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Posts posted by chisaineko

  1. My favorite spec is hybrid (which everyone hates... for vastly different reasons).. in this spec I run 400ish k when you add healing and dps together, as opposed to 400ish (400-500)k as either straight dps or as a healer. Doesn't seem to matter much which dps tree they're about the same, lightning depends more on standing still which without a good team doesn't work well for survivability. Madness is much more burst and perfect for hammering down someone who is low health, a support dps who can drop 8k in 2 seconds to finish off a hard to kill target is very helpful for the heavy dps on your team, especially when that person is also doling out stun-bubbles and healing sporadically. Most people don't understand that having a healer who can shift from healing to stuns to brief dps and back to healing is a major advantage. Having for 3 seconds 6 dps instead of 5 can make a huge difference on first contact with the enemy. Most people don't understand that tactic... sorcs have their uses, but it takes a really good player to pull it off.


    As a hybrid though, I've been the most effective in a not well understood role of interdiction, distraction, and manipulation of the enemy. Helpful if you can also then stun-bubble people and heal them through rough fights. My dps as a hybrid is enough to kill most single targets who aren't expecting the sorc to fight back... surprise ! :) When they've seen me before (died... learned) the next time is usually unpleasant for me, they use the big hits knowing I'll stun them over and over. Be nice if BW upped the sorc damage some 20% or so .. but I can live without it; Most of the time.


    For ranked, the sorcerer is woefully outclassed... not sure what BW was thinking making a class who's best dps is based on lucky crits. As a straight healer we're second to every other healer. As a straight dps we're second to every other dps. The only redeeming factor is the bubble stun, with out the stun we wouldn't be in ranked war zones at all.



    50 Sorcerer


    ps. if you're in a wz with the highest valor its a bad sign...

  2. Hello BW .. it is absolutely ridiculous that I as a pre-50 player cannot:

    1. Collect as many commendations as possible, and save them for something useful. REMOVE the LIMIT.

    2. Buy level 50 items even if I am not level 50.

    3. Buy the Armorings, Mods, and Enhancements separately from the appearance armor.



  3. Guilds should be able to get starships... a starship would have benefits for the characters in the guild based on where it is currently located. Such as a tradeskill bonus for different crew skills, or a better trade costs for either buying or selling items guild members collect (on the starship of course). Moving the starship should be (low bonuses) 4 man group, (mid bonuses) 8man op), or (high bonuses) 16 man op. This could open other operations for different sectors, and even space missions.


    It would be neat for guilds to be able to buy better starships if only for bragging rights, limited by the operations class of the main characters. A 16man tionese op wouldn't be much of a starship, but the 16 man campaign would.



  4. It is absurd that any single class can kill a 19k hp pvp War Hero geared Sorcerer in 2 seconds. It is also absurd that a WH geared sorcerer is limited to doing an equivalent amount of damage in no less than 15 seconds. The sorcerer class lacks sufficient damage from burst dps, so as to make the class nearly useless. Please repair this imbalance.


    I recommend making force lightning do more damage the closer the target is to the sorcerer, as:

    under 4m, 3x damage

    under 10m, 2x damage

    over 10m, normal damage



  5. I play a DPS sorc, and *can* do well if I'm left alone. Pulled over 700 DPS (no, not 700k total damage; 700 DPS) :


    fyi.. 700 dps is terrible, you should be hitting at least 1600 dps. Even if you were hitting 1600 dps, next to a sentinel who is dishing out 4500 dps or more (damage per second) a sorcerer is ridiculously low damage. Hate to say it.. but sorcerers die often to people doing 18k damage in 3 seconds. It is unfortunate that we cannot return the favor.


    What happened to the idea of the ranged glass cannon? Sorcerers are meant to be flimsy, but we are also supposed to hurt things badly. As it is, the absolute best we can do is.. still bad.



    50 pvp sorcerer

  6. Been playing with overload, and have a few observations:

    1. It is a clear nerf.


    2. The range of the knock back is definitely shorter. Tested this out on Voidstar bridges, the old version would knock an enemy off from the right side of the bridge off the left side. The new version will not knock someone off, unless they are on the left side of the bridge .. off the left side. If the person to be knocked off is even close to the center then they will land on the edge of the bridge. Clearly a nerf.


    3. The damage from overload is so low as to make it useless except for the 2 second stun. Which is equally useless for running away from everything.



    50 pvp sorc

  7. The single most boring part of playing an alternate character is repeating the same generic world quests over and over. It is so boring that doing it more than twice is never going to happen. I would rather buy a new game, dump the subscription on this one and play that instead of repeating the same missions .. kill 10, kill 20, kill bleh! B O R I N G!


