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Posts posted by LorneG

  1. This is an old parse that i done when i got my MH 72, is using the 8/22/16 spec

    http://www.torparse.com/a/193728/time/1366928034/1366928416/0/Overview 2889


    But after they fixed the IP crit dmg i imidiatley switched to the spec i wanted to play since forever : 2/22/22

    http://www.torparse.com/a/260829/time/1370004453/1370004753/0/Overview 2965


    The difference is very small but there is a difference.


    The pve vanguard DPS is very much viable for raids, having an advantage over sentinels with the 10m attacks and the insane aoe dmg, unfortunately a gunslinger will always do more in almost every boss.



    Have to leave now, but i will be back in a few hours and hopefully i will post a Ask Mr Robot profile with the gear and spec.


    What is ur spec of 2/22/22 something like this ? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801bZrsMrobRMZfhbrdor.3


    How ammo intense is the spec?

    Looking through your log it looks like the game doesn't always give you your 8 ammo after HIB, I see 5 ammo at,others I don't see it giving ammo at all. Maybe this is a glitch, maybe a problem. Anyways


    how much crit % , Surge % and Accuracy?

    I see you use a Power click and Power on Dmg/ heal Relics.

  2. Hey


    So I have been parsering out different specs to see if we can compete in PVE against a Sent. So far I know there is a Vanguard that pulls 2600dps in 72s. I am mostly in 69s and can pull 2400dps.


    Spec he says he is using is 2/22/22 he doesn't give anymore detail then that so its hard to tell the 2 he puts into the shield spec, i know that the 22 into assualt is up to the 30% surge increase., and 22 into tactics is to pulse gen.


    I have tried http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hZrsrMo0RZfhbrdorc.3 3/18/25

    its ammo intense but keeping all dots on is easy if u stagger IR with Gut, instead of having to apply them almost next to each other.


    My stats are




    860.5 bns dmg






    1326 dmg

    933.7 heal








    Partisan of Serendipitous AS. 30% 410 power for 6sec every 20sec

    dread guard relic of Dark Radiance 30% 210 internal tech once every 4.5sec.


    Found over all these do most dps then having a power click relic. I know i need the better PVE power on dmg/heal, I'm trying to get it.


    I'm mainly augmented with 28 aim and some 32 power.


    Mainly i just want feed back on the spec and tips on %s I should be aiming for. I know once I get more 72's i will have around 25% crit and 70%ish surge and accuracy to 100%.


    Power is at 972 and aim is at 2980.

    No (4) set bonus.


    "So good, it makes me want to climb my climbing pole, mmmhhhhh"

  3. I took a look at 2.0 and Jedi Guardians / Sentiels and their opposite get more buffs then anything else. There smashes will still be a problem, now that they get a 50% movement decrease after a force leap, and zealous leap can be used when they are immobilized. SCREW THAT BULL. WHAT IS BIOWARE THINKING NOW !!! . They got ride of Vanguards 50% movement speed decrease yet give one to jedi, such hypocrites.


    Also how long has sweep/ smash been a problem and all they do for patches, is force more ******** cartel stuff down out throats.


    Lets take a poll of how many ppl want to see this **** fixed.


    If you see more ******** , plz talk about this open to everything, I see Vanguards getting a huge bonus as well so this isn't one sided.


    Maybe Bioware will see this and if there is a lot of ppl complaining maybe this will change. we can only hope eh.


    I am to the point of cancelling this ****.

  4. get expertise if its higher then the main stat you will lost, like on the belt 80 expertise is better then a custom belt with 68 armoring. get aim to around 1800 then stack power augments they do around .23-.24 dmg per point then aims .20-.22. Stick with eliminator set, get crit to 35% buffed, Tech crit will be at 46% if you get the right talents , get surge to 77-78% accuracy can be at 96-97 doesn't matter rly.


    In game use ur Taunts, they help a lot and give you protection points for medals.


    Your a glass cannon so act defensive if around a large crowd , pull the weak one away and try and burst him down.

  5. My 5 cents, I will try to explain.


    Hammershot when in 30m range, try and get PC to proc and pop off a quick HIB. Let him jump you, right after the little stun from the jump... pop off ur neural surge and start poping off IR IP and HIB try and get as much burst in that cooldown, as when the Jugg comes out 7/10 times they spam smash and if ur just out of 4ms they dont hit you with it,

    Next is a few seconds of kitting, if he is good he will push you and jump again. You can use ur other stun but i save this for when the juggs at 15% HP he will usually pop ALL of his Defensive CDs( the only way they win is by popping off everything.. anyone else notice, that they just don't die like a normal person) and try and kill you... This is the perfect time for that 4 second stun. Use it and just **** off away from him about 8-9 Ms, this will just waste his CDs he popped. Kite him a few more seconds until all of his Cds are off then back to bursting him down and finishing him off.


