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Posts posted by Orienne

  1. I have run 100s of missions of lvl 6 lock box mission and not gotten 1 slicing mission drop. And if you look at the prices of slicing missions its around 100k per. So the biggest cut of augments comes from the random chance of getting a slicing recipe, and the same gathering lock box missions offer other missions to well over compensate the expenses of getting that hard to get slicing mission.


    This is the only complaint I have so far running Slicing Missions. I have zero issue with the critical percentage, I'm definately receiving quite a few Missions, however I have not received a single Slicing Mission from running these Grade 6 Lockbox Missions. By far I am receiving the most for Investigation, with the others evenly matched, but still no Slicing Missions. Is anyone else having this problem, or am I simply getting super unlucky?

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