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Posts posted by MookieFett

  1. Bullcrap... If you banned the people that spent all day Spawn Camping you would end up banning almost every Imperial that plays TOR. If you ban all those Imperials everyone would go bankrupt considering Imperials are the only damn thing anyone actually plays.


    yup. look at that fake bluff. Lets see if u actually go through with it. xD

  2. Ever think that maybe those turrets are supposed to be delivering the instant deaths they talk about?

    nope, they'll just do it like in warzone complete death instantly.


    Then again why would it take this long to talk about how no one was supposed to go in ;)

  3. Why do a Valor reset? The Devs just stated there is no Valor gained from the turrets like all the stupid trolls were saying and there are diminishing returns on killing the players. So with that said I seriously doubt the amount of Valor gained from some of these "BS" trolling posts.


    I would need to see some actual pics that clearly define their valor gained cause after this "BS" storm of post saying crap that wasn't true like "I got my level 20 alt Battlemaster in a couple hours today".


    Fact is people way over reacted today and did so to a bunch of trolls making crap up. Since this is truly the case then I don't think any longer the Devs need to do a rollback.


    im getting 200 valor per kill now, there is no diminishing lol.

  4. Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone.



    yea right thats why u had turrets there for no reason if no one was supposed to get in there? :D

  5. So, you're declaring the entire general forums are for PvP only? When in fact, this game is not intended to be PvP-centric? Lordy Lou, you are selfish as they come.


    its 2011, the last PVE eccentric game was LOTRO and it was a huge dissapointment. For your pleasure and every pve'ers pleasure youre going to have to accept for the game not to die you need pvp and the pvp'ers need pve'ers.


    This is almost as bad as republicans vs democrats. Its been this long and you people don't understand that you're in it together.

  6. we've seen the end game. When the end game for pvp is standing around on ilum trading points or warzones. You start seeing a lot of whats wrong with the game.


    Enjoy your ride to 50, but be aware that the 50's know what they're talking about. If you're a pve guy stick to your PVE sub-forum bro and enjoy the game. Im assuming the PVE forum is http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=79

  7. Well I just gave you plenty ideas on how to counter us and actually beat a class. Why not take what you learn and make use of it?


    You didn't give any examples. Half the stuff is hoping u don't critical. And my dot takes like 4 seconds to pop that's 4 seconds I coulda used to hide.

  8. How about designing a PvP which more people play right from the start than the rest of "true pvp mmos" combined?


    Seriously, if PvP here was this bad, you woudnt be there playing it. I play mainly for PvP since UO times, and i have to say SWTOR PvP is great, especially considering its just released. I dont remember any game that had PvP system without issues on release, or for that point - even now.


    People complaining about SWTOR pvp as if it was some abomination, clearly miss a point for reference. Point me at a game that has better pvp of similar style without major issues (GW is exception) - each and every game is plagued by the same problems.


    Class imbalance? Everywhere, and surprise - it will STAY for as long the game exists, with constant changes and tweaks. Such thing as "perfect balance" in class based PvP is unexistant.


    Lack of open world meaningfull pvp? Most themepark games dont have open world PvP at all, or its implemented just as bad. The game that have great open world PvP are designed completely differently - and you should be playing Darkfall not SWTOR if thats what you expect.


    Performance in PvP? Surprise, its actually quite good. I wish you seen the lags and framerate in mass matches of other games.


    They even got PvP equipment and progression right from start! AoC players had to wait year for that in marketed as "pvp" MMO!


    Baseline, you play it if its still fun. So far it is for a lot of people. "a lot" is a little understatement considering nature of game like SWTOR - seriously, no one expected this tittle to attract so many people for PvP - most players play such games for PvE and Raiding only. The fact PvP in SWTOR attracts so much attention says they did it right.


    That said? Who are the people complaining on forums?


    WoW "elite pvpers"? Those should shut up and sew their mouth off - its like Golf players trying to compete in martial arts contests.


    Korean grinders massive pvp bot and clicker crowd? Those had some nice combat from stratagical point, but the combat itself is of no good reference for anything - practically every game had unexistant balance and irrelevant player skill in encounters.


