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Posts posted by SolarSaenz

  1. Late to the party, but I finally got around to playing the latest update.




    It had the taste of Rise of Skywalker (return of an Emperor we all thought was dead) and Endgame (everyone showing up to take down the big bad).


    But, At least in SWTOR, it makes a bit more sense for the Emperor to return (or try to) since there was still that loose end of the Emperor's original body.


    I am surprised however, that Revan, or Satele, or someone didn't say "Commander, do you read me? Commander, it's INSERT CHARACTER'S NAME HERE, can you hear me? On your left".


    I liked the design and look of mindscape. Those who made the game assets and brought them to life seemed, it looks like they actually tried.

    And, I'm glad the story update wasn't just a 1-2 minute cut scene with 3 dialogue choices.

    The final fight, while it was pretty cool, I didn't understand any mechanics or if there were even mechanics. I just kept attacking and trying not to die.

    Or, maybe attacking and not dying are the mechanics.


    Regardless, I can see that they were trying, and I appreciate that.


  2. There are, or rather, there were some solo missions on Ilum impside (presumably pubside too, but I've yet to play Ilum pubside) that could be done daily.


    With 4.0, they were removed.


    It was incredibly baffling and frustrating, especially because, to my knowledge, no devs even acknowledged this, much less explained why.


    Now, about three of said impside solo missions on Ilum are still doable, but only once per toon. And another one or two (going purely by memory, as it's been over two years since I've been able to do them) are no longer acquirable at all, not even to do once.


    I always enjoyed the (impside) Ilum dailies, even though there wasn't a weekly or anything like that. Ilum is a beautiful planet, and I find it relaxing and pleasant to do quests on it. I found the dailies a fun diversion and was doing them nearly every day.


    Please bring them back. Thanks :)


    First, I second the idea that the Ilum dailes should be returned. I would also like to see the return on Belsavis dalies (different from the Section X dailies)


    If I recall correctly, the removal of the Ilum (and Belsavis) dailies was poorly explained with a statement like "to stream line dailies" whatever that means.

    I have no knowlege of how SWTOR works "under the hood" so to speak, but I am guessing that the amount of effort it would have taken back them to keep the Ilum dailies as dailies in 4.0 was not worth it compared to their popularity. Remember, I'm just guessing.

    And, perhaps now, the feeling is that they'd rather focus on adding new content instead of rehashing old content (which might be new content, depending on when you started playing.... just saying...)

  3. I want to see fireworks return to the CM. I'd buy them!


    I wish they'd sell them twice a year. Once around 4th of July and in December during the Life Day season.


    I even made a post in the Suggestion Box sub forum a long time ago.


    I don't understand why they won't put them on sale. For me, it's kind of a "shut up and take my money" situation.

  4. Hey Eric,


    we are near end of June.

    What about new content this month?


    To be honest, I wasn't expecting any new content this month.

    *Actually, the earliest I was expecting new content would be around the fall.


    Believe it or not, I'm not griping against the game, mainly because the amount of content released last year and the roadmaps so far this year have set my expectations.


    *I think there is an argument to be made that the large majority of the PvP "content" announced in the last roadmap is not true content but just improvements to existing content, not counting the new Huttball map and Rishi stronghold. We'll have to wait and see what they do with that, and it's not out of the question that either one or both will be postponed until fall.

  5. It'll probably be some lame, half-baked faction war plot. That's the happening thing these days, after all.


    What I'd like is for it to be about finding new worlds (full of resources for the resource crisis, natch), exploring them, taming them, finding weird ancient ruins and horrible monsters and whatnot, some real Indiana Jones in Space adventures. But I am unoptimistic.


    What's really good about this guy's idea is even in this little snippet idea, there are things that potentially could fit into really all 8 classes if they wanted to go back to that direction (which I know, they likely never will at this point). Force users (particularly consulars and inquisitors) would be a perfect fit for finding ancient ruin and to add on, search for ancient force attuned things. BH and troopers and maybe even JKs and SWs could be all about fighting horrible alien monsters. Smugglers could be all about that Indiana Jones in Space adventure. And IAs could be up to...stuff.


    I think this guy had a fantastic idea, particularly that " Indiana Jones in Space adventures".

    And so, of course, what we will get whenever the expansion is release, will likely be none of that.

  6. *done :d_wink:


    Ugh. The "like" usage and addition of "and stuff". Don't forget about the constant misuse of "or whatever".


    I think you'd appreciate

    . Or even




    Like, The video LITERALLY made me like laugh out loud and stuff or whatever :p.

