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Posts posted by EGNbusa

  1. i cant even play the rage/focus tree, its boring as hell, i tried to go back to carnage last night and respecced right back to anni, its just more fun for me as a player, and agreed Anni/Carnage do not need buffs, the whole class needed no buffs in 1.4, i can only imagine the QQing that will follow if that happens geez
  2. I look at it this way, the other trees didnt get nerfed, before the buff to focus, the other trees did fine and games were being won without focus, nothing has changed, "getting the most dps out of your sent" you were prolly doing fine before, and can do the same now:D
  3. We have a good server, and some great pvper's, some of the best, ive played with quite a few, im prolly not recongnized as even a good pvper, Mordor my sith assassin, ive played with dashto on several occasions, guarding him, in a pug we have held the center node on civil war against half a team waiting on reinforcements, goes to show that with team work anything is possible (especially against baddies lol).


    We have the skill set to own people if cross server ever happens, my mara is on pot5, and i see better players on hawk then i do over there on a more regular basis.


    Keep up the good work, keep killing, see you on the fleet

  4. Maybe instead of QQ'ing roll one and see if you can do the same damage, and maybe you will see that numbers like that are a lot harder to get to, and takes time, commitment, and skill to your class and the right the enviroment to pull it off. If every swinging richard and jane were pulling that off consistently in wz's then maybe you would have ground to stand on, but it does not happen, so therefore you have no arguement just saying.:D
  5. at level 29 you dont have a lot of your top of the tree abilities that make your bleeds hit and crit harder, so you will a little survivability yet, but your rotation right now should be charge-overcharge saber- battering assault-rupture-assault or vicious slash, that will stack your bleeds on the target, and at that point its situational, just keep the bleeds stacked, dont clip your rupture, even if you proc it again, once your bleeds are up if you get berzerk pop it and choke them and watch their hp disappear lol, im sure someone will correct anything i said anything wrong:)
  6. Just make it over there by the training dummies, the big center area, put one gtn kiosk over there, pvp vendors and terminal. Nothing has to be changed in that area, just add what i said and its ready to go, it will free some of the lag up on the fleet, that where most of us pvper's would hang anyways, and the pve guys could stay on the fleet and do their thing.
  7. Ok first off just throwing this out there for the people who have played this class to the best it allow, and tell me what you pros think. You guys can tweak what i came up with, or just tell me im a moron idc, i have a merc and ive tried playing it, since before 1.2, and i agree the class is garbage the way it sits.


    What if tracer missile was allowed to be made a instant cast, decrease the damage x% and maybe increase the heat just a touch ( maybe like FB on Pt's)Just so that it wont be made into a 1 button masher ability to kill everything.


    Make it so you can only have total of 2 tracer lock debuffs increasing the damage of your Hsm's by 5% per stack


    Allow the TM's to still proc unload with barrage, and to reset rail shots, but this only allowed every so many seconds on the rail shot.


    Keep unload the way it is, increase the damage just a touch to make it your hardest hitting ability, but with it being channeled it will be situational , since it can be interrupted.


    Maybe and just maybe make all our abilities 20m (including electrodart) since we will be much more mobile, and being able to move and kite.


    You guys that play pvp and can crunch numbers really good may have to adjust my idea some, but what does everybody think, am i completely stupid lol.

  8. I didnt like the SI story, i have a 50 assassin and i thought the story was blah, but the difficulty of it was at least up there, i rolled through the Sith Warrior class story like it was on easy mode, and i need to do the Jedi Knight, because ive heard nothing but ggod about it, i have a 22 Sentinel
  9. just swiched to anni last week, couldnt figure out my sweet spot with carnage in pvp, although i do better with carnage in pve, weird i know, but you just cleared up a bunch of **** for me, and now im goin to switch back and see how i do, im full battlemaster, mostly augmented, so im still working at it, and ive had my mara before 1.2, just never got good with the class till i finally buckled down and worked at it, so im not a fotm trolling trying to figure out how to faceroll people lol
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