you control an outer turret in ACW you get to take a speeder directly there, which is awesome until the other team takes both. It then becomes insta-win for them as the other team cant get there fast enough to overtake their numbers.


    That used to be my favorite Warzone now its the other sucky one, thanks BioWare for imbalancing a balanced (objective wise) warzone.

  2. What is it with people that they don't realize that none of the authors makes these decisions in a vacuum? The entire team of writers was consulted, the editing team at Lucas publishing was consulted, and in the case of Chewbacca Lucas himself was consulted. These decisions don't get made in a vacuum. Instead the authors step up and volunteer for the really hard sections of the saga. That's right, when everyone looked back at the flak R.A. Salvatore received for "killing" Chewie and nobody wanted to to deal with it for "killing" Mara, Karen Traviss stepped up and said, "I'll handle it." The truth is that all of the Star Wars books are outlined out by committees of authors and editors. No author is solely responsible for anything you read in them. The closest thing to a fully independent author for the Star Wars books is Timothy Zahn, and even he routinely mentions that he consults closely with the editors at Lucas publishing.


    As for her work on the Mandalorians, it was all read and approved before hand by Lucas publishing. Then the Clone Wars comes out and changes all of the lore regarding them by adding a democratically elected princess who, until that season, never existed in any lore. Traviss refused to change what she did to match a cartoon series, and was honestly justified in doing so. Imagine if you were her for a second and Lucas publishing came to you and said, "Well we're totally re-doing the Mandalorians for a kid's cartoon and you need to change everything we originally approved and have already published." I don't know about you guys, but I would have the self-respect to refuse as well.


    finally someone who knows what they are talking about

  3. Ah, but then all it takes is George saying "All the movies were about Anakin". The Lucas Has Spoken And It Is So, and all that. Hell, his rewrites of history are bad enough sometimes. Changing stuff we've known for years into something else. I know this example has been done to death, but it's the most obvious one. Went from "Han shot" to "Han shot first" to "Greedo shot first".



    yeah but Han didnt shoot first, he just shot . Shooting first implies more than one shot , there was only the one . Which at the time showed Han as a character that would do anything to protect himself , even murder (kind of the guy was going to kill him after all), when George changed that he screwed up Han's story of redpemtion IMO

  4. I always thought it referred to the return of the Jedi order.


    its up for interpretation but the generally accepted meaning is that its about Luke becoming a Jedi ...considering that "Uncle George" didn't decide that the movies were about Darth Vader until he made the prequels

  5. So now you know. Karen Traviss wasn't just responsible for the unsanctioned killing of Mara. She was also responsible for giving the rest of the Expanded Universe writing team a helluva headache and a LOT of garbage to clean up.




    its funny how you cant write anything for Lucas Arts without getting express written permission to change ANY storyline. So, if as you said in the above quote did this on her own , I would ask you how?


    And she didnt have a hard on for Mandos, she just told the story from their point of view . So yeah she made the Jedi/ Sith look terrible because from a Mando point of view they are terrible. Almost all of the wars in the Star Wars universe are started by Jedi and Sith either going after each other or they are trying to change how a culture acts using their own sense of morality.


    The difference between Jedi and Sith is that the Sith are up front about who they are , Jedi are not.

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