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Posts posted by tritonsquadjax

  1. As many before me have stated, even with the addition of unassembled components, PvP is not nearly as effective at gearing as PvE. This is a problem. Before 5.0 was released, devs constantly said they wanted ALL means of play to be rewarding gear t a streamlined rate, with harder content giving more than easier. This is not currently happening. Right now, to get a SINGLE piece of gear via only PvP, it takes:



    -Wrist/Waste: 73 (15 wins), 146 wins (30 wins)

    -Chest/Legs/Helmet/Feet/Hands: 95 wins (20 wins), 475 wins (100 wins)

    -Implants/Earpiece/Relics: 76 wins (16 Wins), 380 (80 wins)

    -Main hand/Offhand: 114 Wins (24 Wins), 228 wins(48 wins)

    -Minimum Wins to get from 0 gear to tier 3: 1229 Wins (258 Wins)

    *Numbers Estimated using Regular WZs or Solo Ranked + Only Winning (fastest way)

    Total wins required to get 1 piece, starting with no gear to Tier 3

    Total wins required to get 1 piece, starting with no gear to Tier 1

    Total wins required to get all gear of that cost combined, starting with no gear to Tier 3

    Total wins required to get all gear of that cost combined, starting with no gear to tier 1




    If each game averages 12 minutes (my average game length in regular WZs today, with me playing 22 matches today), this equates to 14748 minutes, 245.8 hours, or 10.24 days of game play.

    *Not calculating time in between queues which can sometimes be longer than actual matches




    During those 14748 minutes of PvP, If one averages 760 CXP/Win (number based on a rough estimate of my earnings without bonuses or boosts), and with an average of 4000 CXP/GC level (again rough average of all 300 levels), one can expect ~233 GC levels. In addition, if 10% of the crates you get drops purple or legendary gear (VERY VERY generous number especially when factoring in RNG luck and the tier of gear you actually need) you would get ~23 pieces of gear through only Galactic Command.




    Even though 23 pieces of gear (again generous) seems like a lot, if you only PvPd you would be averaging 1 piece of gear every 1053 minutes (17.5 hours) through PVP and 1 piece every 641 minutes (10.6 hours) through galactic command. Therefore, you would get 1 piece of gear every 398 minutes (6.64 hours) combining the two methods of gearing.



    If Bioware is serious about the 1 hour of game play = 1 command crate (i don't even think they said 1 hour of game play would be 1 piece of gear which is very very different), then this shows they definitely have some ways to go. This does not even factor in how impossible it is to win EVERY game.



    -Double (if not triple or quadruple) the drop rates of unnassembled components.


    this would significantly reduce time/wins required for gearing


    -GC Level NEEDS to be Class based (If not entirely legacy wide)


    This is necessary! If Galactic command took the highest GC rank from each base class+ mirror (ie all snipers, Gunslingers, Operatives, Scoundrels), it would encourage playing on Alts because you wouldn't be "starting over" on each different character, and you would be contributing towards multiple characters at once. However making it a shared rank for each advanced class+ mirror would also be a great improvement (ie Snipers and Gunslingers share their highest rank, and operatives and scoundrels share a different highest rank).


    -Bigger rewards on weekly missions


    This would make weeklies more relevant to characters as well as create a larger sense of reward for completing it


    -If not doubling the unassembled components earned, MAKE THEM AWARDED BY MERIT (medals, objective points, top dps/hps, mvp votes, etc.)


    This should be done regardless of other changes. Losing a match because of a 3v4, premade on other team, or other uncontrollable reasons should not punish players, especially if those players are outperforming the entirety of the winning team. This would add acknowledgment to better players while rewarding losing players better.





    -PVP takes literally hundreds of hours to gear

    -Unassembled components not being rewarded in high enough quantities

    -GC and PvP in their current states are VERY unfriendly to new players, and even unfriendly to veteran/skilled players




    Let me know what other changes you would reccommend, or let me know why i suck at math, pvp, or the game in general. I need more reasons to uninstall.


    Math: *is possibly/probably flawed/wrong


    Wrist 75+115+175 = 365 / 5 = 73 * 2 (Wrist + Waist) = 146

    Helmet 100+150+225 = 475 / 5 = 95 * 5 (Helmet + Chest+ Gloves +Pants + Boots) = 475

    Implants 80+120+180 = 380 / 5 = 76 * 5 (2 Implants + 2 Relics + Earpiece) = 380

    Main Hand 120+180+270 = 570 / 5 = 114 * 2 (Main Hand + Offhand) = 228

    Total required 146+475+380+228 = 1229


    1229 * 12 = 14748 / 60 = 245.8 / 24 = 10.2


    1229 * 760 = 934040 / 4000 = 233.51

    233.51 * .1 = 23.351


    14748 / 14 (number of gear slots purchasable with unassembled components) = 1053.42

    14748 / 23.351 (number of gear pieces earned though GC) = 631.57

    14748 / 37 (combined gear earned through unassembled components and GC) = 398


  2. That's exactly why they did it now. They didn't want all alts having 2mil per conversion. They want you to lose them if you don't spend them. :rolleyes:

    Makes perfect sense, sadly.

    Well considering there are peope out there (myself included) who have over 500k warzone comms across their legacy (200k on one of my character alone), there should be some sort of compensation for having that many, not a punishment.

