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Posts posted by MugenKanda

  1. "The usual host of additional features, including some graphics improvements"


    For the love of all that is holy please be DX11 Support.


    All major MMO's have DX11 support and now that GPU's are DX11 first and DX9 second, I'm getting graphical glitches I never had w/ my older GPU's from 2k11. Even WoW and LOTRO have DX11 support and they're older than molasses.

  2. I'm at work for still a while and I was just wondering how much Hypercrates usually go for on the GTN?


    I bought the new Hypercrate last night at 2am but I didn't have any inventory space so I haven't claimed it yet since I was too tired to deal w/ it.


    I never thought about just selling it for in-game credits before so I don't know the going rate. I would assume the new one would probably fetch less than what they used to get though...

  3. Hi,


    First I just wanted to say thank you for doing this for those of us who don't have access to full fledged guilds.


    Now normally 7:30 Sunday night isn't an issue, but this Sunday is Mother's Day. And I don't know how long I'm going to be at my mom's. It's a 20 min car drive back to my place, so I'm hoping I'm out by 7pm. But if I'm not, how long will you be doing this till?


    Also, I'm extremely interested in joining your Raiding for Newbies Guild you're advertising. Right now I have a 47 JKG as my main I'm leveling on JC. Now I have a 55 Jugg and Op on Shadowlands so I've done the Sith side of things w/ my old guild there but sadly they are not around anymore. And when I wanted to roll Jedi, I came here to JC.


    Now do you have room for a Jedi Guardian Defense Endurance heavy build who can main or off tank as needed on the newbie raid team?


    The guild I'm in now is a "friend" guild w/ a guy I met grouping for heroics and he made me co-leader after we hit it off. But he hasn't been on for the past 2 weeks, I don't know if it's because of ESO or Wildstar, but the 2 of us can't run a raiding guild anyway w/ a bunch of F2P 10% XP leechers who will quit once they hit 50 instead of subbing.


    Now since I'm not at end-game anyway, can I go thru the whole guild website registering/forum asking later when I'm ready, and serve my 3 weeks when I'm gearing for end game? I'm afraid if I quit my guild now, I won't be able to play w/ my internet friend anymore since he won't know what happened to me if I don't tell him about joining you guys. And if he comes back again, I'll see if he'll disband the guild to join your much more sophisticated raiding guild.


    Thank you again for reading my tl;dr

  4. Hey I just subbed again to hold me over till XIV comes out and I have a couple questions.


    If I buy the 24x SM Contraband Pack, do I get every item listed here or am I going to end up w/ a lot of doubles and not every item? I haven't bought any Packs ever so I don't know. I bought 11,000 CC's to get Character/Legacy Unlocks and have a few thousand CC's left over so I might as well spend them now.


    Do the armors and weapons actually have stats or are they just for show?


    Thanks for your time!

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