    In the betweens I try and get a few IP and a few Hs just to keep some dmg going.


    They do have a lot of utility and are hard to kill.

  6. Ya I see ur point, We have no abilities to get to someone now, like n/m pull. We have no speed increase during combat our only move on the go is hammershot, I don't see y they reduced our 4 sec stun to 10m and IR; However I do like that they put AP and SGrenade on seperate CDs. Now we can get a lot of burst off if we put both on a target hit them with IR then HIB we can get 10k+ dmg in a few seconds.


    But I does suck that we are mostly stuck in 10ms or less, FA doesn't to as much as Commando and the only other thing at 30ms is Explosive Round which costs 3 ammo,

  7. Tactics is easier ammo management, but my experience i have a hard time getting Tactics to pump out more then 1880 dps while assault spec i can get 2300 dps. I find now that PulseC does tonnes of dmg like 15k and fire pulse and ion pulse do about 3.5k to 4k. But it seems like your waiting on CDs a lot.
  8. your pvp assault spec doesn't include assault plastique? seems like you are losing out on a good amount of burst damage


    Might be losing that 5k crit on AP, but my HIB crits 56% of the time for 4.8k anyways and my IP with PC proc hits for 3k, I find, i do more just spaming IP and HIB,


    I should try it and find out,


    Also with Vanguard DPS, I found I could have 2300dps or 1500 dps depending on whether or not HIB proc goes off after 6 seconds , I have noticed that I could waste all 12 ammo trying to get it to proc.

  9. I am assualt spec vanguard with 61 mods and can pump out 2300 to 2000 dps. Using plasma cell, a weird talent spec, and BM set bonus which you cant get anymore. Also Power generator. For PVE fyi.


    Vanguards can pump out a lot of dps but its defiantly ammo intensive and proc related. But I manage to get 5k Hib and 6k assault plastics off and keep IR up almost all the time all while above 8 ammoish.


    here is the weird talent spec, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZMZfhMbdGhrs.2 ,Weird that the 60% armor pen to HIB and blaster augs drop my dps to 1800-1900. but picking up the talents above i pick up 200-300 more dps.


    I also run BIO chem and use power adrenal and reflex rakata stim, don't have dread guard relics just WH power ones, have just over 1800 aim and about 1000 power, tech dmg bonus is 968.


    Vanguards have the DPS.

  10. Okay I have played around with talents and gear, My assualt spec vanguard in 61 rated gear pumps out 1950.9 dps in pve while playing light movement. Found out how to get my crit with hib to 50% of time, and 41% tech crit, power is about 1000 and surge is at 77% while accuracy is at 98-99%. How did i get my HIB crit so high , using BM gear with 61 armoings to get the eliminator set bonus of +15% and add on to that the smuggler 5%. On parser while pveing im always at the top, pvp i am on the top almost everytime unless there are focus spec jedi using sweep crits in aoe times.


    Found that the biggest dps booster in assualt spec tree is picking up adrenaline fueled x2 and dropping burnout 2% tech crit doesn't help much in that my tech crit chance is already at 41% ( not fully buffs , dont have stim or 5% aim bonus buff) I do pick up the 3/3 aim increase from shield tree, also pick up the 9% elemental crit from tactics as well as the blaster augs because 1 point in there give you 3% tech crit.


    with adrenaline fueled , the reason why its a dps boost is because the reduce cooldown on reserve powercell, I use it to pop a free incendiary round, i can get a free one every 50% (meaning I have to manage a 3 ammo loss then the next time i need to pop one its free, then i have to manage 3 ammo lost and the next one is free), this helps manage ammo very well as I dont have to hammershot as often. with such a high crit chance, every 1.5 GC im reducing the CD of RPCell down by 6 seconds. Ion pulses do 2k dmg almost always a crit , and plasma cell ticks everyone IP and so ends up doing in total 3.5k dmg per GD with HIB hitting 4.6-4.9k crits every 6 seconds, with additional armor debuffs on mobs/bosses HIB hits for 5k+.


    dont mind my english as i dont care, jsut wanted to get this out there as i dont see anything new about vanguards,


    Also i tank with my vanguard i have 55% armor dmg reduction, 17% defense chance , 56% shield and 58% absorb (this is with power screen) i have dread guard relic that boosts absorb to 73%. and my shield gives my 85% dmg reduction to energy and kinetic. All 61 mods with hazmat leggings so 63 mods in my pants.



    How good is my vanguard or am i sucking balls and should be getting 2k plus dps?

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