    Make a flag which says.. If you have a level 50 character increase the experience from the individual class story to compensate, and let us enjoy the content.


    thanks :)



  8. Well the answer should be quite simple..


    Make all of the bubbles act like a remote detonated mine, triggered by the caster which stuns everyone around each one when triggered by the original caster. :)



    50 pvp sorc heals/bubbles/dps :)

  9. Does make you wonder why the PVP gear is less useful than the PVE gear. Is there some reason a full set of WH armor is not equal in main stats to Campaign/Black Hole armor?


    If I were bioware, the only real difference between Campaign and WH is that someone using WH in PVE would pay a premium 10-20% to fix the armor.



  10. I'm only saying the talent should be lowered in the tree if it is changed to only affect the caster. It's a high tear talent right now, and it affects everybody. If it no longer affects everybody it's value is significantly diminished and should be a much lower tear talent.


    Just think of the advantage.. if they move the stun bubble from the lightning tree to say, the healer tree then no one will play lightning at all. As dps goes lightning is terrible, all sustained high casting times which is useless in pvp and the damage done is really low even in great gear; The only value is the stun bubble which might help your team.


    Seriously.. balancing the sorcerer, if they remove the stuns from bubbles on other players or change the resolve limits (so everyone will always be immune) then Bioware needs to multiply the damage on dots times 10, and at least double the damage on force lightning.


    Taking away the bubble stun would be a serious nerf akin to just deleting the class, or say, removing any reason for a sorcerer to be played in pvp at all.



    50 WH Sorcerer - heals, bubbles, and dps.

  11. Oh god.. a sorcerer actually topped the dps chart, and *GASP* killed a sentinel. Quick nerf the sorcerers so that won't happen.


    Its reactions like this one which is killing this game.


    Nevermind the complete frustration of having to buy two entire sets of WH armor to get one decent one.



    50 pvp sorc.. (yes, I heal sometimes)

  12. It's been said over and over and over, the problem isn't with the Sorc/Sage bubble, it's with everyone else getting the bubble.


    Okay.. so I am a sorcerer who uses bubbles to protect my team, the guy standing next to me. Someone hits him and pops the bubble.. the stun stops the guy who is trying to kill me for a couple of seconds, hey opportunity I might be able to cast a heal. Can't re-bubble the guy for a while.. but I might be able to heal 3-4k of the damage which went through the bubble. What a novel concept, the addition of two people... making your 1v1 battle into a 1v2 battle might mean that you cannot insta kill me (the sorcerer) nor the guy I'm protecting. Heck, we might even win.. scary idea.


    The stun should be longer though.. 6 seconds at least.



    WH heals/bubbles/dps sorc

  13. If anything my greatest pet peeve are those doors which favor the winning team heavily in games like Huttball. It would be nice if the losing team doors' would activate faster than the winning team doors.


    The game is way more fun, vastly more fun, when the event is close.. nearly a tie. No one likes games 30 - 0. They like the winning point 31-30, with both teams on the edge of their seats right to the end.



    WH heals/bubble/dps sorc

  14. Proposed fix for recruit gear disparity.


    Issue recruit gear to the first appropriate story mode level under 50. At level 50 issue BM gear to the new level 50 PVPer. Problem fixed.


    There isn't much worse than joining a level 50 war zone and having 5 recruit geared people on your team, while facing down an elite enemy team. Its not fun for anyone. Having played on both sides, the winning WH geared team and the (dang) recruit geared team, it is BORING.



    WH heals/bubbles/dps sorc

  15. ....seriously.. ?


    Why do you want to nerf sorcerers again? They have one ability which gives them a modicum of survival by stunning melee people nearby.. (gasp) nearby the sorcerer. They have to be nearby the melee person who uses it, to have cast it in the first place. The one class who with full WH armor is still squishy, and who can hold off a single WH marauder for 20 seconds (out of interrupts then) for 2 whole bubbles somehow needs to be NERFED again, why?


    Don't forget those sentinels and marauders do 3.8k damage through the bubble on a smash. The commandos can do upwards of 5k through the bubble. The full WH sorcerer only has 20k health, or about 25k with a bubble up. The stun doesn't last long enough to kite or run away without teammates near by to help.


    How about Bioware increases the damage Affliction does from 200 a second to 500 a second, so the ability would actually have a use in a war zone? How about fixing Overload so that it does force damage 8-10k... instead of 1.2k? How about making Overload work behind the sorcerer so that it can be a viable trick for running away from certain death? How about making force slow hit for enough damage, say 1k a tick so that it is worth wasting the refresh time to cast it?


    By the way.. how about making force lightning do more damage the closer the target is to the sorcerer... 1k a tic at 30m, 2k at 20m, and 3k at 10m... give those melee's a reason to use tactics assaulting the easy kill target.



    50 WH heals/bubble/dps sorc

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