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Posts posted by Rivalll

  1. Yeah, that's a great idea actually.

    Would be nice to have that armor as legacy gear together with other Remnants.


    But knowing BW, they'll probably add it via cartel packs and make it non-dyeable pink - because they can.


    Yeah which I hope they don't do and just add it like they do now I never played to much in SoR but after looking at a lot of the sets it would be nice to see it return again.

  2. Its sad to watch all of you complain about why or why not we need macros. If you dont want them then dont use them but there are other ppl who like to so you shouldnt be sitting here making ppl play the way you play because u cant make a macro or couldnt make one in wow boo hoo for you. Macros and Addons may be boring for some but not for others not everyone thinks the way most of the ones who bag on Macros/Addons. If you dont like them here is the simply anwser. DONT USE THEM.:o:o
  3. I have problems with spell delay as well, when doing my priority system the way im suppose , i usually hit the next spell right after the first but sometimes when i do hit the next spell it does not go off or my charatcer looks like he's about to do it but then doesnt, then this usually puts it back on to a GCD and i haft to keep hitting it until it goes off.
  4. Rightfully? You feel you are entitled to a certain type of armor style in an MMO?


    Here are your choices.



    2)wait it out and see if later gear changes to how you like it

    3)see step 1


    (Bioware has bigger things to worry about right now)


    Like what? Making a Hood up and Hood Down option for a companion or to unify there armor ? or wait the ever so stupid adaptive gear looks like theeeyyy sure have bigger things to worry about right now.

  5. Just like Wow. Very sad about this.


    I got to 50 and then it turns out that to get the best gear you have to basically do the same mind numbingly boring daily missions every day.


    You cant compete in warzones without the best gear. Skill is irrelevent. All that matters is that you put the hours in to get the best gear there is.


    There is no open world pvp. So all you can do is flashpoints. Sure they will be very fun but there arent that many and to do them I need to grind for gear by doing the same daily missions over and over.


    The top gear should be easy to obtain so you dont have to put your life on hold just to compete in pvp. And in each big patch and expansion they will add new top gear anyway (like in 1.2). So whats the point? You grind the best gear to make you competitive in warzones and then they will add new gear and you have to do the boring grind again.


    It is a con to keep addicted people playing and subbed. It is lazy game design. Instead of keeping people playing with fun things to do they keep addicts playing by adding new gear that they have to grind towards.


    There is no open world pvp (ilum so far never over 20 people on my "full" server). And even if there was it would suck because you would need to put in a massive gear grind to be competitive.


    My recommendations:


    1, When you add ranked warzones make it so that everyone gets identical gear for these. That way the rankings will reflect skill and not who has put in the most hours to get the most op gear.


    2, Make the best gear take under 10 hours at level 50 to get - then people can do whatever raids/hard mode flashpoints and open world pvp that they want without being gimped for having a life outside of swtor


    3, Introduce open world pvp with faction wide buffs for the team "in control" of the battle. This must give valor which should be used to give people things like custom armour which just looks cool.


    I have unsubbed this game because the gear grind is the worst kind of end game content. Lazy and unimaginative.


    your a joke learn to work for your gear and stop asking for things to be handed to you on a silver platter, MMOs are about Raiding , Pvp, Casual Playing etc why should BW just hand u some gear u didn't haft to work for?

  6. I suppose being able to play a broken, buggy game is better than waiting a couple hours to play a working, not-buggy game.


    Like the guy above me said, go out drinking for a couple hours.


    lol thats funny, because they never fix it you still return to a buggy broke game ;);)

  7. Hey Bioware,

    i have a great suggestion, try adding in stuff that people actually need , you put in adaptive armor in, does the game really need that? No, does the new companion feature really need to be put in so ur companion can have a hood or helmet off No. Try fixing all of your bugs and makin the game more stable before you add more BS like that in.

    p.s Fix the marauder armor ur kinda lagging on it.

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