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Posts posted by Dajman

  1. Hey peeps I am just coming back after a couple years away. Hoping to get into the raiding scene. I haven't done a ton in this game but am used to pushing the hardest PvE content available in other games. I am plenty familiar with all roles in a raid and am really just trying to gauge the best way to get back into it all.


    The days I am most looking to fill are Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Any tips advice or people recruiting would be awesome.

  2. Hey peeps I am just coming back after a couple years away. Hoping to get into the raiding scene. I haven't done a ton in this game but am used to pushing the hardest PvE content available in other games. I am plenty familiar with all roles in a raid and am really just trying to gauge the best way to get back into it all.


    The days I am most looking to fill are Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Any tips advice or people recruiting would be awesome.

  3. Hey peeps I am just coming back after a couple years away. Hoping to get into the raiding scene. I haven't done a ton in this game but am used to pushing the hardest PvE content available in other games. I am plenty familiar with all roles in a raid and am really just trying to gauge the best way to get back into it all.


    The days I am most looking to fill are Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Any tips advice or people recruiting would be awesome.

  4. I haven't played dps assassin but I will say lightning/Tele have a few procs for you to watch. Very priority based. Granted you have to like ranged and you have to over look that it's lagging behind the pack right now.


    Tele is one of my very favorite specs in the game because of the procs. The animations shaking the screen make everything feel so impactful. And then you proc off extra casts and so much is usable on the move. If your after a fast paced spec I recommend it highly.

  5. Operative is a bit in a tricky spot tbh.

    In PvP, the class can be one of the most OP you'll see around, but the skill cap is so high that very few operative can make this work.

    In PvE, it's again, a matter of skill. A good operative will do insane numbers (at least a Lethality, not so sure about Concealment, who is only really good in PvP) and a bad one will just slow you down for the entire fight. :p


    Hope this helps ^^


    Helped a ton. I decided to just finish out the leveling on my operative. Once I got into it it feels very similar to my assassination rogue in wow and it's cruising. The way it plays is alot like my dirty fighting gunslinger which helps a ton as well. Just the melee aspect.


    Combined with what has become my favorite healing spec in the game I'm digging it. Will hopefully find a team that wants heals/dps operative for hm+

  6. Totally noob assassin here, but why would you stop at 105% accuracy? I thought accuracy was the single best stat for sustained dps until 110% where it becomes useless. I mean if you miss small abilities that's one thing. But if you miss a big one your dps is going to feel it. A potential 20-30k crit comes out as a miss.... bummer.


    Other than that I would simply like to ask if the 703 alacrity point is fine or if assassin dps wants to aim for the 1860 thresholds. I know inbetween is wasting potential abilities per second for faster cds and tick timers and alacrities biggest benefit comes at 703 and 1860. I want to say 703 puts your crit at risk of hitting hard diminishing returns and 1860 puts your crit at risk of not being high enough... is it best to go 703 alacrity and then crit to the point where diminishing returns hit hard and then just aug mastery?


    I know every spec is different yet alike at the same time. Not sure what ideal is though for assassin's.

  7. Numbers wise there should be no difference. But I disagree that you can call them trash. They aren't the gods they once were but they can compete and put up good enough numbers to still be very relevant.


    Don't let "the sky is falling" threads turn your attention from a spec you enjoy. If you want to play something else go for it and have a blast. But don't do it simply because the people who spent the last 8 years playing a super over tooned monster say it's trash now.


    The gap between best dps spec and lowest is barely 15% and that is pretty damn impressive for an mmo anymore. Sorc spent much of its creation thus far lording about other specs by more than that...


    It can compete in all levels of content.

  8. As others have said it is a matter of how mobile you want to be. With a little luck you can pretty much play sorc without needing to stand still except very rarely. Operative you can almost do the same but their extra resource being tactical advantage can be an issue if rng doesn't smile upon you. Also their big aoe now is channeled which is a fun sucker. As for the merc it's the least mobile but has some of the most disgusting burst healing imaginable. You can do some pretty awesome things with a merc but you have to be good at moving in that GCD your using your free heal to get places. Also merc requires you to use your free heal pretty frequently which was a turn off for me personally.