    (Seriously, the video made my day. I'm still smiling like a fool even as I write this).

  7. We are turning our attention to Guilds, their management tools and related competitive features.


    On topic (instead of being the grammar police) , I am a concerned about that statement.

    People still remember the fiasco that was GC when it was introduced in 5.0. And, it's fresh on people's mind how unpleasant the overhaul of Conquest was.

    Now, next on the hit list is guilds and guild management.


    Now, as for me, I don't participate in guilds. I haven't been a member of a guild since 2016. So, whatever changes will come regarding guilds probably won't affect me (unless they plan on "punishing" those of us who aren't in a guild).


    But, for those that are totally into guild stuff, I am concerned.

    What terrible things will they do to guilds now that guilds are up next for "improvements" Are these changes going to be as "exciting" as GC is/was?

    Are they going to completely mess up guilds and pat themselves on the back and then spend a good portion of 2019 "fixing" things?


    I hate to be a pessimist, but given the history of the game, I can't help but expect bad things. It may be pessimistic, but are my concerns without warrant?

  8. Love the idea of more cross-faction que'ing, however, why more huttball? That is literally the aids of PvP.


    It is not LITERALLY the aids of PVP.

    What you mean is you view huttball as the aids of PVP, figuratively speaking.


    I don't understand why people (in general) seemed to be in love with the word "literally" these days.

    Back in my day, people used the word "like" like every other word. Then, people used to love to add "and stuff" to the end of every sentence. And now, the word de jour is "literally" even when they actually mean figuratively. (Some people still use the word "like" generously in their sentences, and people still do add the "and stuff" to the end of their sentences.)


    Okay, I'm doing being the grammar police for today and will get off my soapbox.

  9. I'll be honest.


    The road map SOUNDS nice.

    But, I will take a wait and see approach before I allow myself to feel a little bit of warm fuzzies about the game.

    I'm more interested in the "Beyond September" stuff, and I seriously doubt I'm the only one.


    Real question.

    Are we not getting 5.10 in the summer? I posted in another thread that said that Scourge was returning in 5.10 as confirmed by dev in a live stream interview. If 5.10 is coming this summer, why not mention it in the road map?

    If 5.10 comes after summer, of course I'll live, but it would be nice to know either way.


    Can Keith (or someone) not explicitly tell us which companions are going to be returned in the new story line or before? I thought I heard somewhere here that the voice actors/actresses recording their lines like 6 months in advance. So, 6 months takes us close to the end of the year.


    Just so you people think I'm not all about just negative stuff, I like what I am hearing about the new PVP content coming. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like both current huttball pvp maps and hope the upcoming hutball pvp map is just as fun if not more.

    The strong hold pvp stuff sounds promising.

    Really, at least from just hearing about the upcoming pvp changes, there isn't anything that I (personally) am thinking "Not a great plan".

    I hope "new characters to meet and planets to explore in the new year" means EXPLORABLE, open world-ish planets like Voss or Tatoonie that can be revisited and aren't player instanced.


    I LOVE exploring planets like I did back in vanilla instead of places like Asylum that you can only visit during the story chapter and are kinda small or Zakuul where it feels like narrow corridors. I want to be able to stretch my legs.


    Also, again, just a question.

    Why is the Nightlife Nar Shaada/casino event shorter than previous years? It doesn't bother me, really. I'm just curious. I remember the Nar Shadda event lasting for like 2 months or more. Is my memory wrong, or is this event a lot shorter this year. And, if so, why is that?

  10. Players that focus on conquest have been providing a lot of feedback for the past couple months. Many still feel 5.9 did not address the punishing affect legacy restrictions has on alts.


    Are you guys done making changes to conquest with 5.9, or do the players have more to look forward to regarding legacy restrictions being lifted so alts are once again a viable source of conquest?


    Let me see how close I am to the "official" response (if any is even given to this thread).


    "We will continue to monitor conquest and listen to player feedback and make changes when and/or if appropriate".

  11. I enjoyed the Hutt Cartel with my Jedi Knight.


    What class is most fun for Revan?


    I have'm all




    I personally do not see any class as "better" or "more fun" to play than any other in general and for any expansion.


    That being said, the Sith Warrior has a few extra lines of dialogue at the end of the SoR story because (SW class story spoilers follow)


    As the SW, you are/were the Emperor's Wrath. I can't remember if there are special lines for the JK because the JK killed one of the Emperor's voices at the end of the JK class story.

    If any other class gets any other special lines of dialogue at the end, I cannot remember off the top of my head.

