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Posts posted by dermax

  1. These are some great tips for everyone. I've been rolling around as a scout, but I think I'm going to go heavy on my strike fighter today. I just missed the gunship subscription date, which is too bad because my previous PvP experience has primarily been on WoT, so a long-range TD in space sounds like something I'd like. I wonder how folks are getting around the, in my opinion, crazy mouse sensitivity? Using a mouse for flying is about the most unnatural thing I can think of, but even in WoWP (which has very similar controls) it doesn't seem this difficult to line up good shots. Until they (hopefully) allow mouse sensitivity to be changed, any tips?
  2. I'd just like to add my voice to those that would like the ability to change the sensitivity on the mouse, if nothing else. Right now it has such a hair trigger that the slightest mouse movement is a matter of virtual life and death. I generally play a scout (a complete departure from the sniper that I play in every other game like this, but I missed the gunship by a couple days). I was suprised by how well I actually do. Always in the middle of the pack, I'm not a boss, but I don't truly suck either. I play the scout by zooming in fast, firing, and then pulling out quickly; using the terrain to pull off moves that, when they work, are quiet sweet. The key point is *when they work*.


    Now I'll take half the blame; when you get hit it's human nature to try to get away quickly... that leads to jerky mouse movements. On too many occasions, however, the difference between zooming past that asteroid and flipping into an ungodly spin that ends by slamming into said asteroid is a centimeter of mouse movement. I can understand that if a game is built around mouse and keyboard, joystick support might be difficult to do (although I support adding it for the grognards), but I can't see a single reason why mouse sensitivity isn't an option.

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