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Posts posted by xMrTickle

  1. Galaxies did decent with staying in that time frame. It's always funny to be how they put this game so far ahead of the movies, but it seems in 3500 years, technology hasn't advanced much and Jedi aren't any better then they were, maybe weaker. Should just say its 100 years before, makes it more realistic.


    It was 3500 BEFORE not after :)

  2. Time travel huh? I like it!!! We could all sling-shot around the Sun to travel backwards or forward in time...or maybe the Gree could transport us to the future?! They haven't done enough with the Gree yet imo...BRILLIANT idea OP!!!


    Yeah thats exactly what i was thinking! Plus if Bio-Ware were smart they would talk it over cause it would attract new players its a smart marketing idea and would love to ether fight Yoda or Obi one (being a sith) i think it would be mintest

  3. Not really, the movies are ok as movies, but not so great as sets for the game, what happens if a gunslinger decides to shoot back at the troops rather than getting into the millenium falcon, and how does a commando face down Darth Maul, too many isues.


    I wasn't thinking the movies excatly the same every single detail! Junst the them with an mmo touch to them so having like Darth Maul as a operation boss and make an bit of a planet with the operation at the end of the expansion!

  4. Eh, you're saying this game is *********** hard as F2P which is supposedly good because of the challenge factor but then you list the same hardship as one of your main gripes with the game. Am I missing something here?


    Oh, and, there are MMOs with a better F2P models, like LOTRO (pay for bits of content, currency can be acquired through normal gameplay), EVE (can buy game time with ingame currency), GW2 (one-time payment instead of a subscription model)


    But hey, glad to see you're enjoying things :)

    Hey cheers for the feedback! What i ment by that was the i think the leveling is not properly balanced, thats beeing picky as of me ha! The difficulty of the game i mean with equal level its still challeneging which is a positive but i found i was constantly grinding as a free to play player and was no having fun cause i was stuck on the same place area of certain planets for a long perios of time!


    Yeah i havn't really played them! I think for how swtor was Bio-Ware have done a decent job of it with the lay offs and stuff!

    Thanks for feedback :)

  5. Its a decent Review on the game appreciated if anyone (including Bio-Ware) takes the time to read everything, cheers.


    Well this is directed at Bio-Ware and any players in general who are thinking about playing or mainly subscribing.


    I started playing this game the moment it came out in Australia (i live there) since I'm loved playing wow (was getting sick of it like everyone) and Star Wars is my favorite movies haha, so yeah when it first came out i was so excited and i think i payed like $70 for the game and $40 or something on the game-time. Despite the harsh criticism by all the wow community and mmo community in general i was very IMPRESSED, i thought the game was buggy and unstable at the start but for how huge the game was i was extremely impressed and i also later on realized the game was a rush release from EA so they did amazing for the time, then after about 2 months their was no community at all the game felt dead i was upset but refused to play by myself forever so i went back to wow which i just didn't think much of beside my disappointment for the games potential but thats human beings for you ha!


    What Bio-Ware have done right well firstly there was some people who never gave up! And now i slowly see this game coming out of its shell to it full potential, this game has mad so many improvements and i just want to tell you Bio-Ware if you have any doubts YOUR DOING WHAT EVER YOUR DOING RIGHT BIO-WARE so keep it up im now 100% supporting this game till the end and i can't wait for future improvements cause the way i see it the Swtor Legacy is just starting now as late as it was.

    Its also nice to see Bio-Ware arn't copying and pasting wow's stuff, its still the base mmo element but when it first came out i'll admit it felt a bit like they were aim for a futurist wow with better graphics.... but doesn't every mmo hah.... now it feels so more independent with the little things there doing. Another point i wanted to raise in this topic was was the games difficultly, if you dont subscribe the game is *********** hard which is good and if Bio-Ware is smart they will keep it challenging cause no matter how many people complain that its to hard but its the difficulty that makes us addicted to games, the challenge of a game cause thats what a game is, thats where wow went wrong now that the game is extremely easy to level and takes little effort to what it did 10 years ago and alot of people would agree!


    The Small Annoying Things to do with the new Subscribe/Preferred Status/Free-to-play, first off this is a great system and has again potential since its new its just not correctly balanced in the leveling system i found! When i started playing again i was really excited to see the different options and it Bio-Ware have done it well because i really wanted to subscribe, and alot of the people on the internet are complimenting Bio-Ware on the idea for this cause really the basics of this is the Free-to-play option is probably the best Trail System of the game we've seen in any game ever!


    The Free-to-Play option is good besides leveling....... Leveling past about 15 in free to play is a pain and makes me not want to play it. I can not.... be bothered grinding side quests to continue the main quest, i have no doubt Bio-Ware will even this out eventually but at the moment that is the only problem with the game. For a subscriber its perfect in my opinion but beside that yes i think the've done well!


    I would love to see if any players feel like me and have been playing from the start to give feedback tell me what you think! But yeah i just wanted to say i will be playing this game full time now and im loving it, so good job Bio-Ware keep up the good work!


    Cheers xMrTickle / Liam :)

  6. Will there ever be arena implemented into swtor! I think it would be a great idea this being successfully in many other mmorpgs and in some cases more popular than 'Warzones'


    I just think the developers should take into consideration that it might be cool to have some Little Arena PvP maps that people can compete against each other or ever duel!




  7. GLITCH: When you reach the stage where there are to platforms (in the Flashpoint Mandalorian Raiders) where one takes you down to a bridge and then a couple of steps you walk onto another platform that takes you all the way to the bottom, sometimes when you step on the first platform you fall straight through it or they enemys from the bottom floor start shooting at you!

    Ok first off all im a level 27 warrior and the LFG system you guys just put in is awesome i feel like it has helped me out heaps and it justs awesome!


    LFG Pros:

    * Makes finding groups easier

    * Finds other peoples roles without hunting!


    LFG Cons:

    * RIDICULOUS waiting periods


    Mandalorian Raiders is probably the best flashpoint i've play so far! The boss fights are just so engaging and interesting plus the part on the bridge when you versing those droids that have that knoickback effect is hard (in a good way) because you have to position yourself correctly so you do not get thrown off the bridge and die!


    MR Pros:

    * Awesome/Hectic and hard engaging boss fights 10/10

    * Even the trash are fun to kill because the have there tricks

    * Plentiful boss fights

    * Doesn't take AWFULLY long

    * Decent EXP


    MR Cons:

    * Lack of story and groups talks

    * The falling glitch


    Hope this gets to one of the creators/Admins


    xMrTickle :rak_03:

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