  12. Knight

    Kira Carsen

    Lord Scourge - Supposedly coming back in 5.10



    Was this officially stated? I'm not saying it wasn't, but if it was, I must have missed the announcement. I'm just wondering if this is just a rumor, where did it start?



    All Returned (Guess we know which class Bioware employees play)


    Charles Boyde, who I think is now the creative director, was the story writer or one of the story writers for the original trooper class story in swtor vanilla. So, there you go.

    About Tanno Vik (possible spoilers):


    I would like to note that Tanno Vik, while we do see him in KOTFE, is not able to be recruited. Also, I heard his voice actor died, so unless there are unused lines of dialogue for a return cut scene that were recorded before the VAs death, we may never see him again. I wish that BW would just move him to the companion window's section of dead or otherwise no longer available companions, like where Darth Marr is and put some blurb of text like "You met Tanno Vik on Asylum. He's found a new place in life, won't join you again, but still wishes you well."


    I also do not think it's a coincidence that the trooper (and merc on imp side) seem to have a significant advantage in pvp, even after the nerfs considering Charles Boyde's current position within BW and that he wrote or was part of the team that wrote the trooper class story .

    But, that's neither here nor there as far as returning companions are concerned.



    Jaesa - I don't believe they've said when LS Jaesa will return. DS Jaesa supposed to be back in 5.10


    Again, where was this stated? Is this a rumor or an official statement?


    I was kinda hoping after you recruit all your original class companions (for the classes who have had all their original companions returned) that there would have been a special cut scene where the PC addresses their 5 class companions. I was kinda hoping the PC would give a "the old band is finally all back together again" kind of speech and maybe, just maybe, have the class companions appear in the ship instead of the Odessen base. But, that totally didn't happen (or at the very least, hasn't happened yet).

  13. This contains spoilers for the recently released FP and story.

    And, this is not meant to be taken seriously, If it upsets you or makes you think I'm an idiot, just kindly move along. This post wasn't for you.

    This is just me having a bit of fun and sharing it with those who would appreciate it.




    When Theron shoots Vinn Atrius in what appeared to me around the chest area and after Vinn Atrius gets up again, I thought "You should have aimed for the head"






    When Theron got stabbed in the stomach towards the end of the FP when confronting Vinn Atrius, for a moment, I was wondering if we'd have to give up the time stone to save his life.






    When Zildrog woke up and made the Gravestone attack the Enteral Fleet, I was thinking that we (the PC) would lose the entire alliance and pretty much everything and that we'd become an outcast to Zakuul, the Empire, and the Republic. Then, we would have to seek asylum in Ishgard.



  14. If they do it ill unsub and leave the game. Ridiculous


    I'm not saying they are or are not justified in adding new augments at the intervals they have been.


    But, it's kinda standard MMO practice to always keep players on a seemingly endless gear hunt.

    SWTOR's method of earning gear is tied to CXP. So, maybe its hard for them to introduce a new tier of gear WITHOUT adding another X levels of GC, which likely would rub a considerable number of players the wrong way. Perhaps, introducing new augments is the best thing they can do for gear because perhaps adding a new tier of gear is out of the question.


    I would like to hold out hope that in 6.0, GC/CXP will be thrown out the window, but given how Kieth has said on record more than once something along the lines of he's fine with GC/CXP, I have next to no hope that GC/CXP is going anywhere.

  15. Just for completeness' sake : On May, 5th, there will be a small merchandising event for the new Han Solo movie.

    explain more please, plus source?


    I think the guy who said "Just for completeness' sake : On May, 5th, there will be a small merchandising event for the new Han Solo movie" was just joking. (But, I could be wrong :eek:).

  16. Enhancements do not count toward actual gear drops. Ill admit the screenshot in the OP is kind of funky, but the video still holds true to his claim of not getting gear.


    I *THINK* it might have something to do with the OPs character still being a Sith Warrior rather than a Juggernaut or a Marauder.

    That's just a guesstimate though seeing as how gear is supposed to drop based on your adv. and spec. As a Sith Warrior, you have neither chosen an adv. class nor a spec.

  17. Maybe it's not intended for "Warriors" to get gear, only Marauders and Juggernauts?

    Since gear drop depends on your spec...


    All snark, and incredulous feelings aside, how does the OP manage to still be a Sith Warrior? Didn't they change things some time ago so that you could no longer be a base class but had to upon character creation choose your adv. class? And, for existing character that hadn't chosen an adv. class, did you have to choose an adv. class upon logging into that character? (Reference the video in one of the OP's previous posts)

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