    I would say sorc is my favorite healer atm due to the way it moves and the ability to affect the group in so many different ways.


    Other factors that should be mentioned...

    Merc has the best defensives for themselves and best single target burst potential.

    Operative has access to a stealth rez and ultimately the highest hps in the game when your group is large enough and taking damage constantly.

    Sorc has absorbs for preparing for aoe burst, a get tf out of fire grab for dumb allies, most mobility and a consistency that can't really be described only discovered.


    That's just my thoughts on it. Probably a bit biased toward the sorc. I always played merc and operative until this last few weeks and the sorc is just too close to my hybrid priest back in wotlk to not love everything about it.


    Ps... off spec you have only melee options for operative but lethality is one of the top parsing specs in game atm. Merc dps specs are outperforming sorc right now but both are ranged only.

  9. Is 1860 something you want as soon as your item level will handle it or is it something you should wait for until tier 4 and 248?


    I had heard to run 702 alacrity until 248 and then run alacrity in augments and enhancements only to bring it to 1860 while looking at other stats for all other slots?

  10. I'm wondering if vanquish from balance increases the damage done by force by % for all force users or just the balance spaced sage?


    My buddy and I have been running Tele Tele and I saw this spell which has me wondering.

  11. Thank you for the breakdown. I figured as much. The sniper and sage are my two favorites so far... mostly for their utility. Funny how they offer my favorite things from my priest in wow as well only here. I have never been a huge huge fan of melee for dps in my 15+ years of raiding but I do dig some of the not potentials. In fact with the exception of maybe 6 months where I went melee dps to be used in the kick rotation, I usually only melee to tank.


    That said I can see it completely. I cruised through my first HM op and was actually so shocked that I had to say it out loud... I thought it was ridiculous there was so little for me to do... I gladly offered to be in interupt rotations and to do the little things. Coming from wow where the last 3 expansions worth of raiding the devs just overload the ground with stuff forcing you to move every other cast... I think it's part of why I'm thirsty for melee in this game.


    Probably I just need to see alot more of the operations before judging too harshly but a class to be able to shine on would be nice. And I actually worry that ranged has too little opportunity to show their awareness to what's around them.

  12. I don't know why a single spec or class is worth the effort personally. If every game got rid of the lowest performing portion of its game all the time.... then there would be no such thing as gaming period. How long would the NFL have lasted if each year they deleted the team with the lowest record? There wouldn't be an NFL. Eventually by your logic even your new found beloved sniper and merc specs would be on the chopping block.


    I hope you treat the people in your life better than the classes in your games. Can you imagine everytime someone doesn't perform to your standards completely writing them out? No chance to change or let others grow around them... just snip them out and cast them into the flame. Sounds like a life of misery waiting to happen.


    Luckily this is just a game and our compulsive behaviors toward games have 0 chance of reflecting a bit of who we really are.

  13. Do you guys find you have trouble getting into ops groups with this class? It's the only one I haven't tried at max and I am getting an itch to do so but if no-one wants glowstick buzzsaw dps then it may save me a bunch of effort. I just see suchndemand for tanks and heals and ranged. It's rare for anyone to ask for melee dps. Are we at a disadvantage on much of the content right now?
  14. Checked out both sites. I just am settling in our new sleep lab out here so tonight and tomorrow night will be long shifts 13-15 hours each. I will for sure reach out sometime after hibernation ends Saturday evening and talk to as many folks as I can. Thanks for the responses and I look forward to talking to y'all soon.


    Ps. My buddy who I've been raiding with for 10 years now is also making the move back to swtor. So hopefully we can find time to discord with people and meet some from the server.

  15. https://youtu.be/pIpsjh_K_dc


    A game where every class puts out the same dps, hps and dtps is no longer a game. It's a communistic online world that guess what? Still has people who play well and top charts and people who suck and don't.

    Expecting a game to have perfect balance to make you happy is truly only setting yourself up for a lifetime of anger and sadness.


    I love how well this episode of fairly odd parents demonstrates the flaw behind absolute equality. A game where every class is the same would be a truly bad game to play.

