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Posts posted by HarghTalach

  1. Oh god it's funny because it's true ;)


    Also am I the only one who thinks it's terribly narcissistic to quote yourself in your sig? I mean, I'm not going to name names but it bugs the hell out of me when I see it :D




    I think we're really derailing the thread at this point though, rofl.


    You know I thought the exact same thing the first time I saw that sig. Mind you, when you seem to have complete forum mod immunity I guess your arrogance level would be of galactic proportions.


    Ooops, forgot the obligatory ;) and i'll add a :D to really cover my bases.

  2. I fully support this Cartel Market direction they are taking.


    For almost a decade I have seen a certain part of the player base be pandered to and believe only their play style should ever grant anything nice or worthwhile in game, and nearly all resources be spent on creating content strictly for them.


    If any casual brought up an appeal for nice clothing, weapons, content etc they were immediately shouted down by arguments of "you don't need it, you don't deserve it, maybe this game is not for you".


    I applaud the direction this game is going, and if you keep putting this sort of thing on the CM then I will happily keep buying it. The tears of the "you didn't earn it so you deserve nothing!!!" crowd is just icing on the cake.

  3. The Cartel Market is the main reason I resubbed my two accounts.


    It was refreshing to see decent looking gear / mounts / items etc available to all and not just raiders. The fact that I can buy things like that off the gtn or with cartel coins (600 per month allotment or spend some real cash) will keep me happy and subbed.


    I have plenty of disposable income and welcome more additions to the store.

  4. Listen to me more guys. I'm someone good and sometimes get inside stuff. Told you 1.2 was going to include the stuff people said wasn't, it ended up doing it, said 1.3 was going to have ranked pvp in it which people weren't sure, it ended up doing it, and now 1.4 on the Thursday like I told you guys it would be. I can tell you chat bubbles are coming in the next 2 content patches either 1.5 or 1.6. That's just what I have heard. Yes, they will be toggle on/off. IF everything goes according to plan my friend says ;) see ya!


    Keep an eye out ;):p


    Yet you were so entertaining on the forums when they officially announced f2p.


    How did your insider miss that juicy tidbit?

  5. The solo player(dont start the boring arguement about liking solo play in a MMO) Its a fact a ton of folk like playing that way.........................................Anyway, why isn't there any news on content for those who, dont like to group, play at really offf times and can't group, or play in virtually dead servers.

    Again the squeeky wheel gets the oil.

    You're going to lose a huge part of your community if you dont start feeding the solo players out there.




    Do they care if they do lose those subscribers though at this stage of the game?


    Just how big a group are we?


    With f2p ops are not available, limited acces to warzones, flashpoints and space. The story they have admitted is expensive to make. So they concentrate on operations, flashpoints and pvp, to make it attractive for the f2p people to sub and to try to keep those that like that content still subbing and possibly bring back previous subscribers.


    It's more bang for their buck time and cost wise for developement and I don't blame them.


    Wether they will ever be able to satisfy the raid / pvp crowd is another topic alltogether, but best of luck to them if that is their focus.


    People that are not here for the multiplayer focus content push they look like doing are probably acceptable sub losses and have allready possibly been factored into the equation.


    Just my take on it.

  6. I am one of the fans that was awaiting for more story content, and Im sad to hear their new strategy, but if we look at the reception of the game it makes sense, this is what many people said:


    "It feels like a single player game, not an MMO"

    "The level process 1-49 is the best part of the game"

    "The game dies when you get to 50"


    Thats some of the most common opinions I've heard about the game and it really makes sense that they are addressing that and want to put more MMO elements in SWTOR. Besides there already is Story Content on the way, HK-51 and Makeb have already been announced and they're coming, so, as someone that enjoys story I have things to look forward too.


    I'm very easy to please. As long as you have at least some minigames or worthwhile crafting I can amuse myself for hours. To me this game has neither.


    If down the road they put in some content that would keep people like me happy, i'll resub on one account for a month and check it out.


    Until I see actual content and not more promises of "we're looking into, it's in the works, we have nothing new to tell you, it's coming soon" pr spin drivel to keep stringing those on the fence to keep subbing with no intention of adding anything in the forseeable future for them, then I unsub.


    I'm not bothered anymore. If there is content for me in the future, i'll resub, if not, someone else gets my cash pool. /shrug

  7. i took many things from the video.


    first that judging from his insistence that they want to add warzones and ops at a high rate. we will be getting insane amounts of power creep in this game in the near future.


    the only ways to avoid the level of power creep they are setting themselves up for are either make all the new ops gear side grades or up the level cap every few ops to equalize the player power level. both options have drawbacks. the side grade route will spread the player base out at endgame and will cause guild drama over what ops to do. the level cap route will cause the game to grow to quickly and require constant balancing.



    second he seemed to want to downplay stories. stories are the only unique aspect of this mmo. cutting back on that would make this just another generic mmo and will run off a fairly large segment of this games subscribers.


    third and this one could be a game killer. he seemed to think that adding ops and warzones was all they needed to do for endgame. one of the main issues with endgame right now is outside of ops and warzones there is nothing else to do. when asked about single player endgame content (aka the stuff you do when not in ops or warzones) he seemed to think they didn't need to work on anything else.


    you need other things for players to do at endgame outside ops and warzones. you need things to keep people busy and enjoying themselves or people will leave. if they do not get this after all the mini game requests this game is doomed. adding more multiplayer is good but not giving people things to do outside the multiplayer is a huge mistake.


    forth this guy has one of the worst poker faces i have ever seen..... you could see those facial ticks every time he had to put the EA spin on free to play from a mile away. it almost looked like he was going to puke getting some of the spin out.


    look i know you guys think F2P will bring in tons of players but with the system requirements of this game that's just not going to happen. F2P games only thrive when they can bring in older, lower powered systems. no one is going to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade their systems for a free to play game and this game does not work well on lower powered, older systems. just look at all the "will this system play this game" threads and see what people are telling others to upgrade to then go price all these things.


    overall the video gave me less hope for the game moving forward than i had before.


    I agree 100%. The story was what brought me to the game and was why I had 2 accounts. That interview however has changed my perception on wether or not I want to keep subscribing and I cancelled both accounts.


    From what i took from the interview they are ditching the story to make this another generic f2p 'raid, pvp or don't bother' game with a SW skin.


    Fair enough.


    I wish you the best for your new direction.

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