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Posts posted by OstrawaO

  1. I think bigger issue is 2 or 3 healers per team in regular wzs, (not playing rwz), so maybe it is a good idea to somehow limit numbers of healers per wz. I play sage dps and have no problem to kill healers with help of at least one good dps. Rwz are obviously different because of great support healers got from team, but thats the point - teamwork and u can counter it only with grate teamwork on your side. Just my opinion :D
  2. Im playing on Red Eclipse server only in primetime and have experienced very - very small ammount of lag.

    Playing with adsl 4mb/512 and an obsolete i5 750 overclocked to 4ghz but on minimum details so i can enjoy warzones in decent framerate (over 40fps). Maybe they have problems on some servers but it could be problem with graphic details in your game, connection etc. Try all that options - maybe it helps.

    And yes, my vga is gtx460 :D

  3. And those people would have left any new game once they reached endgame and got bored. They're the same people who sat here in the forums or in general chat talking about how great D3 and G2 were going to be, then got bored with D3 after one runthrough, made it through a couple of beta weekends of G2 and started whining, and are now talking about.....Elder Scrolls Online. Since it's always best to overinflate your expectations for a game you can't yet play, then you can talk out your butt all you want about all the cool features it will have that NO OTHER GAME WILL EVER MATCH. Just like they did with SWTOR, then were disappointed that it wasn't the best MMO ever in the history of the world. They are never happy with any game for long, because no game can ever match the expectations they have in their head for said game.


    I have some friends who follow this pattern, and I just play with them when they're enjoying the high of a new game, and say sayonara when they get bored. They're almost always back for new content patches, despite how "boring" said game is. Because they go through games like disposable tissues, and therefore are always looking for something else to blow their figurative noses on, or wipe their figurative....well, you get the picture.


    Everyting they're saying with regards to BW was said at one time or another re Sony and EQ1 and EQ2, well before P2P ever came on the scene. Considering how long Warcraft has been kept on life support without P2P, and the dislike LA has for the concept, I think a full P2P scenario is a lot further in the future than the doomsayers would prefer. They so like to make those in six months, six weeks, heck, six days predictions.


    my words exactly :D

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