  16. I think the mentality of dps is all that matters has absolutely obliterated specs, classes, and even whole games in the past. To everyone who overlooks raid utility I have to say shame... (because I'm not really a pvper but this could potentially stand against that as well). As others have pointed out dead dps is 0 dps. Groups that get hung up on progression are often held up due to a mentality that is "I must deeps and fill my role at all times no matter what" then end up dead of end up with a dead team mate they could have saved. A couple GCDs to save someone are worth so much more than the extra 20-30k damage you could have put on that boss. Not to mention your damage buff for the raid should easily close the gap that they have to "carry" you through. If you give everyone even a 50dps increase through that then you can easily make a point there is 300+ dps would be gone if you weren't brought. That extra boost helps get your group through burn phases and more. The pull can legit save someone from fire/cc they got hit with and at a small cost of 1 gcd.


    I'm not saying being higher wouldn't be nice... I mean who doesn't like sliding their face across their keyboard and being number 1? But the gap isn't that big. This game has a difference between the specs which is expected but that gap is so small it ain't funny. It's just dps is a good trade for being able to have a large impact on a fight. Frankly for GS being able to reduce all damage on the whole raid by 20% for 20 seconds I would say they might do too much damage. That is a spell that can single handedly change an attempt. Sorc has some of the best spells that are hidden on usefulness to logs that people overlook. It's a shame.


    Oh and if your raid lead is hanging you out to dry because your dps wasn't up to snuff because you saved someone or tried to save someone then you should look at them and their mental stability as a stumbling block more than trying to blame a class. All the classes in tor are made to offer so much more than just dps. But if it's not able to be measured people don't care about it and whine about what can be measured.


    What is the worth of a good raider? What makes a good player? Is it how well they can use the same static rotation of 50% of their spells that they get to practice on day after day to eek out that last 20dps their spec limits them too (maybe changing the duration of a fight by 5-10 seconds)? Or is it how well they use the spells that can't be practiced by simple spam on a dummy but can alter the outcome of a fight entirely?


    10% less damage than the top classes isn't going to make your team fail. Mistakes that kill you because your trying to prove your place on a team will.

  17. I'm still a bit fresh coming back to the game but am looking for a hm+ ops guild that runs weekends. Willing to play any role and either faction. I don't have a ton of raid experience in this game but have been a competative raider in other mmos for 10+ years fighting for server firsts and a handful of 95+% parses plus 2 100% ones under my belt from wow in legion alone. Sadly the last year and a half of raiding in that game I've found to be a bore and the content has become stale. I need some blaster shooting and fireball farting bosses in my life again. Those force wielding pansies will bend the knee to me and whichever guild will have me.


    In the spirit of honesty and full disclosure, i work at a rural hospital that only runs 1 therapist a shift so I can't garuntee 100% attendance but I do have Saturdays and Sundays scheduled off and I already have built in 12+ hours of OT each week so I'm not the first on the call list and can garuntee my participation the vast majority of the time.


    Ps. I wish i had more of a resume for swtor but azeroth just drained so much of my life that I'm just now tasting raiding in a galaxy far far away. I love the way these ops are designed and it honestly feels like old school raiding without all the poison forced upon the progression people in the name of making everyone's cat who jumps on their keyboard a top and raider.

  18. I really hate to be that guy but coming from the progression grind in wow to raid ops over here i feel I can't keep my mouth shut about this.

    Sorce/sage is bottom of the pack sure.... but bottom of the pack in swtor is 10-15% below the top. I celebrate that because frankly 10-15% Is AWESOME for a dps gap in an mmo anymore. It's hard to get much closer than that and coming from wow where literally 1 item on a class can make the difference of 20+% on your parse ea/bioware have done a pretty good job.


    Sadly if numbers are involved there has to be a top and there has to be a bottom. But every spec in this game is capable of pulling the required dps to down bosses without anyone else needing to make up for their lack there of. Vs other leaders in the mmo world where there are gaps big enough to make certain specs a true liability to have in your team....


    Sorry to whatever spec ends up on the bottom because people will always view it as terrible and weak but grats to the devs for having such a tight race in the parse potential through what is pretty damn good balance.

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