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Posts posted by superteddybear

  1. Similar symptoms on Satele Shan, Taris. Didn't really notice it yesterday, but definitely today. People in chat also reporting same thing. But game is still playable for me, it's more of a nuisance. Although it happens every few minutes, the pauses only last a couple seconds.
  2. this thread is old but i couldn't find a newer, related one on google. i haven't had any points from doc in any mission convos on any planet, and i have just finished hoth and the hoth bonus. i've tried every combination of choices. however, i did skip some side missions. i did get some points with him in mission convos on balmorra, but it was only while he was a guest and was a required companion or was an npc inside the mission. i feel like something is bugged or else they made him have no points at all to make you buy gifts or something. has anyone gotten any points? do they occur after hoth? i think i'll just skip trying to get him points and unlocking his personal convos, taking up too much credits to buy gifts.


    update: well i finally got a measely 60ish points from a convo i got on tython after finishing hoth. i tested rusk and he got probably double that. seems like points suck for doc. i hope he starts getting more on next planet.

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