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Posts posted by Downwthdeath

  1. I want to wear this set on my sniper so bad but the clipping makes for a major eye sore. Please fix this soon BIOWARE!!!!


    BUMP !!! this has become a problem for way too long. I know of other pieces that have been fixed from the cartel market that came out after the preceptor. Plz Bioware inform us as to why this issue has not been fixed.

  2. I'm not saying it is a bank loan, and if you don't want to be a crafter....don't be. And i'm not saying we need all details of your life and schedule, but if you are quitting the game, or unsubbing, or taking an extended break a "heads-up" seems like the respectable thing to do.


    But guess what your opinion is not a rule set forth by SWTOR... You solve this whole issue by just sending a message or /whisper to your crafter to verify that they are still in game and crafting. It is not their responsibility to inform people .

  3. While I do agree an arrangement should be made ahead of time, i feel like posting in this thread that you are a crafter creates an implied agreement "you send me mat + cost, and i will send you item back in a timely fashion" If you don't want the responsibility of signing in and checking crafting and sending stuff out, then either you shouldn't post on the thread, or let people know you are going MIA.


    Conversely, I've gotten in the habit of sending everything as 1cred COD.


    LOL implied agreement- I am not trying to get into a constant argument here but your kidding right? This isn't a bank loan, nor are you buying a house, this is a game not people whole lives. So the next time I am going out of town I should let all of yall know my plans and for how long. Get out of here with that junk Also, what is to say that the guy had to go on an emergency, but I am sure his/her first thought was oh wait I need to let people in SWTOR know that im going to be gone for a month when it could be lets say a birth, surgery, death in the family.

  4. Kenden/Draegas


    looks like the guy quit the game.

    I tried to send him a tell, says user name not found. Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Just because you sent him a /tell and it said user name not found probably just means he is not online. However, he may have left the game or is just on an extended break. It doesn't really matter you should always confirm with your crafter that they will be able to make the item you desire in the time you desire before sending him mats and complaining about it afterwards. Any one of these crafters can leave for a couple of weeks its not their job to leave an away message stating how long they will be gone or for whatever reason because it is an inconvenience to you.:D

  5. I RE'd one last night with no success. Part of the problem is that I can only RE one per week, and I'm probably the only player on the server who runs Artifice on their main (well, except for Drazzen I suppose).


    Ironically, once we get Nightmare Dread Guard down, I won't be able to get Underworld Relics for RE except as lucky drops from TC. :-(


    Quick thought but in the gree event xeno hm will be dropping at random a underworld token which could be an underworld relic so more chances to RE just saying

  6. I RE'd one last night with no success. Part of the problem is that I can only RE one per week, and I'm probably the only player on the server who runs Artifice on their main (well, except for Drazzen I suppose).


    Ironically, once we get Nightmare Dread Guard down, I won't be able to get Underworld Relics for RE except as lucky drops from TC. :-(


    Yeah I know the feeling I have artifice as well but the problem im having is lately on our progression night I have been missing the first part of the raid which is where the relic drops so I haven't been able to even attempt to RE it yet. Well hopefully someone will get it RE soon but thank you for your continued efforts in making the Ebon Hawk progress forward for all.

  7. Stew Wets


    can craft free with mats


    Advanced Resolve Hilt 31






    I spent upward of 80 mil buying hilts form Volcker the dude that transferred to this server to sell you hilt at 5 Mil a piece or 1.5 mil plus mats to craft. After RE about 16 hilts i learned the hilt and am now crafting it free with mats as always.


    I make my end on crits and crits alone.


    supportert of Free Crafting on Crit Items


    You are a blessing sir and I think everyone including myself must thank you plz tip your crafters

  8. I have seen both the Underworld and Arkanian power proc relics on the GTN, but not the power clicky one yet. Also seen Arkanian defense proc. Sorry but I didn't notice who makes/sells them.


    Edit: Mega makes Arkanian power proc, Kenden makes Underworld power proc, and Kindiani makes Arkanian defense proc. Don't know which factions those toons are though.


    Has anyone noticed anyone that can craft Underworld relic of dark radiance, now that the proc relics will soon be able to be stacked?

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