    REAL "sandbox full loot warfare" pvpers? Well, it was clear from you from begining that this game is a WoW clone and you shoudnt expect much from it. As long as you get fun from PvP here as you do from say Team Fortress 2 matches, thats max you`ll get and its fine.


    Seriously, the only game i remember having half deccent PvP at start was GW (and even it had its problems). SWTOR is basically WAR clone without factions (not DAOC clone mind you, and ignore the people saying DAOC PvP was perfect - you would be crying your tears and cursing devs if you had to play it now. Stun mechanics, class balance, world pvp - DAOC is like an example from others to learn what mistakes to awoid).


    Dont like SWTOR PvP? Dont play. Easy as that. Its good for what it is, and i predict it will get only better. I personally cant wait for capitol ships sieges, but Illum world pvp expects to be fun as well (for people playing in guilds and meaningful server community).


    How much does bioware pay you?

  9. Perfect example of why the PLAYERS on this class fail.


    I know it is an amazing concept but what if...just what if...you put different enhancements in those slots.


    Do you think your crit and surge would go up?


    I swear shadow/assassin will escape nerfs for years, while classes that are no better are nerfed to the ground because the players of this class are well respresented in this thread...


    They swear their class sucks, call for nerfs on other classes, and can't even mod a piece of gear, something you should have mastered before level 10...



    you're an idiot. Why would i take out the level 56 expertise mods to put some stupid level 50 mod in there. I would just wear centurion gear :rolleyes:

  10. Here's a Solution to all of you "Real PvPer's" who really are only on Voss to Greif players.. Let’s say Bioware implements a 1000% Expertise increase for the grief’d player after their second death in a 3 min time frame. So in turn they can turn around and 1 shot you back. Would you still find it fun? Your saying they are taking PVP out of the game. But it’s the players who grief who are ruining your pvp.


    Illium is a planet PREDICATED on the aspect of pvp, You are rewarded for killing another player on Illium with valor points. You gain what exactly from killing lvl 40's on Voss? No Valor, No Challenge, (you get a few laughs because the poor lowbie can't defend himself), They Log out and roll Sith or on a PVE server like you've ALL suggested here. Then there isn't anyone left for you to grief anyway.


    You complain you want all these players to roll on a pve server.. Then what will you do?


    tl;dr Telling people to leave a server where you complain you don't have enough people to pvp is not productive. Stop Grefing players who are under leveled and under skilled. Play against someone of equal chance. (That is PVP)


    ilum is broken and you're a carebear. That is all.

  11. Shadows/Assassins don't shine until you're geared. If you're a fresh 50 trying to beat on a person with 400 expertise. you'll laugh at your damage.


    They are in a good place though.


    like only 3 piece of our gear have crit and surge though. Once u pop out that stuff for champ gear ur chance of critting goes down alot.

  12. I'm seriously looking to start a new TOR podcast, with some unique and interesting ideas to set it apart from others. Looking for interested people for co-hosts just as enthusiastic and driven as I am. I would prefer one of them a girl interested in providing the female perspective on different aspects of this game.


    This podcast would strive to provide unique organized discussion ideally among 3 people. I don't want to take away from all the current 'casts out there - would *prefer* to join up or collaborate with current ones, as I have a ton of ideas, segments and discussion topics in mind, but either way really want to get something going now that I have gotten my creative juices flowing.


    I have a professional background in radio and podcasting, have over a decade in audio production experience with the right equipment for the job. It's just a question of finding the right people to create/join up with. Chemistry is just as important as content. If you're interested please shoot me a message and we'll go from there..


    put me on your podcast and let me have a 20 minute rant on why the game sucks. I will completely annihilate it and become radio gold




    Debate me on the pros and cons of this game.



    btw I have experience with podcasts I hosted a sports one. I cant give you a link though be cause well, its too much cursing in it.

  13. No thank you. I left Lotro because it was F2P. At first, they claim it won't affect PvP or give people advantages. Then, they get greedy and they do exactly what they claimed they wouldn't do and it becomes a P2W fest...


    lotro was already a lame pve game, with a wack instance pvp.

  14. Geared 50's fighting players 10 levels lower than them. And you call them carebears, ironic.


    what, fighting other geared 50's is too rough for ya?


    who cares, its a pvp server. I absolutely knew this would happen when i signed up. I got ganked for like an hour once and it didnt bother me.

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