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  1. I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this already but, I didn't find any topic on it. I would like to suggest the option of "Hide Titles", "Hide Legacy Titles" and "Hide Guild" as toggle buttons for the Nameplate Options. This would help in a couple different manners. Nameplates are a major lag issue when playing 16m. Removing them completely reduces the lag drastically, however reduces the positional awareness of players. Players usually will disagree on removing their titles because they worked for it and want the aesthetics Players with attention complications and/or during heavy encounters, might have a hard time calling the name of someone if his name if "Champion of the Gread Hunt John Doe Saurus", Fully Armed and Operational of the guild double trouble. Gives a cleaner look to the game (for those who wants if, the ones who doesn't want it can untoggle it and see every title). And i haven't even started talking about the psichological effects of putting titles just to show of like putting "from Beyong" while pugging a tfb HM (other players might feel "opressed" or shamed for causing wipes). - Before people start saying "stop trying to hide the titles of other players who fought for it only because you don't have them"... i have every PVE operation title and most of the gold tier pvp titles so this is not the issue (personally, playing as a healer, i like to see people names, not 6 or 7 giant titles crossing eachother). People who didn't toggle the option would still be able to see every title Players would be able to see their own title (since they have control over it) Lag would be reduced during big encounters without having to remove completely player nameplates
  2. For this to work properly you're gonna have to deal with the hypercrate Exchange. What i'm about to say is gonna make a bunch of people mad, but the high currency trades, like PVE Sales and expensive itens, are already being trades by hipercrates or boxes. So, to fix this, you need to develop a new category of itens, the "Binds on Trade". For example, you buy an Hyper Crate from the Cartel Market, it's alreadty bound for 36 hours, but then it's free to trade forever. Make it like this. Player A buys Hypercrate, after 36 hours he can trade it. Player B buys hypercrate from player A (or from the GTN) - Hypercrate becomes BOUND. Player B opens the hypercrate, the individual boxes can be traded after 36 hours Player C buys the boxes from player B or from the GTN - Bonex becomes BOUND Player C opens the boxes, the individual itens can be traded after 36 hours Player D buys the itens from player C - Itens becomes Bound That's a lock on 4 trades for cartel hypercrates that would affect in nothing the players that want it for the itens but would keep people from using hypercrates as a way to skip the taxes.
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