  3. Woud you guys consider bringing back the ability to transfer Warzone comms up until early access? You DID only give us about a few hours heads up before you took them away, resulting in many of us having hundreds of thousands of comms stuck on one character and others not having any. This would go a long way to help us truly prepare for KotET launch.
  4. Hey eric why the change on social titles? Will there be any ways to get the original titles? Also can you add social point rewards to PvP considering it requires being more "social" than FPs (8 people per team vs 4 people).


    Its irritatng having a valor 100 character with social tier 2.

  5. Gametype - Warzones

    Name - Tholde

    Class - Operative

    Categories - Solo kills: 10, Killing Blows: 17

    Link- http://i.imgur.com/3U38SiK.png


    Gametype - Warzones

    Name - Bigbad'topps

    Class - Powertech

    Categories - Total Kills: 64

    Link- http://i.imgur.com/LhMq95x.png


    Gametype - Warzones

    Name - Jester

    Class - Mercenary

    Categories - Total Kills: 47, Killing Blows: 22 Solo Kills: 2

    Link- http://i.imgur.com/AQMeVYI.png


    Gametype - Warzones

    Name - Bigbad'topps

    Class - Powertech

    Categories - Solo Kills: 8

    Link- http://i.imgur.com/6Xtggi1.png

  6. First, when i need to farm low level mats its a little tedious to have to go through each companion, select the mission grade i want, then send out the companion, only to have to do this again on 6 different companions. Is there a way to make it so when one companion is sent on a lower-than-max grade mission, all other companions will default to that grade automatically? IE if i send yuun out on a mission for grade 4 stuff, can it just default all other companions to grade 4 missions.


    Second, can you implement some system in order to reduce the list size of all craftable armor? Right now i have every armormech schematic ever, and when i open the drop down list the game freezes for 3-4 seconds. If we could have the list broken down instead of just archive, to maybe medium armor archive and heavy armor archive that would be great.


    Thirdly, as someone stated before, can we get sort by option for companions in order to sort them from Most affection to Least or vice versa.

  7. Just to clarify:

    This post isn't really meant for players but more for devs. Its supposed to mean that no dev could ever say we want to know what you'd like to see, what do you want, or things of that nature.


    That being said, i do appreciate the feedback and hope it keeps coming! As for quitting the game, i don't feel that would solve anything. Bioware needs to feel PvP is profitable enough to fix. If all PvPers quit there would be no real reason to fix it (and yes i know its more complicated than that.

  8. I've been writing and deleting this post for an hour or so trying to make a sort of picture perfect essay that outlines how BW can save PvP, but I give up. So here is a generic, simple, uncomplicated list of what I, myself, belive is wrong with PvP, and things i think can be changed.


    -No Content for months. Last actual piece of true pvp content was quesh huttball, one of the most unpopular matches it seems.

    -Zero Bioware Support for the PvP community. PvP, other than GSF which died a while ago, is the worst treated group of players bioware has. AT FREAKING STAR WARS CELEBRATION THEY ANSWERED QUESTIONS ON WOOKIES AND HAIRSTYLES OVER AN ACTUAL ASPECT OF THE GAME!? The best time to draw new players into the game, highlight its amazing pvp potential, but "we" wanted to know about wookies and hairstyles. Need i say more.

    -No reason to PvP. Crap rewards for ranked. Crap rewards for Regs. ZERO (literally) rewards for open world PvP.

    -Horrible class balancing. Sorcs, Juggs, PT's, and Sins.


    So many more problems but i literally got too depressed to list them all. Now, how to fix PvP? (Again, my own opinion)


    -New content updates. New Warzones such as an actual Capture the flag, Deathmatch, Ranked huttball, free for all, reskins of old arenas, etc.

    -CONSTANT feedback from Devs to players. We should never go a day without seeing a clear post or reply from an actual PvP Dev. A simple "Nice post" or "what do you mean by this" or even "Lol" from a dev to show they are reading the forums would be the BEST revival source for PvP.

    -New Rewards. More credits, more comms, more valor. OR specialty mounts, gear, titles for regular warzones. Yes i understand that this would potentially hurt ranked player numbers, but frankly, we need a larger PvP population in general before we move to discussing ranked.

    -Better RANKED rewards. Wither give us more rewards, or more creative ones. I mean, a reskin of a sky cutter or whatever its called is hardly an acceptable top tier reward.

    -Incentive to do open world PvP. There is no reason to attack enemy bases or players because you dont get good rewards. Sure there is Conquest but that is a weak excuse.

    -ADVERTISE your PvP, not cover it up by some crappy stronghold or yet another story arc that will take us 2 hours to complete and then never need to do again.


    Again, this list is relatively small, uncomplicated, and probably badly written, but its an attempt. My whole point here is there needs to be an increase in ideas listed plainly and easily for bioware to see. Yes I understand that almost every post in this Forum is an idea, but somehow bioware asks us to tell them what we want in the forums. Seriously, watch the Anaheim stream. They asked us to post in the forums with our ideas and they would take a look......


    So feel free to rip this thread to shreds, add your own ideas, complaints, or arguments. Make it so brutally clear for bioware that if no help is given to the PvP community, that they will soon not have a PvP community.

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