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Posts posted by andytvster

  1. any update on this skippy? i just ran into this same issue and i'm going to be upset if its something that ridiculous why i am unable continue with the story. If they have a system that raises or lowers your level to meet the standards of any place in the game why would they then restrict you from playing there because your toon isn't that level? especially since the experience scales as well.ran into the same issue with makeb you now have to be level 50 in order to start makeb. O.o



    Found out that you DO need to be level 55 in order to do the SM which makes me a little unhappy on why they would change that it makes no sense. *facepalm. I'm one of those players that only does storyline missions to level and without xp boost events its impossible to always get to the required level now by certain missions. I see now point in grinding thru missions that are always the same no matter which toon you are on. At least each story is unique to the class.

  2. While talking with a few guild buddies in ravagers we were discussing how some of the new recent boss fights were really cool and some other new bosses they you guys could produce and we thought of a new OP. A cool Ops mechanic/ encounter we haven't seen yet would be to have an 8-10 boss total rotate at random each time you run it but only have 4 or 5 each time in the OP that you have to face. We thought that might add a really interesting mechanic to an ops to allow for an abundant amount of fun because the OP would never get stale as it would always change of the boss combinations would take a long time before anyone had done every combination of the bosses. If you really wanted to get creative you could even have each boss have 2 or 3 main mechanics that varied based on the combination of which Bosses were paired together for that particular raid OP day.
  3. As the title says i have been unable to get my progress bar working or responsive since trying to relaunch my swtor application as of 2 days ago. I have also tried letting it sit for over 10+ hours twice now and even with a slow connection this should have finished but without any luck. I have also relaunched the application multiple times and even removed my bitraider folder to see how that effected it without success. Would appreciate any advice to fix this issue. Thanks for the help.



  4. So i didn't notice anyone post about this so if i'm wrong, bite me and if i'm right then lets get the ball rolling. This post isn't for all those that like to sit behind a computer and complain so those that get a kick out of trolling have fun getting a kick out of no response. Second, I would like a response from a GM or someone that "IS'NT" in tech support that will simply tell me "I will forward your concerns to our developers, and thank you for you imput". The problem with this mission is simply this: too many people too few of bosses and/or their respawn timers. When you combine servers and then expect people to do a mission that requires you to kill a certain mob, but it isn't up but every 3 hours, you almost have to spawn camp in order to make the mission doable.

    Twice now, me and my fellow guildies have gone around searching for any of the world bosses on the list to be up only to find out all are dead, and we've wasted another hour or so of game time. Some things are meant for a person to grind for, that i understand. What i don't understand is, those things are usually around when it involves some type of vanity item, and this simply isn't the case. In hopes that this is read and the problem isnt just simply adressed but fixed, i would add to this by bringing up the example of dreadtooth. This world boss would have also fallen under the problematic situation that i state now except for the fact that it was fixed when you, bioware, changed the respawn timer to 30 minutes. So now i say, "why hasn't this been done for all the bosses within Priority Targets". Thats really all i have to say. I only wish for this to be fixed. Thanks for your time and i hope this has a response soon.

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